Thracian edition.
Thracian edition.
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Serbs and slovenes are superior to anyone in balkan (excluding greeks, macedonian, mountainnigger)
rip, sweet prince ;_;
>Serbs and slovenes
Peasants who exploited their proximity to Germans/Austria.
croatians are richer than serbs
Serbs were the only that uncucked themselves form habsburg, while you were enslved by osmans
And all of this uncuckening ended in shameful wars and genocides in the 20th century. Serbs are swineherds from Shumadia, they were never meant for anything greater.
which part of yugslavia are you from, server
kazakh ssr
Every Serb is a good Serb. Now I know why Nico Bellic's main enemy was called Bulgarin
>Every Serb is a good Serb.
even when he rapes and kills muslims?
>Now I know why Nico Bellic's main enemy was called Bulgarin
GTA IV was a shit game, and that Bulgarin character was a Russian. We taught them literacy and Christianity and shit, earlier today we had this Serb pizza face Bogdan faggot refusing to believe that Boris was a Bulgarian name (which it is).
Yea I mean the name resembles to the nonexistent cunt somewhere between another non existent cunt and turkey. Also GTA IV was dope as fuck, only drivermanlets could'nt handle the game
>kazakh ssr
im sorry
Legend of Gay Tony was OK, core GTA4 was shit.
gta 4 is the shittiest game in the series
pretty much
>тчк хapecвaм Poби Уйлямc
shta ubiq we ei
What the fuck is wrong with Bulgarians in Greece.
they are slavs
Driving was superb
Serbia is brother, and one never leaves his brother
Why sorry? Living standard is even higher than in russia. On par with balkan in only cities
>On par with balkan in only cities
my real brothers are more important than a slavic shithole
Kazakh villages are still third world, meant to compare living standard in big cities
The shitskin continues to polute our threads. Mod faggots, ban his retarded ass.
butthurt subhuman
you throw around a word that defines you, subhuman
russia is richer than balkans
>Этo eщe ничeгo, чтo в Eвpoпe зa нaш pyбль дaют oдин пoлтинник, бyдeт хyжe, ecли зa нaш pyбль cтaнyт дaвaть в мopдy.
who are those fellas?
Roses are red
bulgaria is bad
Now you read this and get mad
I am not a slavshit
Greekbros, is the name Anezka at all common in Greece?
t. Georgian slavshit subhuman
me and my crew
The good
The bad
and the Ugly
dai adressa, brate
I wanna meet them
Solun, δρ. Βουλγαρία, 681
Can I become politician in Greece? I have kraut citizenship.
I want to change Greece and make it as I like.
Greek relations with israel will be destroyed.
I will bring shame upon Turks.
Why the CAPS thou? Guilty conscience?
See this map? Forget you every got hold of any Greek clays, because they're not yours nor you deserve them
Patras or Heraklion
which city is better?
too bad
that greece has the population of a non country
i will kill the european faggot mentality in Greece
this is not Greater Bulgaria. It's actually much larger
Patras is better, Crete is basically a desert
why is it better?
i saw many pictures of crete
it is not a desert
I got a new idea for Greece.
I wrote it on my Greece list.
skopie smells like albos and belgrade smells like servers
on other hand, solun is comfy and is on that qt second sea shore...
What are you talking about, we've been flooded with gypsies, homeless, and copper scrappers. There's at least three vans in my neighborhood with BG plates full of empty tins, cans and cardboards.
And that was the situation with them here even before the Greek liberation times, Slavs, Turks and the rest in Greece always lived like this, scrapping by. In the Ottoman times, in the Byzantine times, in the Roman times.
i got an idea again
and they will FOREVER stay there
and there is literally NOTHING you could do about it, fuccboi
well at least your murder rates are low, only bulgarian homeless kill each other over small things.
You're no way compared to the nuisance Albanians are.
Holy shit, this dude's Thracian af
u gonna cry about it, brownboi?
subhuman slav
slavs are not better than turks
filthy slav subhumans
"Hi I am Kostas, Greek from Thessaloniki and am part of Golden Down"
this is literally a turk rape baby
Ikibey is a shitskin
Ikibey lives in Germany
Ikibey has German passport
That doesn't make him a German national
Gypsies are shitskins
Gypsies come in Greece
Gypsies have Bulgarian Passports
That doesn't make them Bulgarian nationals
ahmeds feeling for their brother who's being oppressed :(
all me
I descend from peaceful people.
>That doesn't make them Bulgarian nationals
yes it does
most bulgarians are of gypsy origin
you can see it on the street if you don't believe me
that's why i love Bulgaria... I'm part of the small , well paid WHITE elite.. bitches are fighting over my cock
gypsies romanians and bulgarans are not very different
its only the skin
>I descend from peaceful people.
Yes, pisslam is a religion of peace, I am sure.
I am a Greek Orthodox Christian.
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
Groundhog day.
I thought it wasn't like that. I thought Bulgaria is a mostly slav country
bulgaria shares a border with turkey and is surrounded by gypsy countries
But what's the point of being part of a small well paid elite when you take outside and everyone's suffering.
How can you enjoy your early morning Starbucks capuccino full of mysterious little flavors, when there's at least 5 'people' outside begging your for money.
GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME! in broken greek
i havent seen a slav for the past few weeks
but they do exists
seek other people suffer makes me feel good about myself, desu
wrong, we are like 5-6 white people living here
everyone else is a gypo, turk or a god forbid, b*alkanian
they are white
slav subhumans are not
Εγώ έπινα πολύ ενεργειαkά ποτά. Δεν μπορώ να kοιμηθώ. Εχω μέσα μου πολλή ενέργεια.
Θέλω να ζήσω στην Ελλάδα την υπόλοιπη ζωή μου.
γαμώ την γερμανία
how is country ahmed?
γαμώ τον kόσμο
νιωθω σαν θεος
Töte dich untermensch
i fucked your mother and you happened
γαμώ την γερμανία αδελφε μου
or did you get fucked? really makes you think
Deutschland ist paradies und deutsche sind gute menschen
you exist
that means i fucked your mother you gypsy
foggy cold shithole day
just another day where i can stay here
if i were in greece
i would start ww3 against the west
Ahmed please go machete someone in name of god yu are really angry this is not proper muslim behavior
gute menschen
i would love to fight the krauts in the name of god
Rasiere deinen arsch, schlampe