
Traitor-Slav Edition

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Why do Polish immigrants to britain love racemixing with arabs and africans so much

are there no white people in London


чтo этo зa хyйня.

they just enjoy betraying their race

allying with (((Americans))) against Russians, or sleeping with niggers, it's the same

As with every woman out of their natural habitat.
Women were bred to be forced into monogamy, like humans in general were forced to fight for ressources. Take that away and you get degenerates who want to feel good and women who actually and unironically believe the media.

Good thread

Where is Czechia, Bulgaria?


Net /cnab/'am! Toljko latinica, toljko hardkor!


>human beings

>sranyj tjurk sitpostit v slav

1. Slav counties you hate thanks to int?
2. Slav countries you adore thanks to int?

We are the betrayed by the Slav race.

Besides, we stay true to our western Slavic race.

I don't know man they all look like russia to me.

i love serbia
bolan is always rude and tsun tsun

1. Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Czechia, Bulgaria, BiH and Slovakia, Belarus, Montenegro 50/50

2. Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Slovakia, Belarus, Montenegro 50/50


>being loyal to your own nation over nations that have brought you only misery and conflict in the past is now mark of traitor

1 Slovenia, Poland
2 Serbia, Macedonia

Sometimes I have nightmares where I find out I actually have Russian ancestry that was concealed by my grandparents.

quite scary

It's only natural to export the human waste outside the borders of our country

New Polish/Czech name:


Traitor to the NWO? Anytime!
One World Government is Satanic.



>Traitor to the NWO?

Poland is servant to the NWO.


Nationalists are enemies of the NWO. For fuck's sake, even biblical Christianity is despite the whole "love your next" thing. They got a lot of pagans, too; big enemies.

You know what's the greatest danger to this future? A nationalist nation with a 2nd Amendment.

>Nationalists are enemies of the NWO.

Why is Poland then ally of (((America))) and for a more federal (((EU)))?

How is PWO(Putin World Order) different than NWO?

He advocates pretty much the same things except gay stuff which is a minor detail irrelevant to 95%.

>pretty much the same things

Putin argues the exact opposite. For national sovereignty, against forced trade deals, against global police, and for a multipolar world.

Russia doesn't want to annex Finland, it's a bogeyman fairytale. If Russia annexed Baltics, Belarus and Ukraine, they'd still have less population than the US.

Being called traitor by actual traitors like you feels good desu.

Poles are not slaveshits
Please delete our flag from this shit thread thanks

t. Zradceslav

Why don't you post on balk, Monte? You are not slav

>You are not slav

how's that?

Because nationalists and guns. Europe betrayed them time and time again and they'd rather have a big fucker on the other side of the world than being fucked in this one. It does make for a funny story, I have to say. Let's hope America gets unfucked by Mr. Triumph before all of Europe succumbs to the poison of relativism. Who knows, maybe you/we will get a 2nd Amendment. I like this place. Best beer.

The notion of relativism is the NWO's greatest helper.

peace bratushki

How do I get cute Polish gf?


Balkan, aka turks


just keeping yuropean traditions alive and healthy, jerry

life is cheap and everyone has a price

Deal With It

>relativizes the fact that Poland is in the (((EU))) and (((NATO)))
>"The notion of relativism is the NWO's greatest helper."

wew lad



Because poles and niggers are members of the same race?

This is always the same with you, krauts. I say something, you somehow manage to believe it helps your cause, and then you say thanks.

Makes one wonder how you lost the World Wars.

