Is this a perfect movie?
Is this a perfect movie?
define perfect
no its reddit trash
in every way
it's hardly even a flick
If you like shit
For action and mere entertaining? Probably, it's 2 hours of shootings and car persecutions
Sure if you don't know a thing about movies and stuff
I'm definitely in the minority here, but I would say so. I keep rewatching it to see if I can spot any problems with continuity or plot points and it's rocksteady. The characters which appear shallow actually have depth, it's just not revealed through dialogue (just watch the prize breeders to see how much thought was put into each character)
A movie that has nothing that needs nothing added, and nothing that should be removed. Not a single wasted second of content. Well cast, written and acted.
no it was a soulless hollywood shitfest, the film equivalent of a Big Mac. none of the social commentary, spirit or atmosphere of the original. only marvel loving autistic man children who like big bang bangs and loud noises on the screen would enjoy this shit.
>Near total universal acclaim
>in the minority
Forget it, Jake. It's Sup Forumstown. You're totally surrounded by hipsters on this board. People on here just pretend to hate movies like Mad Max because it's popular.
ain't that movie australian?
i gotta say the direction is solid, but the script is weak and naive to the point of being retarded and the message/themes are hamfisted in such a carelessly brutal way to be kinda self-defeating, landing somewhere between elysium (JUST) and gattaca (still bretty good)
its bad enough that it makes the movie feel like a joke but still interesting as an exercise in filmmaking
7/10, too bad miller is a cuck
i don't know why i open FURY ROAD threads on Sup Forums
maybe i just enjoy getting triggered by all of the autism
The months following Fury Road's release were filled with great discussion. Then the movie turned out to be incredibly popular, and the hipsters of Sup Forums couldn't dare to be seen to like something that other people like.
Original was, this new one is not. Terribly cast with a bi-sexual britbong and that haggard yank bitch Charlize. Big "star" power did not stop this movie from tanking and they could have cast no name Aussie actors to provide more legitimacy and saved millions as well. But Hollywood is run by accountants and Jews so that paint by the numbers brainless action fest was what we got. Glad it failed, it deserved to.
>made more than twice its budget back in an off-season release
>97% on Rotten Tomatoes
>six academy award wins out of ten nominations
Yep. Sounds like a total failure.
Is this a perfect movie?
Nah the ending (dude lets turn around and kill joe that way) was kind of a let down
Ah yes the adorable revisionism
Are we going to have more fun like yesterday?
It didn't make a profit, fyi.
What revisionism? I'm not saying that Sup Forums 'used to be good,' because it's never been good. Fact of the matter is that we can actually have pretty good discussions, even now, so long as a movie isn't popular, or well liked.
>Budget: $150 million
>Box office: $378.4 million
yes. this movie was made by men, for men, and is perfect in every way.
we've come so far that max eats double-headed lizards and turns into sir gruntsalot without even for one second matching the charismatic performance mels delivered with his interpretation over 30 years ago
what a wonder also that whereas in road warrior everyone was hunting for gas because it was so rare and precious here this seems to be not an issue. even less so considering that the villain has a party bus in his entourage with a freak who plays a flame-shooting guitar. and all of the characters drive through the desert for days because re-fuiling is of no concern. gasoline seems to exist aplenty. water not so much, therefore the baddie advises not to get addicted to it. like you can go without i
the digital look of the film, combined with its use of CGI, makes it easily the ugliest film in the series maybe even of this year. the plot a plot? is basically non-existent and where it shimmers through (like zoe kravitz nipples through her shirt) it just proves to be ludicrous, in a film that feels like three hours because it's that repetitive. this is man of shit all over again: one action scene that we have to watch over and over and over. they're driving, shooting, explosions, driving, explosions, shooting, driving, shooting, explosions. after 45 minutes I struggled to keep my eyes open and awake due to it's lack of anything interesting
maybe miller should return to making animated films about dancing penguins
>le ebin rictus quote maymay
Studio takes roughly half of that gross box office and that didn't include the marketing costs buddy. It was a commercial failure; that in my opinion was justly deserved. They shit on the source material and turned an Australian icon into a brain dead Hollywood turd. You could have changed the name of the film and the titular character and it would have changed nothing. Added nothing to the franchise and was a boring, pointless watch.
