How did they get away with tackling pedophilia like this?
>imb4 wrong interpretation
You all know what I'm talking about. There's a very blatant undercover pedo subplot going on here.
Leon: The Professional
It was the 90's
It was french
they changed a lot of the story
>they changed a lot of the story
what did he meen by this?
People weren't so up themselves back then.
They fuck in the original script.
Maybe you have no idea what you're talking about? Maybe you're just some retarded asshole who thinks he can talk about flicks on a board for television and film?
Dude what the fuck? Calm down, are you drunk? I'm drunk and I'm more comprehensible then you.
Yes they where
Remember American Beauty?
do you think that shit would fly now?
I didn't get around to that one yet
The girl was supposed to be like 17 in American beauty, isn't Natalie port-man like 11 in the professional?
I think the story of American beauty could be made in 2016, just not the nudity.
I pray everyday for Luc Besson to be brutally murdered by Algerians and French Niggerz.
if you dont think leon was a father figure then you are delusional
Seriously? This has been discussed at length all over the internet. It's 100% confirmed.
>The girl was supposed to be like 17 in American beauty
True, but Thora Birch was 16 IRL and got her tits out. While we're on the subject, 15 year old Keira Knightley got her tits out in Hole, as well. People gave a lot less of a fuck about this sort of thing back then.
It's French, peso isn't as shocking there as it is in the US
let him be man, he just heard about the orlando shooting
How old are you?
>It was french
because tvand movies didn't have the same circulation neither did the people complaing about it.
they had their section in the movie store and that was it.
they didn't get messages from their friends instantly about every single movie idea and controversy that spanned the entire globe at every second of every hour of every day forever and their entire life onwards.
you watched a movie or two a week and reruns of seinfeld, and simpsons once a week.
rosanne inbetween that.
By the time anyone knew something was wrong, it just was years behind.
>True, but Thora Birch was 16 IRL and got her tits out.
Yeah I agree, like i said, I don't think AB would have the nudity in it, but aside from that it could be made today with the story unchanged.
I don't think the professional would make it into production, unless they changed the story and made the girl the age of 18/19. There is a definite pedophilia subplot/undertone in that movie. that WOULD NOT fly today.
I legitimately believe that the internet, as a whole, is one of the worst mistakes modern western culture has committed.
Is it really pedophilia if it's a teen girl's unrequited love for an older man who's just weirded out by the whole thing?
It's not, but its ubiquity, and its use by everyone now has much decreased the SNR.
yeah but think of the memes. Think of all the dank memes you savored over the years.
The 90s were a magical and wonderful time.
Is that a power stance, or is he playing pocket billiards?
Either could be possible, really. The actual move doesn't shy away from sexual content. I mean, there's a scene of Humbert cumming in his pants due to Lolita rubbing her butt all over his crotch. Overall I found it to be a lot better than the Kubrick adaption
That's no power stance, user.
That sure was necessary and worth the effort
I thought he was making fun of me, but it's true, it's the internet's fault that we don't have more child porn. man.... i miss snacks.
i love you fuckers
They made this in the 70s and you guys are arguing over the implied sexual undertones of Leon.
>You're a small girl
that is some essential cunnycore right there
I can name dozens of foreign films with underage nudity in them. It isn't illegal and isn't considered CP outside of oversensitive americans.