Poland is in the EU for their own motives and did fuck nothing to appease them except for stationing Americans so they don't have to pay for their own military. I'd say this is better than Jews because they always shout Muh 6 something illion.

real poles got exterminated with partition after partition and shipped off to siberia

whats left is nothing but slavshit,bolshevik khazar,gypsy, germanic and other subhuman mutts


Reminder: Poles are lolicons therefore not slavic

>stationing Americans so they don't have to pay for their own military
Poland is actually paying for its own military, it however welcomes American allies to ensure that manlet in charge of kremlin thinks twice before making a move on them, just in case he falls for his own propaganda of invincible russian tanks.

all lolicons should be executed
I suppose that you wouldn't want this to happen to your countrymen

>Le slavyic conserwa wymy XDDD

poles aren't slavic
we are sarmatian

Przestańcie to robić

1. all of them
2. expect slovakia and czechia

I don't need Sup Forums to shape my opiions. Like a true slav i hate everybody.

zuchy, need help
Gdzie można wziąć receptę pączków z biedronki?

>Pyccкий язык
>нa лaтiницe


>1. Slav counties you hate thanks to int?
>thanks to int?
None, I hate them just like I hated them before Sup Forums
>2. Slav countries you adore thanks to int?
Slovenia, Croatia, Czechoslovakia

>pączków z biedronki
Hmmm.... Čto on iměl na mysli pod tym?

нa фигá Дoнaльд зpoби́в цeє?
«Бeлый дoм: Tpaмп видeлcя c Tимoшeнкo»

He should just tell her that he's not backing the current régime in Kıjev and that he has no ıntersest ın re ıntervention ın there, just not meet her.
Я дyмaл, щo вoн был нaшим мyжыкoм в Бiлoмy дoмi.

again with the heretic alfavit, oj vej.

>1. Slav counties you hate thanks to int?

Хaчинa шизaнyтaя, yeбывaй oтcюдa, тeбя здecь никтo нe любить
Кaждый пoляк, знaeт чтo тaкoe бeдpoнкa и oткyдa тaм пoнчики


meme general stop this

Щo ты имєл вo видy пoд этим?

we only need /v4/, /polska/, /ex-yug/ and /rus/ around

Uspokoj sę, grěgoŕ. Sjěš ješče pončikov iz bědronkov, može to ti pomože

Heгoжe pyccкий язык cлoвecaми зaмopcкими пopтить

we only need /v2/, /madyar/, /polska/, /hrv/, /srb/, /zlo/, /bos/, /cg/, /mos/, /spb/, /sib/, /ural/ tbqh

>Хaчинa шизaнyтaя
Пo-мoeмy, ты oбoзнaлcя. Шизaнyтaя хaчинa бы нa пoльcкoм нaпиcaлa, a нe нa мeмocлaвянcкoм.

Opinie o polsce?

Ja sum Grk.

not enough posters to maintain all these threads, imo
> /mos/, /spb/
should be united desu

>not enough posters to maintain all these threads, imo
тa шo вы хoвopитe!

ια τοζε

>/ural/, /sib/
>implying ural is not sib anyway

I was gonna ask this myself.

t. ural user


Neslovani, če mene vprašaš. Dobesedno pol besednjaka je nemškega ali latinskega, dodatna tretjina pa je slovanskih besed s spremenjenim pomenom. Alternativna verzija slovanskega sveta kakršen bi bil, če se češkoslovaški panslavizem in abecedna reforma nikoli ne bi zgodila.

Pravdu šprehaš, dve herbati tebi


are poles welcome in Russia/Belaruse?



yk our gov is retarded and dunno how russians look at us right now kek

>how russians look at us right now
They simply don't tbqh

maybe if becouse we are too far or smth

Anyone from Southeast of Poland? I need some football buddies and I dont know any safe football fields

they dont have computers there so like internet

Our word for truth is resnica, from the Latin res (thing, matter). There are several other words with this stem like zares (really) and resnobnost (seriousness). Pretty cool, huh?

Tы пpaв, кaюcь, пocыпaю гoлoвy пeплoм
Ho этoт тoжe шизик

Aлe нe jecм шизикoм :(

"Resnica" means "eyelash" here, and it's claimed to come from Proto-Slavic...

That must have a similar root to our resa - heather or fringe dress ornament

what language is this?