Your arguing from the free market doesn't actually mean anything. The awards that it earned, along with the near universal acclaim has more than justified its existence and signals that a sequel or two will be released. Can't really say anything to the rest of your comment, since it's all subjective criticisms.
That was wonderful fun.
>cinematic skills set
It failed to turn a profit for its production company = no sequel. At least not for a while and not directed by Miller that is for sure. You're a moron if you can't see that. All of its awards were special effects and worthless. It was not a good movie and was not acclaimed by any critics of note. Sorry your childish special effects vehicle failed but this is Sup Forums and you should evolve your tastes a bit better. People are not going to respond well to lowest common denominator crap here.
lmao are you retarded? Civil War cost as much to make and look how much it needed to turn a profit
$400 mil was abysmal
remove the old women and it would have been
She's fucking South African, you retarded faggot.
Sometimes I forget where I am, and think that I can have an actual, substantive discussion. And then I'm reminded.
Did you even bother to look at the list of awards? What the nominations were for, and where they were coming from? Have you looked at the critics who have praised the movie, or how many 'top ten' lists it was put on?
Just for reference:
And yes, it didn't turn as much of a profit as the latest entry in a multi-billion dollar franchise did. It was a sequel to a franchise, where the latest movie to come out for said franchise was almost thirty years previous. Of course it didn't make an enormous amount of money, and the studio knew it, thus the small marketing effort.
she is a US citizen and has lived in the USA since a teenager.
I guess Arnold Schwarzneggar is Austrian to you right? haha you retarded faggot :^)
The first Back to the Future is the only movie I'd ever call perfect.
Do you really think that the studio would make another one of these with it incurring a financial loss? You obsessive fans are so stupid that you ignore reality in the hope to have more children's shit served up to you.
>it won awards for shit no one cares about and some redditor critics said it was "Fun!"
>it doesnt matter if it didnt make any profits because its awards will guarantee a sequel!!
please tell me u are 15 years old. you are beyond dumb
That opinion is on shaky ground, user.
Once again
>Budget: $150 million
>Box office: $378.4 million
Really long chase movie is nominated for best picture.
perfection in film is the ultimate realization of the films goals, executed in a errorless way
I'm sorry that it didn't come with a free can of PBR and some mustache wax.
is this a troll?
box office / 2 = $190 million
marketing costs = 50 million
190 - 50 million - 150 million budget = $10 million dollar LOSS incurred by studio
educate yourself dumb ass
And the winner was Dateline: Pedophilic Priests
And that's the box office. You think the movie hasn't more than made up that difference by now?
Yes, he is. You are where you come from, not where you go.
She grew up entirely somewhere else. That shit ain't 'Merica.
makes sense though
miller has always been chasing that oscar and the oscars are chasing plebeian teens
arnold is far more american than austrian. he takes voice lessons to keep his austrian accents for his movie roles. same goes for charlize. she grew up a lot in europe too iirc.
does that make Predator and Robocop perfect films too?
There are numerous references to this movie being a flop commercially if you can't wrap your head around basic math. Why do you think there isn't discussion about a sequel if it was so successful?
Why do Mad Max villains always die like bitches?
There's been plenty of discussion about a sequel. Only reason why it isn't moving forward is because Miller wants to do something else before the next movie.
No but this is
is there anything that isn't reddit by Sup Forums's standard nowadays...?
It's a nearly perfect action film and in terms of how it was shot you couldn't have done much better. However it has script issues that other better films don't have, but it isn't really fair to compare air-tight drama films to a 2 hour car chase film.
Refn apart from Drive
Hardy and Theron were boring and clearly didn't give a shit
The designs for the cars and Immortan Joe were cool as were the practical effects
6/10 and not a patch on The Road Warrior
robocop yes. predator, great, but not perfect
only god forgives