>he doesn't have a doctorate in Film Studies
>he thinks he is qualified to talk about and critique films on an artistic level
He doesn't have a doctorate in Film Studies
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm qualified on an autistic level
Does/has anyone here actually studied film in a university setting?
if i ever got a degree in anything film related i sincerely hope someone would fucking shoot me.
if you need a piece of paper for an artistic medium (as a filmmaker or reviewer/failed filmmaker) you are either a colossal retard or have literally no talent. usually both.
4/10, replied
No the most film study background I have is that I read this thing a couple times and I discuss films irl with some nerds in this local cinema that puts on events for shit like the room and other really bad B movies then talks about them over beers. Cute girls too,
I took a film class in high school.
Top that
I took Intro to Film Studies in my first year of undergrad and got an 83. Also took media studies in ninth grade, which was more about making movies than studying them.
As big of a meme as stem has become, film studies will always be the number 1, and original, meme degree.
The practical knowledge is invaluable. The artistic elements they teach are always optional. Expression in film is never taught. It is ALWAYS developed. Without exception. If you don't have the guts to try that, you should not make films.
I was hoping someone would post the video.
Well, I think that, you probably wont say it again
I took a film/literature course in community college, we watched some good movies but our textbook was literally jusr chalked full of SJW shit (like saying Scar from Lion King was a homosexual stereotype and the movie was evil for not using black voice actors to voice animals in Africa).
I ended up failing it because I stopped giving a fuck about the homework and just wanted to watch good films in class.
I have taken Film Appreciation and History of Film I & II, learned nothing but I did watch a few movies I wouldn't have seen otherwise
I have an MFA in Cinematic Arts from USC.
Batman v Superman was a great film, btw.
desu it makes you less qualified.
I study film at pace university, im in my 3rd year.
>two years actually chris
God i love jim rome, hes sich a prick
He's based and Sup Forums's official guy.
I have my masters in Cinema Studies.
Dubs don't lie
listen to any idiot who has no formal education try to talk about a film
>Oh the cinematography is great in this one
>The editing really matches the tone
>I love the use of long-takes
nothing but literal buzzwords and memes. if you don't actually love film enough to study it and become immersed in the art medium, then don't give your IMDB-tier "thoughts" or "critiques" or "analyses"
Me too
pretty fun class
I've read over eighty books on film according to Goodreads. I've watched the whole western canon. I read Cahiers du Cinema assiduously. I'm pretty sure I would BTFO the average movie graduate in an analytical level, yet I've never stepped foot in an university.
I'm making in media studies and screen production at the moment. I shifted from Law into film, because at the end of the day, I just want to be happy.
>he went to film school
see you at starbucks kid
My whole fucking band makes fun of me for liking film and they all work in film. It's a pretty awful job.
>Sup Forums's official guy