>105 albums
>not a single one is good
105 albums
Other urls found in this thread:
Peaches en Regalia is a decent track, but yeah. Zappa was kind of a jack of all trades, master of none when it came to music genres.
>105 threads
>almost every single one is a ridiculous bait thread
Grand Wazoo is good.
Stop replying to obvious bait threads.
>70777466 posts
>not a single one is good
>I dont agree with it so it's bait
Nice logic 10 year old
>He doesnt listen to peaches en regalia and day dream about being a cop in the 70's with a mustache going on a high speed chase
can't argue with that
This ironic shitposting is why this board is dying.
lol, this board has been dead since 2009 when it was taken over by poptmists, kpop, viral marketers, and nigger music.
im not baiting when i say this: frank zappa is the most cringeworthy artist of all time.
>nigger music
I don't even know what to say... As for the first part of your sentence:
It's also great that mods are doing absolutely nothing.
It means get out of my image board you double nigger.
"this board is dying" says user since 2010
>I don't even know what to say...
Say "I'm new here and have no idea what circumstances lead me to discuss music on a mongolian beret-knitting space but I will be here forever wasting my life on this website"
>nigger music
This is my objection. I'm sure that your friends over at Sup Forums don't mind.
>letting two syllables hurt your feelings
Fuck off Tana Mongeau
How is Hot Rats not a really great jazz fusion album?
This is by far the best thing zappa ever did:
His music is so ugly.
are the only faggots that respect this talanetless hack.
No the mods are doing stuff. I can't post shitposts anymore because I get banned, so that's good. But before you get mad at me I make real actual threads 95% of the time
lol XD he said the N word, EPIC!!! TOP KEK as us 4channers say!! Nice meme, brother!! XD
blabla gaga
i think that chip on your shoulder is starting to impede your vision user
Spoken like a true Redditor! As I'm sure you know, the meaning of a word can go beyond the sound! Indeed, with most (if not all) words, there are meanings attached that are more relevant than the word itself.
For me, the N word brings to mind either an edgy teenager who enjoys the mask of anonymity or a bigoted country bumpkin who doesn't know how to express confusion except through hate.
I was listening to it right now
Maybe his best album
This. Frank Zappa was a politically-illiterate libertarian dumbass.
zappa was against drug legalization
yeah and abe lincoln hated the gays, big deal!
Dude's a fucking gimmick. Take his irony, comedy, and satire away and you get pretty basic bitch stuff. Shit, tracks like Willie The Pimp's literally the same old pentatonic shit that every other rock band was copping at the time and people act like it's so far above that stuff.
I wanna hear caravan with a drum soluh
QFT. Zappa has no artistic merit.
ITT: Plebs
Why did he fall for the quantity>quality meme?
Was he just incapable of producing quality?
Hot Rats [Reprise, 1969]
Doo doo to you, Frank. If I want movie music, I'll listen to Wonderwall. C+
Sheik Yerbouti [Zappa, 1979]
If this be social satire, then how come its only targets are those individuals whose peculiar weirdness happens to diverge from that of the retentive gent at the control board? Makes one wonder if Frank's primo guitar solo on "Yo' Mama" is as spiritually arid as he is. As if there was any question after all these years. C+
Distinctions Not Cost Effective [1980s]
Oh, shut up.
Did Zappa ever give one interview ever where he didn't insult someone or something?
More like
Despite that, you can't deny the decrease in quality. Compare any screenshot from, say, 2011 to 2013 to our current state.
Ironic posts and le epic memays is the cancer.
You don't really like music, do you?
Reminds me of Iron Maiden. At least 75% of their catalog is totally superfluous and not worth listening to.
Honestly just want those (yous). Two more and I get a Sup Forums gold pass
Zappa's 80s stuff was especially embarrassing.
>guy in his 40s making songs with the words "pee", "poop", and "dick" in them
here (you) goy
"Ah, poor Presley. He would never have been anything without Lieber and Stoller, or for that matter the black blues musicians whose music he stole. Consider that his biggest ever hit was a cover of a song by Willie Mama Thornton. I know because I had the 45 from Peacock Records long before Presley came out with his version. When I was in high school, everyone was in love with the guy, but I never could stand him. And then he became a fat, bloated drug addict and died on the toilet. How sad."
this man be an absolute doofushen
Not sure if these replies are genuine or b8
I envy people who hate Zappa, in a weird way. The time I've spent exploring his oeuvre could have been expended on about 50 different artists. The time is better spent on Zappa, but I wonder what I could have discovered with the time I've spent on him.
Anyway you all have shit taste.
>ridicules drug users and expressly forbids his bandmates to use them
>smokes like a chimney and lives on a horrible diet consisting of canned chili, hot dogs, and fried clams
>dies of cancer at only 53
Zappa was a musical and compositional genius, but when it came to virtually everything else, he was astoundingly ignorant and totally uneducated.
>le cigarettes cause cancer meme
Zappa is probably better than your favorite artist.
