old thread Is he really dead?
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Azor Jaime
Azor Theon
He's dining with Stannis right now. They're both in some kind of limbo.
Based Blackfish is dead and gone. A fucking offscreen death no less.
>tfw Clegane Bowl de-confirmed
Post yfw you come to terms with the fact that there is no genius grand scheme explaining the past season's low quality, this show has just become utter crap.
Lord Stonefish confirmed
That's what butthurt hater's actually believe.
Cry more.
Why did Brienne escape on a boat, like she was BookFish? It's not like Jaime wouldn't allow her to go back north... and it's not like her "honor" would make her fight since they were surrendering.
Who else though Sandor would see Black Fish's body on the river when he was peeing?
Fuck Sansa. I'm declaring for the true Queen in the North.
Did anyone else feel that Khalessi's return was shit?
>a loud thump is heard
>"random unsullied #5382, go check it out!"
>he goes and everyone kneels
>khalessi walks into the room with a confused look on her face
What did he mean by this?
She's an alien.
Fuck off
How much you wanna bet it is going to be off-screen or predictable af
So Beric still being around pretty much squashes any possibility of LSH now right?
>get stabbed
>Win a high speed chase
>fall down all the stairs
>win a fight
>walk home
>fine still
Can someone explain to me WHY theyre bringing back the Brotherhood without Banners UNLESS there was actual plot points to come out of it.
The Hound plotline has to go somewhere as does Donadrions etc. Lady Stoneheart is VIABLE now, and if not then why not with the Black Fish (Which would actually do nicely considering his hatred for the Freys and off screen death).
WTF are D&D playing out not taking advantage of bringing them back and creating these characters.
If they're not going to do that then in all honesty the whole Riverlands scenes are filler between the BastadBowl and whatever is currently happening in KLs.
Where are these plotlines going if not Stoneheart and the eventual end of the Freys?
>Anons and anons
>Gregor and Sandor are the two pillars that hold up Cleganebowl
>One Clegane collapses and so does the other
>After conferring with his holiness, we have determined that Cleganebowl is now cancelled
>Seven blessings to all
Brotherhood comes back in the books with Catlyn. Since they removed catlyn, i'm sure there's a point of brining the brotherhood after having to remove catlyn and rewriting storylines for a handful of characters so the stories still fit.
>Dany doesn't have any lines
seems perfectly done to me
>Lem Lemoncloak got jobbed.
Will the Hound take over the cloak?
>Arya returns to Westeros
>Learns Jon retook Winterfell after he was resurrected
>Goes to Winterfell
>They greet each other with smiles and joy
>A momentary pause
>Jon looks down at his wound and back up at Arya in disbelief
>Arya smiling, then takes off her mask
>remove catlyn and rewriting storylines for a handful of characters so the stories still fit.
Honestly, despite the riverlands being in the book i don't understand why they're bringing it back. For what purpose? The loose ends were ignored for 2seasons so what is the overall purpose in bringing it all back when it doesn't need to backup what we're seeing from the start of Season 5?
The Riverlands and return of The Hound feel pointless atm, even though i'm actually really happy to see them back. I just don't understand where this is going.
okay, we write like reddit
>"I prefer chicken" who else laughed and thought this was pretty epic?
Was lady stoneheart on the water that Sander was pissing in?
>Killing blackfish
So fucking unnecessary
Do we have to bully people?
It links the Riverlands and Sandor to the North so he can fight white walkers.
So happy the "spoilers" were fake and Beric wasn't recast again, and Thoros isn't a bad guy. I thought he and the Hound were going to fight.
>blow so much of your dragon budget on that pointless speech a couple episode ago that instead of Drogon swooping in with the backlight of burning Meereen, which would be a much cooler shot than Drogon in the middle of the desert, you have him show up offscreen and Dany just walk into frame
What the fuck?
she didn't say anything, it was perfect.
now she will use her dragons to finally kill the masters, and get a fucking move on with her story
Why would a Lannister bannerman lie to the Kinglsayer?
I half expected her to body to wash up right here. my head was screaming DABID! DABID!
