>Careful monsieur, ze bucket is hot!
Careful monsieur, ze bucket is hot!
Le fuck off nigger
The bucket is never hot
the hot dog in other hand are, they're fucking burning, once I saw a girl, she bought a hot dog, I knew she was new at that theater because she went straight to take a bite of it, well she bit the hot dog and
>go to le funky French cinematorum
Why does this give me deja vu?
Va te faire foutre homme noir
le seau est pas chaud
very good read
Sorry about that, guys
What do you mean?
this honestly reminds me of some shit that happened to me at the movies aabout 2 years back
>be me
>take bite out of hot dog and
Zat will bve 29.99 plus tip monsieur.
the tip o my dick mufuggah
Merci, Tyron, mon cher.
Voici 5 centime, rien que pour vous.
You did this last time you fucking hack
ayo shieet
what did he mean by this?
You look familiar mister.
Yo nigga, dat a be tertteen fitty!
Ja feel
>be american
>order cinema hotdog
>take one bite and
>get shot
*unzips dick*____________________
u sum finna overcharge me n shieet?!
>get to movies late
>hungry as hell
>wife won't stop texting during previews
>decide to go get a snack
>see they have hot dogs
>order two, figure my wife would like one
>attendant says "lucky you! these ones are fresh"
>watch them steaming in the buns, relish and ketchup drizzled on top
>take one bite out of the hot dog and
Why are most members of the french european championship soccer team black
Because France is actually hell!
>13.50 for an entire bucket of fucking crabs' legs
if anything tyrone is charging conspicuously little. I bet butter costs an extra twenty bucks.
and what????
did you eat both dogs? c'mon bro tell us
>relish and ketchup drizzled on top
>putting relish on a hot dog
then what?
finish it for me, stud.
Me on the right
What's going on here?