Do you pay for your girlfriend's ticket when you go to the cinema?

Do you pay for your girlfriend's ticket when you go to the cinema?

she pays for herself and me.

dont spend a dime on these broads.

>do you pay
>go to the cinema
Fuck man you're killing me here


I pay for movies I want to see, she pays for movies she wants to see. If I must sit through shit, I'm sure as fuck not giving them my money.

I don't have a girlfriend because I'm premature bald

the only money I've ever spent on a female is buying roses for my gf one valentines day

I have however spent thousands of pounds on two of my male friends though lmao

>a girl asks me out on Tinder (not me asking her out mind you)
>She's a CPA, I'm a NEET
>looks at me when the bill comes
>gives me her number at the end like I want anything to do with her ass

No it's because you're ugly and unfit, my man

So who ended up paying?

We don't go to the cinema but I get her stuff off her Amazon wish list

I did. Fucking $33

alpha as fuck

So she literally made you the definition of a cuckold. That's disgusting.

Completely emasculated

You're supposed to pay for the girl when you go to restaurants, movies, and amusement parks m8

If you didn't want anything more to do with her at the end then why didn't you ask her to split the bill?

Yes, I paid $36 to see Warcraft in 3D. But she got me pretzels popcorn and a drink.

3D wasn't worth it. But, good movie.

yes, when i have the money. but i'm usually broke, so she pays for both our tickets 80% of the time.

I don't think my wife has paid for her ticket one time since we've been together

That's if YOU take them OUT

Didn't want to hurt her feeliewheelies

sometimes she pays and sometimes I pay

if we're going out for dinner and a movie one of us usually pays for one and the other gets the other

Only cuckolds offer to pay for everything.

Source: Former cuckold.

Who pays for her kid?

you deserve to be cucked

Actual cuckold or just a beta?

It feels good to be in an actual partnership

She fucked another man in front of him?

>going to the cinema


you already know the answer to that question

yeah but just coz I'm a nice guy and it gets me a blowjob afterwards

>tfw Sup Forums has ruined the cuckold fetish for me

fucking Sup Forums overused the term so much i got turned off by it

Cuckoldry is a broad concept, my man.


Am I fucking her?

Do I wanna fuck her and have a chance of fucking her?

Do I wanna fuck her, but have no chane at all?

Do I don't wanna fuck her?

wait that's not the picture I wanted

I pay for her and her son. Its the right thing to do

There's still interracial cuckoldry

Yeah when your gf is red pilled as fuck and hot as fuck it's implied and it always feels good when I do

Pic related, my future waifu

Shit son, I pay for my girlfriend, her son, and her bull

>be me about 5years ago
>pretty black girl actually talks to me
>asks me to go see Justin beiber movie with her
>tell her I don't go for that kinda thing
>she keeps insisting
>even touches my hand
>well alright I guess
>insists we drive 2 hours to see imax 3d theater
>whole way there we listen to beiber music even though it was my car
>get there she is excited and runs to ticket booth asks for 2 tickets to beiber flick
>that'll be $28
>she looks at me
>I pay
>we go into the theater and sit down
>I'm literally the only guy there
>fucking movie starts
>everyone including her start to sing along
>kill me please
>date ends drive her home
>she says I had a really good time
>"yeah... Me too"
>she gets out of car
>no kiss just a playful wave
>don't hear back from her for two weeks
>hey user would you take me to go see the extended directors cut of the Justin Bieber movie?
>"well... I don't really want to see it again."
>please? I really want to see it. I would be so happy if you took me."
>well alright I guess
>insists we drive 2 hours to same theater
>that'll be $28
>"date" ends with another playful wave
>we never even kissed

Youre a Big Guy

She is retaining a lot of fat expansion user. In the next few years she's gonna balloon.

Thick women are best women

>posting your gf on Sup Forums
fucking normies get the fuck OFF MY BOARD

I always took the idea of paying on the first date as a way of making sure you see them afterwards since they basically owe you a drink. Always worked for me!

Rate her

I was going to reply by calling you a faggot or a cuck, but honestly this sounds like something that would probably happen to me as well.

It hurts to be beta.

That only makes sense if they offer to split the bill but you pay for them. Otherwise they were expecting you to pay anyway so they don't feel they owe you anything.

not even the same bitch/10

go troll somewhere else nigger


You should have just bought a ticket for yourself the second time just to see how she would react

Nah you just offer to pay with a smile on your face and tell them they can owe you a drink. No girl will ever turn it down trust me. Though this is in the UK I hear girls round your way are a lot more entitled. Just don't let it get to the point where she's looking at you like 'why haven't you got your wallet out yet' and you'll probably be alright.

>your girlfriend's
Normies: The Tread
>Coming to a Sup Forums near you.

>Be me different user
>Meet Cutie on internet
>not black has a job
>we sext back and forth for days
>decide to go out to a movie
>3 hours
>make out when ever I want to
>she has her had running up my leg
>she paid for the movie
movie finishes we are in the carpark
>makeout with her hand on her ass
>user would you like to come back to my place
>have a few drinks have the best night of my life ass was mint pussy was blessed and she gave the best blowjob I ever had.
>she tells me after she is still married
>I technically cuck'd a guy
>she goes on about being a buddhist and how her work friends are all sexist
>dont go back

What does making out taste like?


kek, yeah I would run from that one




it depends: sometimes i pay, sometimes she pays, sometimes her son pays

crab legs

I paid for my date's ticket to see Conjuring 2. She was a great date. ip OP trip six.



I went to a frat party and forgot wallet and the Philippines chick I was with had to pay my admission

We made out later t b h f a m

her son seems nice.

why do you normies have such convoluted rules?

you're phsycailly incapable of being straight-forward

Only ever pay for her if its food.

>Do I don't wanna fuck her?

I'm incredibly straightforward. If anything, by laying down your expectations you stop lass from going all complicated on you later.

Depends on the situation. We live together, so sometimes one of us will surprise the other with tickets.
If we just spur of the moment decide to go, usually one of us will pay for the tickets and the other will go and get the food/drinks, which is a pretty standard arrangement here (Australia).

I've kinda known that user just by looking at her mom. But she is thick in the best kinda way idk how to explain it but like she is fat but all the fat is stored in her thighs ass and boobs I used to not be attracted to her mom until I got older and started seeing how women age and then I was like, well fuck... I lucked out

Siri da GOAT

>Do you pay for your girlfriend's ticket
I pay for everything

fuck no, I leave her there and tell her to die while I fuck her girlfriend

holy shit are you me what the heck

What are you talking about? Sup Forums is utterly dominated by cucks. It's why that other chan calls us cuckchan.

Only if by girlfriend you mean mom and if by tickets you mean netflix subscription, and if by cinema you mean laptop.

>ever letting your girl pay unless she's surprising you
Absolutely disgusting

>not sharing a joint account with your cohabiting girlfriend to which you contribute equally

Are you all under 30 or something?

> 2016
> going to cinema, not the kino

Found the cuck.

We usually go 50/50, I pay this time, she pays the next. Ain't too bad.