Since the 6th book isn't out yet, it's hard to tell.
So just keep watching the damn show and find out.
Half of the storylines and the ins and outs of each seem pointless atm. We've always had a good idea of where things were going because we've had the books to fall back on. Now we don't, so it's a mystery.
>The Hound on a rampage
>Based Beric & Thoros
>Mountain ripping a sparrow's head off
>Cersei getting BTFO
>1st season Jaime, even same line
>Arya's arc finally moving on
>Missandei being a qt 3.14
>Dany arriving like a badass (I hate Dany though)
I loved it.
Do you guys have any reasons to hate the episode or is it just because Tommen canceled Cleganebowl? You know this is a ruse to get more hyped when it comes out right?
>"joking" about bringing reddit to Sup Forums
you're part of the problem
why do people keep talking about "lady" stoneheart like they've never read the books? It's lord stoneheart (blackfish) and he was confirmed tonight since you have to die to be resurrected
Haha, I know right!
It's funny because they had a humorous scene involving the Hound and chickens in season 4! Lmao!
clegane bowl literally outlawed
you're one of them, it's okay
the one thing that scares the shit out of the hound is fire. the lord of light is all about fire, so i'm guessing the lord is going to have a pow wow with mr. clegane and he's going to full paladin.
the episode could have been visual heroin and Sup Forums will still nitpick the shit out of it.
it was a good episode, 7.8/10
>Tyrion telling a joke involving House Martell
>The bigger joke is that House Martell is now extinct solely by the actions of these 4 idiots
almost positive
there's no reason for the pissing scene otherwise
Anyone who thinks this is the worst season is a newfag who forgot what Season 5 was like
enjoy your autism
What was the point of the Blackfish dying?
It wasnt in character, it didnt serve the story aside from ending any interesting plot he could serve, and it didnt have any impact because we didnt grow with the character.
Shit move. Shit show.
>Dany will feed Tyrion to her dragons to signal to the normies that she's the bad guy now
As infuriating as D&D can be sometimes I don't think they'd be this stupid. People would legitimately drop the show after learning one of the most beloved characters in the show has been secretly dead for a whole season and that Faceless Bitch has killed one of the other most beloved characters in the show. You might say "well the Red Wedding" but this would be way more of a brainfuck and a dumb writing decision.
>people think Radmure was in the wrong
Jaime was going to siege the castle and kill everyone, he struck a deal to lay down his arms so that his men might be spared. Plus he had a wife and child to think about.
Why is everyone hating this episode soooo much? I think you guys should really take the time to appreciate the fact that we even have this show in the first place!
You guys can't POSSIBLY expect everything to be good! Just LOOK at the how much source material and screen time there is.
Why do you guys have to bring your hate speech in here? Just stop watching if you don't like it :(((
they only do that to bring the hype back up when they put it in the last season.
we knew there would be no cleganebowl this season since the spoilers first came out.
D&D are retards and want to feed into fanservice, so they WILL give us cleganebowl.
>we need more cocks on screen
Why did they reshoot the scene of Tyrion awkardly hangs out with Greyworm and Missandei from earlier this season?
Yeah i suppose this does make sense it's just rather annoying that they could add parts of the book into the story as it currently stands but refuse to for whatever silly reason'. There is also a complete disregard to what the fans want to see except for the return of the Hound / Jons ressurection
Also havne't they kind of fucked the Hounds character over? He's a gravedigger and a member of the faith right? Why couldn't they stick with that plotline?
>It links the Riverlands and Sandor to the North so he can fight white walkers.
Debatable. If anything its going to simply link with the Freys and Arya. I can't see the Riverlands linking with the North now since Blackfish was kill la killd unless the Brotherhood join up with Jon against the South
Damn, this was a SHITTY episode
>blackfish gets an off screen death
first miss andy has a really cute laugh
>the normies are actually defending arya's arc
Better than having another episode of quips and cock jokes.
