YOUR favourite show on right now
Other urls found in this thread:
Desperate Housewives
Game of Thrones. Yeah, I know. Other than that, Preacher, for sure.
LIKE if you agree!! :)
veep =|:^D
Although we all know how that's gonna end since it's based on real events.
Literally wut?
Good taste, my friend.
I haven't actually watched anything past the film itself. Worth it?
silicon valley or outcast
It's different than the film. I'd say yes. Watch and see if you like it.
what current year are you from?
Which ones of the series are good in your opinion, or is it all of them?
Yeah, this or Mike Tyson Mysteries.
Season 2 will be shit
Game of Thrones altho episode recently was very wtf why
title said running shows, narcos s2 isn't running ?
so you must be a time traveler from current year, are you from the future or the past senpai?
I haven't watched a single film or television show, since 2009.
I just come here to shitpost.
I hate this fucking world, too many god damn fuckers in it.
Too many thoughts and different societies all wrapped up together in this fucking place called AMERICA.
Everyone has their own god damn opinion on every god damn thing,
and you may be saying 'Well what makes you so different?'.
Because I have something only me and V have; SELF AWARENESS.
Call it exortenstiolism or whatever the fuck you want.
We know what we are to this world, and what everyone else is.
We learn more than what caused the civil war and how to simplify quadratics in school.
We've been watching you people and we know what you think and how you act.
All talk and no action.
People who are said to be brave or courageous are usually just STUPID,
then they say later that they did it on purpose cause they're brave,
when they did it on fucking accident.
God everything is so corrupt and so filled with opinions and points of view,
and peoples own little agendas and schedules.
This isn't a world any more.
It's H.O.E and no one knows it.
Self awareness is a wonderful thing.
Fucken Arthur.