Hey, the one they pretend they are dogs is great
Actually his bandmates used drugs very often. They just shouldn't take them prior to gigs or while rehearsing.
The one time Christgau got it completely right.
>The time is better spent on Zappa
>I somehow know for a fact that the time I spent on one shit musician is better spent on time I spent on other musicians who I haven't discovered
It's absolutely true and you fucking know it.
>He favored capitalism, entrepreneurship, and independent business, stating that musicians could make more from owning their own businesses than from collecting royalties. He opposed communism, stating, "A system that doesn't allow ownership... has—to put it mildly—a fatal design flaw."
How retarded do you have to be to not even come close to knowing anything about what you're trying to criticize? For someone who derided everyone else for being clueless brainwashed sheep, he sure was one himself.
literally how
its just sick burn: the review
Zappa on a bad day was better than your favorite artist on a good day
Foh back to indieheads
Being serious, if you haven't listened to all 105 how can you know? What let's someone judge an entire disco without giving it all a chance?
How do you know shit tastes like shit if you didn't taste all the different types of shit?
Good question, but I will still pass on the shit-tasting.
Scathing retort!
So communism is good because it doesn't allow ownership
Hot Rats is a masterpiece but everything else is a bit sub par, and his "comedy" is obnoxious and unfunny as shit.
Equating every album to shit without listening to them, a pillar of mu
Compelling commentary
I'm just wondering which post got the numbers
Wasted in a kfag thread
Better than a mere scathing retort!
Zappa's main contribution to music was giving his friend Don the artistic freedom to record and release the masterpiece albums Trout Mask Replica and Lick My Decals Off, Baby on his record label with no interference.
hey man zappa has some pretty good decals too
Chunga's Revenge [Bizarre, 1970]
Like Bobby Sherman, Zappa is a selfish exploiter of popular taste. That Bobby Sherman wants to make money while Zappa wants to make money and emulate Varese is beside the point--if anything, Zappa's aestheticism intensifies his contempt for rock and its audience. Even Hot Rats, his compositional peak, played as much with the moods and usages of Muzak as with those of rock and roll. This is definitely not his peak. Zappa plays a lot of guitar, just as his admirers always hope he will, but the overall effect is more Martin Denny than Varese. Also featured are a number of "dirty" jokes. C
One Size Fits All [DiscReet, 1975]
Zappa's music has gotten a little slicker rhythmically--which is what happens when you consort with jazz guys--but basically it's unchanged. And his satire has neither improved nor deteriorated--if his contempt would be beneath an overbright high school junior, there's also a brief lieder parody that I'd love to jam onto WQXR. What's changed is the tastes of his erstwhile lionizers--they've gotten bored with his repertoire of stylistic barbarities. Us smart people just got bored faster. C+
We're Only in It for the Money [Rykodisc, 1995]
Whatever his ultimate standing as social critic or present-day composer who refuses to die, Zappa was everything he claimed to be on this 19-cut, 40-minute sendup of the Summer of Love. No, it wasn't like this; most of the naive teens who lost-and-found themselves in the Haight were sweeter and smarter than the "phony hippies" he lacerates with such hopeless contempt. But that doesn't mean his cruelty isn't good for laughs. And not only is every wee tune--motive, as composers say--as well-crafted as a Coke commercial, they all mesh together into one of those musical wholes you've read about. With bohemia permanent and changed utterly, this early attack on its massification hasn't so much dated as found its context. Cheap sarcasm is forever. A
No, Zappa is just a fucking retard who heard that "hurr durr communism wants to get rid of private property" somewhere and then based all of his opinions off of that.
"Abolishing private property" means getting rid of private ownership of the means of production and giving it to the people. It is literally the exact opposite of disallowing ownership - it is taking ownership from the hands of the few and giving it to all.
>t. scaruffi
Ah yes, the most mature and informed political ideology... the South Park one
Agreed, but i still love hot rats and uncle meat. Absolutely free, woiiftm, lumpy gravy and waka are all pretty good too. He was a great guitarist, prettygood songwriter but his lyrics were just too overbearing, dated too.
>He was a great guitarist, prettygood songwriter but his lyrics were just too overbearing, dated too
Kind of like a stand-up comedian with a guitar, and all the digs at hippies and Richard Nixon and OPEC don't work that well in 2017.
Name THREE (3) reasons why Hot Rats isnt great
Zappa sort of represented the "other" side of the counterculture era that considered hippies to be delusional idiots. But once the hippie era wound down, he kind of lost his context and increasingly resorted to unfunny shock humor and grossout lyrics to stay relevant.
how old are you? I suspect over 50
nah you are the dumbass and you have no argument
Just because you got dubs doesn't mean you're right.
Frank Zappa never put out a bad record.
Three albums a year for 15 years in a row is a little too much desu.
I already presented my argument earlier in this thread, lolbertardian.
>another get wasted in a kpop thread