For me, it'd have to be Sinister.
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
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Yeah it was pretty creepy with the home videos.
The kids running through the house was kinda lame.
Antichrist was good too.
Before Sunrise
The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)
Back when I was very ignorant.
I thought some of the videos work. The opening few were amazing, but most got kind of stupid and cheesy as it went on. Something slow like hanging the entire family was legitimately scary and creepy, but the lawnmower was dumb as fuck.
Scariest? Hard to say. I feel like It Follows is one of the first horror movies to make me feel genuinely disturbed and uncomfortable throughout the large majority of it. But I don't know if I'd call that scary.
Same director.
the garage one where they burned in the car scared me pretty good.
>Want to check out the super8 scenes
>EVERY SINGLE fucking one blocked by jewtube
The only one that wasn't blocked was the lawnmower one and that fucking sucked, like there's not even anything graphic just DUDE JUMPSCARE LMAO
That movie was a ducking court room drama
Candyman desu
The last movie that actually scared me was the Japanese grudge film. But that's some years ago now and to be aich I haven't seen a movie that scared me since.
On top of this, what's the best one from 2015+current year?
The lawnmower was the best one
The ending was so bad that it retroactively made the movie less scary
>it was all caused by a slipknot demon named Bagel
Blair Witch
Now that's an actual horror movie
>that haunting phil glass theme
>that onion of subtext
>that photography/cinematography
The Ring tbph
Inb4 a bunch of wannabes talk about meme French film festival movies
Last scary movie I've seen is Sinister.
The lawnmower jump-scare got me, even though I knew it was coming.
>It's a "Slow descent into despair, insanity and death" episode
it's still genuinely unnerving after all these years because of the palpable sense of desperation and terror that just keeps building
Yeah the other ones are a hell of alot creepier. Especially the one with the fire
Not the scariest I've seen but I just saw the first Conjuring movie and it was pretty good.
Define scary. Those are jump scares. Plenty of movies for those. Not enough to think about and categorize within that category.
Most horrific movies I've seen are Salo and Snowtown Murders. They were just unpleasant through and through whereas most horror has an element of fun--not that it has to.
Still, I respect the aforementioned movies for actually delivering what the categorization promised. They took me places I didn't want to go. It wasn't here-and-there throughout the film but the whole film itself, beginning to end. Bravura!
PS If scary encompasses creepy or sustained tension, that would be a suspense or thriller--technically. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I understand you probably don't care about diction. You probably watch a lot of tv which is trash. I don't condemn. I'm envious. There is so much content to consume that I would be endlessly entertained if I were you. Pity me, that I am not.
SINISTER doesn't really have much in the way of jump scares. it's mostly sustained tension.
*tips fedora*
I was terrified when he was talking to the cop.
the poughkeepsie tapes imo
Snowtown was brutal in it's execution. Fantastic film that I will probably never re-watch, and I'm enough of an edgelord to still listens to Cradle of Filth.
Do you like Peter Sotos?
I'm familiar with the name but not familiar enough with his work to have a valid opinion. Might do some research tonight.
The Exorcist
Nothing else comes close for me
I watched it a couple times again recently. I love how it's crafted. I was always too dumb to believe that such things could really happen, though.
show girls
Will do. Listening to some Whitehouse now. I'm guessing guys like Mick & Dave from Anaal Nathrakh are fans.