>Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016) 720p HDTC x264 MasterEdition ...
>Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016) 720p HDTC x264 MasterEdition ...
>Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016) 720p HDTC x264 MasterEdition ...
>Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016) 720p HDTC x264 MasterEdition ...
Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016) 720p HDTC x264 MasterEdition
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All of Sup Forums going on and on about how kino this fucking movie is, and you all can't fucking wait to watch it in plebe quality.
>Batman Vs Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition (2016) 720p HDTC x264 MasterEdition .
I cant find a single link. wtf.
Private trackers :')
>not really any new juicy information
>adds plotline of Superman discovering Batman and his chain reaction to being a huge prick towards him
>pacing and editing miles better
Fantastic. Truly la cinématique has arrived.
Marvel BTFO obviously
Snyder being desperate.
Share it on KAt plese k thx bye
How long until a non-TC version is released? One? Two weeks? If so I'll just wait.
I saw the TC original version. Good enough for me to watch (better than cam). But I can wait a couple of weeks for a better quality version.
And I am looking forward to seeing the Ultimate Edition. I hope it will be an improvement. The original was odd at times.
Fuck off
>Jena Malone isn't Barbara but an extra
>That guy called Amboyer isn't Hal Jordan, but an extra
>The faggot in the wheelchair didn't turn out to be a Jimmy Olsen who didn't blame Superman of his injuries, but a plot device
Bravo Zach.
>All those fags claiming insider knowledge said that Jena Malone was Barbara Gordon
Literally BTFO
>Clark talking to mother of guy Bruce got killed in prison
>Immediately suits up and stops Batman in his pursuit of the kryptonite truck
Holy FUCK that makes the scene make so much more sense. As it stood, Clark discovered Bruce was Batman at the party, lay low for a few days, then for some reason decided to stop him. This changes everything.
>its another color corrected ts they try to pass off as tc.
fuck you
>>The faggot in the wheelchair didn't turn out to be a Jimmy Olsen
We knew months ago that the CIA guy who got killed in the desert was Jimmy.
How do I find this Kino?
I knew she wasn't going to be Babs, but I'm still chuffed that it's confirmed.
I think I'm going to wait for a copy that doesn't look like shit and doesn't have hardcoded gook subs. Kino of this calibre needs to be seen the right way.
Yeah, I know. I was just saying that the guy in the wheelchair being in favour of Superman despite his injuries would have been good. Better than the fucking bullshit we got anyways.
I still enjoyed the film.
So what makes this rated R? Does Superman kill someone graphically?
the guy in the wheelchair being Jimmy and in favour*
The upper one would be fucking terrible for WW
There's 2 F words
>Jenet Klyburn
>look her up
>is a fucking redhead too
Man they really couldn't let two redheads be in the same movie huh?
Fun fact, that's a shoop of Gal Gadot from a photo shoot at the top, so you're right.
>After Perry sees the newspaper there's 3-4 shots of an empty Daily Planet, empty streets, coffee shops, etc., implying that the day of the funeral is a national day of mourning. The main Daily Planet staff (Perry, Jenny), Pete, the Priest and a woman who is supposedly Lana are at the Kent funeral. Generally it's cut a bit longer. Priest has a speech at the gravesite reading about the resurrection from the Bible
Is there more of the bathtub scene? I need to know
>F words
That's all?
call me when you have the blu-ray as source
Maybe a few extra frames of bloodless violence when people get shot or punched, nothing noticeable. You know how the MPAA is,
there's also I think shots of villagers getting gunned down visibly and bodies being burnt
>a new scene has Superman calling for Batman to put on another "iron suit" during the Doomsday fight with Batman saying it's insultingly unrealistic to own more than one, seemingly taking a stab at Iron Man and the Marvel films
So is this the final massive cut that I kept hearing about, or a stop gap?
>>a new scene has Superman calling for Batman to put on another "iron suit" during the Doomsday fight with Batman saying it's insultingly unrealistic to own more than one, seemingly taking a stab at Iron Man and the Marvel films
Heh, if that's true though could also mean he won't need more than one cuz Superman's going to die there.
Is there anything new with Lex?
>Also, when Batman confronts Luthor in the jail cell the scene is set up with a longer intro of 15-20 seconds of the guard and the warden arriving at the cell. Then when Batman shows up Luthor mocks him with a punny line ("Civilization's on the Wayne, Manors out the window?") and then says no one would believe him because he's been deemed insane. Luthor implies he's going to a comfy institution, but Batman tells him he's arranged for him to be transferred to Arkham. Then the scene continues as in the TC.
As if they couldn't make him worse, that Batman followup is hilarious tho
The original cut was 4 hours this is still only 3
Not even in this version they explain how Lex has figured out everyone's identities?
it links to a download of Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice (2016) !!
