>mfw I find a new favorite artist because of a Sup Forums webm
What's the weirdest turn of events that lead you to finding some of your favorite artists?
>mfw I find a new favorite artist because of a Sup Forums webm
What's the weirdest turn of events that lead you to finding some of your favorite artists?
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>actually going on Sup Forums
embarrassing to say the least
I met the frontman of Fleet Foxes at a bookstore. I hadn't heard of them at the time.
This is hilarious because I found him through Steven Universe
i got into aphex twin after someone put "windowlicker" on pornhub
I got into Aphex Twin after someone bluetoothed me "techno pacman ringtone" in 2005
I've had a few where I didn't realize what I was being introduced to at the time, and then years later I was surprised to discover the source. Le Orme from the end credits song of Ocean's 11. Sonny Sharrock from the Space Ghost: Coast to Coast theme song. And Pierre Henry from the Futurama theme song.
Oh, there's another I know. Back when I was in the 4th grade a teacher of mine had us listen to Frontier Psychiatrist, and let us make some guesses as to what the lyrics meant.
For years I had no idea what the song's name was, or who the artist was, but I always remember the main tune of the song. And then a while later I heard the song again, don't remember where, and I remembered the lyrics.
Anyways, thanks to my 4th grade teacher, I know who the Avalanches are and listen to their music.
Took a history of rock class in college and did my final paper on Television after picking them at random from a list of suggested artists to do the report on.
I found Big Black ages ago from a Forum mod on Newgrounds when I was like 14. It was on his little post signature banner.
I Loved Slut girl, Secret Plot, and Spunky Knight, so one day I saw his banner and it was songs about fucking, I asked him what it was. He told me about the album, so I downloaded it on my dial up connection, like the little shit I was, and it was fucking awesome. Best album from my early teenage memories.
I discovered Boards of Canada from this weird flashloop from some flashloop website.
i've found a lot of popular artists before they blew up on message boards and shit.
I liked the version of Pennies from Heaven from Elf and my mom had the soundtrack for some reason. I found out it was Louis Prima so I checked him out and he's one of my top favorite artists.
SHSK'H vol 5 was mainly solo viola playing and solo instrument playing really doesn't captivate me at all so this is just a case of me having shit taste
Wooden Ball, something the audio design gets tooo cheap past it's intended purpose but otherwise i like it though there's alot that could of been done, plenty of meandering but else its basic fun with a nice style, but did leave alot desired.
lamb advances
wrong thread fuck
>yfw I discovered this band from a budapest pull&bear playlist
A Youtuber/streamer I watch Joel from Vinesauce, was hacked by some faggot kid, and the hacker posted a video that used this song by the artist Shahmen youtube.com
I hated the hacker, everyone did- he was being a whiny brat, but this song peaked my interest, so I found an EP by them and think it's pretty good. Not one of my favorite artists, but one I like a lot.
Dude! Shamen are dope
I love Shahmen, got them recommended to me on a thread here on Sup Forums.
Yeah, I'm actually surprised I don't see them more often on here- The lyricism is really cool and the beats are nice and sinister without sounding like they're trying too hard to be edgy like most rappers in this category. Gotta give them some respect.