Face it, critics don't know what movie-goers want anymore. They're unreliable. Warcraft isn't a masterpiece but it was entertaining.
Face it, critics don't know what movie-goers want anymore. They're unreliable...
I want to fuck Garona
Coming from someone that has never played any of the games even i thought it was decent
It doesn't further any sort of agenda and isn't an already-established major franchise, of course "critics" fucking hate it.
I loved it btw.
This angsty edgy criticism of critics is tiresome.
I think critics are usually more right than they are wrong, and while I did like Warcraft, they're right that's not particularly good.
I think there may have been some confirmation bias about it just being a silly video game movie; yeah, it was a fun fantasy flick, and imo the reviews should be more like 50-60%, but at the end of day, if it were good, the reviews would've been good.
It's entirely unsurprising that all the positive reception for this movie is on places like Sup Forums and Reddit where people with niche interests congregate, but if you think Warcraft is what the regular, movie-going public wants, you're the one who's out of touch.
>niche interests
Get out normie
Do you even see OP's pic? Movie-goers have given it positive ratings on all major movie sites. I think you're the one who's out of touch user.
>Warcraft isn't a masterpiece but it was entertaining.
Why Sup Forums doesn't feel this way about Civil war or Conjuring 2?
The only people who went to see Warcraft opening weekend are the people who were going to like Warcraft no matter how shitty it was.
You understand those scores are not at all regulated, correct? And as a result highly susceptible to the ratings being inflated by 10 overall to 0 overall ratings by a slew of accounts with a personal, often financial, investment in the outcome of the score, right?
Cause this is strike 2 for marvel after Avengers 2 wasn't great either.
Nah, it was average. If not the first act, could have been a decent flick. The cut 40 minutes probably would help it a lot. There was some stupid shit though.
>fucking Khadgar
Except that, every "only orcs" scene was GOAT.
'Cause those movies are well received and successful, so no one has to crawl out of the woodwork to defend them.
I like how Garona took everyone's mind off the bunny.
Who /WantToFuckThatOrc/ here?
>swn bite your cock
why live ;_;
*tips fedora*
*feels the bern*
Fucking Jurassic World was the most stupid movie I saw in whole year. 72% fresh. Warcraft feels like a fucking No Country For Old Men comparing to JW.
Those people don't know shit.
we slowly slide into neo fascist global authoritarianism without even knowing it.
>critic reviews film of adaptation from source which has demographic of young adults/ men who still play video games/read comics
>critic reviews film adaptation from source which has demographic of whole family, mainly kids. quips aplenty
doesn't matter if there films are good or not
I want to fuck Draka
>the cripplingly autismal fa/tv/irgins get a microboner from defending the most inexcusable cinematic disasters of the last decade with whatever they can muster in those troubled brains of theirs, in an endless quest for those delicious hipster points.
This board has turned unbrowsable because of you pieces of shit. Congratulations.
I agree Jurassic World was hugely overrated, but our opinions obviously aren't everyone's since it got both good reviews and was tremendously successful.
I also didn't like TFA, nor did many others here, but I accept that its good reviews are mostly deserved based on how much general audiences liked it; even if I don't understand it or think it's wrong.
What bunny?
I actually liked both JW and TFA for various reasons. I just don't understand how can one praise movies like Civil War and then blame Warcraft for pacing and editing issues.
Because critics suck, and the always will.
They are payed for their biased, inane opinions.
The best judge for any film, is of course, yourself.
So now we like it because critics don't? Why don't we just stay right?
>critics hated something, therefore it's a good movie
This is what your proto-brain is trying to pass as proper film analysis. Sort yourself out, garbage boy.
>I follow a true orc
>A chieftain
Exactly ha ha ha