>R rating is for gun violence in Africa (bloodier) and the Warehouse fight (bloodier, a bit more brutal; the guy who gets hit with the crate now has blood spatter when his head hits the wall).
>After Lois finds out from Jenet (Jena Malone) that the wheelchair was cased in lead she eventually makes it to Keefe's apartment.
Wow, the theatrical cut really set out to make Superman look like absolute shit didn't it
>Jena's scenes really are pointless nepotism
Fuck you Snyder.
Do we really need it spelled out though? The dude owns fucking satellites.
This extended cit isn't much better.
Yes. In the comics he owned satellites too and didn't know. I hate Marvel and DC for shitting on the concept of secret identities
Majority of people complaining about BvS need the movie spelled out for them
From the details mentioned in this thread it fixes a lot of issues with the theatrical cut, but that's just me.
To be fair in the comics a computer literally told him that Clark Kent wass Superman and he laughed it off saying that was ridiculous, with this take on Lex nothing would be above suspicion.
While there is some stuff that should be obvious, there's also things from this extended cut that really help expand some character motivations and make them look a lot more intelligent.
>From the details mentioned in this thread it fixes a lot of issues with the theatrical cut, but that's just me.
From everything I'm reading it fixes nothing.
>the comic
Is that really the best argument you have? Contrived status quo retaining nonsense?
You're right, it was perfect already
>I haven't watched it
>but I'll form an opinion based on a summary
Ill Wait for 1080p version.
>contrived nonsense
LMAO it's supposed to be HDRip.
Attention seeking troll.
This movie needed 30 minutes taken away to make it better not 30 minutes added
so let's take into context what Snyder's tasks are. He is given a task to create a movie that:
1) an origin movie for Justice League
a) this will include scenes and character development for Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman
b) have the 3 team up to serve as a basis for Justice League - obviously this has to be a super villain since how can any human stand against 3 superheroes?
c) have that super villain be engineered by human to serve its origin and for connecting with the human personas of Superman and Batman
2. have a continuity to Superman's actions after the Man of Steel - this includes the political aspects of having an uncontrollable god exist in the presence of humans and its spiritual implications as well
3. Introduce Batman and relate him to Superman
4. Be distinctly different from Marvel movies - tackle the serious side of having heroes among us
Given this ginormous task, it’s amazing how Snyder was able to make it all work in his film. To cover all this points would take about 4 - 4 1/2 hours and I feel that if given the freedom Snyder would have done it so. A task of this magnitude would have failed Kubrick but Snyder has done it, although we admit this is not his best work but I would have loved to see what he could have done in a 4 hour epic Director's cut of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice ™.
I'm excited to see more of Snyder's work. I'm not trolling I really do. Even his adaptation of The Fountainhead, but I really wish I could see it in Snyder's intended form. Not getting cut down to what the studio wants. A 4 hour Fountainhead and Justice League and see it in Snyder's vision would be amazing to see.
>I knew
Yeah right bud
I'll wait dummt.
I already paid for it and I'm not a savage to watch a 720p rip.
If that's true, that's hilarious
Don't patronise me you peace of shit
You're missing the point. The big reveal is that Lex knows their identities, not how he knows. It would ruin the flow further if he went off on a tangent explaining it.
Use your imagination.
ok Gal.
btw that is you on the top one
At last the capekino has arrived
>Provide a common enemy for Batman and Superman to team up against
Okay, son
it really isn't.
so where the fuck is the download link?
Jesus, where's the fucking rip already?
sent ;)
this. there has to be someone ripping it right about now. hopefully it arrives soon
Maybe in the bluray release?
"Okay, son"
Where is Jena Malone?
Post it, faggot.
DO IT!!!
This was fucking AWFUL.
seeShe's a forensic expert, no Barbara Gordon, that leak was BS.
Hahahahaaahhaha Literally no ass.
Please someone compare this image with batfleck in Gone Girl.
his cock was more impressive
Yeah fair play for Snyder for letting Afleck go full frontal
>On Jena:
>Unless she shows up again, they never say who she is. She's like a lab technician. Helps Lois figure out the bullet.
>Metropolis lab or Gotham lab?
>Daily Planet.
>She's Janet Klyburn of STAR Labs, a 70s-80s comic character.
Fuck you, Hack Snyder
Yeah fuck that guy for crafting a believable universe
>Show Batfleck ass
>Not Super Cavill ass
>Not adam's boobs
Zack is not a Hack.
You mean Fincher, I'm talking about Gone Girl
It was a joke
Roughly two weeks. Sooner if it leaks
Dat it? .___.