>people think jews are smart
It is incredible that with such great source material we still get *terrible* GoT episodes. So tell me? What is the end game here? What are *they* attempting to do by making each episode worst than the precedent?
>people think jews are smart
It is incredible that with such great source material we still get *terrible* GoT episodes. So tell me? What is the end game here? What are *they* attempting to do by making each episode worst than the precedent?
Every week this shows is on there are more of these posts. I'm loving it.
Kill yourselves. You sound like 9 year olds.
They have no idea what they are doing and fail to understand the characters they write. It's clear that they are incompetent.
>Arya's plot-arc is shit
>Danny's epic speeches are shit
>Jaime has no complex personnality
>Edmure just surrenders Riverrun
>Blackfish dies off screen because no time
>Weirdly enough, D&D have enough time for 5 minutes of "muuhhh funny and cute Tyrion jokes"
Kill yourself.
>people think jews are smart
In a way, I admire jews and yes, in some ways they seem to be more competent and succesful. But jews too are only people and individuals don't need to fit the clichés. Fuch these dumb cunts D&D.
Are you one of the 9yo idiots on /r/asoiaf that worship D&D ... kyff
At least arya told put that evil man in his place
why she didnt castrate him tho? this show is still so sexist im writing another buzzfeed article about it
the show still has a long way to go :/
What about Arya surviving lethal wounds for no reason?
>with such great source material
>great source material
What was the rumor? The Pyromancers still have wildfire, so it is doubtful that it is a hidden cache of the stuff in the city.
the budget has never been higher than it is now, and yet the quality of the episodes is worse, they reuse the same sets over and over (the sept of basement-dwaelor for instance), expensive actors get cut and killed offscreen, expensive CGI wolves get slaughtered offscreen, so yeah they've got a pretty good ponzi scheme going on.
the "wildfyre" is just an actual jewish lightning of one of the sets that they happened to catch on camera and just said fuck it put it in the show
>great source material
Cersei uses wildfyre to burn the city down. Its already been leaked. Jaime kills her.
Why the fuck did Arya have to go back to the temple? That last scene made faceless men look incompetent as fuck.
Fuck this desu
there was only two people in that entire place anyway, one of them is now dead
they did the best they could with what they were given
>great source material
Modern fantasy dweeb outed
>be Arya
>apprentice in a death cult
>refuse to obey orders twice
>get one of the senior killers twice
>murder one of the most promising apprentice
>trespass into death cult temple and taint their sacred room with blood
>threaten master assassin
>master assassin congratulates me
>tell him to go fuck himself
>go back home as if nothing as happened
>Edmure just surrenders Riverrun
Another instance of faggots giving D&D shit for something that comes right from the fucking books
There weren't only two, it was just like Deadpool.
Seriously though, what the fuck is going on here?
Did HBO give GoT less money this season?
The quality has dipped considerably.
Kindly fuck off back to you cancerous containment board
... and stay there
>be D&D
>ignore the books' great plot-lines
>use all the books' lame plot-lines
>use the same sets all the fucking time
>force people to watch muhh EPIC DANNY SPEECH every two episodes or so
>generate huge amounts of money
>avoid spending shit on CGI and have most legendary characters die off-screen
Just kill yourself.
The budget never was higher than it is now; that show has just become shit, that is what cocaine can do to you kids, don't do it if you become famous.
They have a fucking LotR field battle next episode, just be a little patient.
they're smart enough to know how to pluck the heart-strings of normies and how to give less than they keep
So many nitpicks and mindless rants every week only because fags don't pay attention and/or are complete retards who can't even figure out basic shit.
>Jon rushes on open field with inferior force and in reach of ennemy's archery
Just fuck my shit up
Salty bookfags obsessed with the show, cry more, cry a river, it's so entertaining.
>stomach wound
>Stomach wound.
Odds of someone surviving severe intestinal and (probably) kidney damage without proper surgery is very low.
The risk of infection alone makes her survival unlikely, and the fact that she didn't just bleed out after about a minute is stupid.
the simple answer is when they ran out of source material and had to steer the ship themselves they obviously had no fucking clue where they were going and just gave up on continuity to try and feebly limp what storylines they could actually manage across the ever encroaching finishline
Before antibiotics a gut wound was highly lethal
i thought if you have a stomach wound you die a very slow death
hey user, did you know being shot or stabbed in the stomach is actually one of THE MOST painful ways to die?
keyword: die
They're just two hacks that bullshitted their way to get the show. When they have to do their own creative writing story it falls flat almost every time, they don't have talent and it's insane they're still doing the show and butchering the shit out of it.
it takes a while though,im sure getting stabbed in the face doesnt feel too good either
Too bad they cut every corner when they do take book material for the most part and it falls flat. The quality level for the show has taken a huge dip, I wonder if they get a cut of the budget if they don't spend it all, seems like it.
They are running it into the dirt for the sake of the books.
jokes' on them though, the books will never be finished
>>people think jews are smart
You're still watching the show you dumb goy.
> What is the end game here?
Swallow the propaganda, steer the narrative. Occupy the minds of people with mindless blather.
Pretty much this. They are your typical redditor's wet dream because they succeeded in "faking it til they made it" which is all people ever do anymore instead of nurturing or evolving a skill or discipline.
The battle will be a massive disappointment
I distinctly remember threats involving a trebutchet and a baby. Also of tearing down riverrun and slaughtering every inhabitant, rather than him surrendering and everyone lives on.
Also I remember the blackfish fucking escaping because Edmure puts family honor. duty pretty high.
Nigger, this show has always been gay as fuck. Take your homophobia back to /r/asoiaf
glad they kept jaime's character consistent with his book version