>muh stoneheart
We have been already over this. The show is not referencing a dumb subplot from the books
>mfw I thought episode 7 was shit
>people liked episode 7
>mfw I liked episode 8
>people think episode 8 is shit
Why is the situation in Meereen so desparate they have to abandon the whole city and all back to the Pyramid? They can't even hope to hold the walls with 12 thousand men? Why are the Unsulled such jobbers now? Why are the Slavers now competent?
The answer is it has to be completely hopeless until Dany swoops in and wins the day with her dragon and Dothraki
>2 votes for season 1
you're dumb memers and should kys
>D&D are retards and want to feed into fanservice, so they WILL give us cleganebowl.
i want to ________ missandei!
I'm just happy they've been gone since episode 1.
so yep, arya is officially the worst plot line in the entire show
how much of a hack do you have to be to ruin a story about a girl becoming a faceless assassin?
Because Peter Dinklage needs his screen time.
tell jokes to
Why in the name of fuck did all the unsullied think they were being attacked? They heard a large thump, and they're at the top of a pyramid. It's fucking obvious that it's either a loose dragon, or one of the fireballs. Neither is a situation where you send a guy out with his shield raised and only looking forward.
The masters have some really good trebuchet and fire-control technology, as well. Being able to throw those balls of fire as high as they did from bloody ships.
I'm someone who hasn't really been that disappointed by an episode this season. A few gripes here and there sure but nothing to huge.
But now I don't even know if I'm going to watch the last season. Holy hell, this was a bad episode.
>finally a girl is no one
What the fuck would lead him to think this was a reasonable conclusion? Why was this line written?
see This is what you are.
kiss :3
why did they even have the scene to begin with
tyrion could have been passed out snoring for five minutes until the wise masters started slinging shit, and that would have been infinitely better
>worse than Dorne
100% agree
if they don't like this episode, they should stick to shit shows like The Walking Dead...
GoT is for smart people
>tyrion gave insight into what his dream is
>every time a character announces what they would like to do one day in a soliloquy, they are marked for death
it's only a matter of time now
>The show is not referencing a dumb subplot from the books
You're either retarded or misinformed but i'll bite.
>Return of the hound
>Return of the Frey & Brotherhood plotline
>Blackfish and siege of Riverrun
So they're not referencing the books right?
These scenes mentioned above could have been completely glossed over and avoided too, so don't start with that shit.
Im just glad theyre attacking Mereen
Sadly Barristan and Victarion arent there, but the Dany plot can still be saved.
>The answer is it has to be completely hopeless until Dany swoops in and wins the day with her dragon and Dothraki
Maybe the slavers will actually kill one of the dragons.
So Snowbowl next week.
Jon's marching dudes to their deaths against archers
He thinks he can get Ramsay to be reasonable and make it a one on one.
He'd broody, clearly doesn't give much of a fuck and probably just wants to die and get this over with so he doesn't have to do all this shit
And Sansa's still a mega bitch to him and will watch as he and his men are crushed and Jon puts his life at risk trying to keep her safe
Sansa will just watch until LF shows up, stops the Boltons and she'll probably be grateful and even fuck Littlefinger as a reward and not give a shit about all Jon and his wildlings just did.
Is there any chick alive worse than Sansa?
Is there any man alive with a shittier current life than Jon?
How did the Blackfish not see Jaime's move of sending Edmure back into the castle to surrender it?
Like, god damn who wouldn't have seen that power play coming?
Also: why does D&D hate Edmure so much? They're character assassinating him every time he's on screen.
I like that the show is so fem-friendly!!!
after season 5 all my girlfriends (not the relationship kind, you know what I mean) told me to pick the show up and im not dissapointed
all I can say is you go girl to danaerys! shes so epic
good to see that little girl character arry or whatever her name is stick it to the patriarchy too what a good show!
Dorne at least had a cool fight scene with The Mountain
What did we get from Arya? Parkour scene and then an offscreen final battle.
yes, fuck bugeyes creepy none the less
no one is an absolutely meaningless term in the show. it basically means "assassin" and that's about it, there's nothing else to it
yep, it is abso fucking lutely worse than dorne. dorne was shit from the start, arya's story was pretty good for a while and for the past 2 seasons it has taken a fucking nose dive