>braavos has been dragged for 2 seasons
>no twists, just literal plot armor
>braavos has been dragged for 2 seasons
>no twists, just literal plot armor
even though her storlyline was shit i dare you do write somehting better you salty cuntnugget
>we can swap faces
>nah, lets dont actually make any twists of that, just ol simple villainy
just make her fight the waif in the dark without the stabbing part???
Not OP, but how about this:
>>Everything about Arya's Braavos-arc was about her letting go of her past and her family
>>Also learning to be an assassin
>>In the end, she gets a mission to assassinate Sansa or Jon
>>She must choose whether she still is Arya inside or has truly become Faceless
She stays with them until they reveal their scheme to destroy winterfell, to which she makes the decision to rescind herself from the league of faceless men and returns to winterfell to take out the scum that has infested winterfell.
Your english is fucked up m8
yeah lol. muh criss cross plot twist. nope.
Not a single plot twist using faceless magic.
"Let's make her blind because."
"Let's give her eye-sight back because."
Gets stabbed as severely as Jon? It's fine just jump into the filthy river.
Suddenly theater actress is able to preform miracles and make you able to jump from buildings in one day.
So many things wrong with her story line.
>Gets stabbed as severely as Jon?
didnt see arya getting stabbed right in the heart...
>all those theories about it not really being Arya who was stabbed
>in the end we get a generic chase scene
you never fail to disappoint, D&D
I don't even understand what the point of the faceless men being able to swap faces is if there was no pay off as a result. They could have just been normal, run-of-the-mill shadowy assassins and this story arc would hardly have changed.
When the long night comes, Arya will be the only one who can fight in the darkness and kill the Night King. True story.
Then the lich king rises and frost dragons freeze danaerises pathetic little drakes.
the most confusing thing is how out of character they made arya leading up to being stabbed, skipping around in the open with no disguise knowing a faceless assassin is after her. they could have just made it obvious that arya was being careful but got caught and stabbed anyway. instead they suggested that some greater plot as afoot only to let everyone down an episode later. hack fucking writing.
this would have been 10000x better
Look now to your defences my son, for the Champions of Justice gather at your gates.
Let them come, Frostmourne hungers.
turns out ollie was arya the whole time and the face falls off as she/he died from hanging
>in one day.
Confirmed for autism
this isnt 24 kiddo. Its not real time. I bet you cry about people "teleporting" too. Take your meds lil guy
Stop watching go watch little pony
And that was just five minutes of me, a Sup Forums retard, scribbling shit down. D&D got mad $$$ and a football team of writers at their disposal, yet they still crank out shit more vile than my 86-year old grandmother's day-after-thanksgiving-diarrhea
>she cuts the candle
>suddenly in faceless man home wth blood everywhere
>wonder for a moment why they didn't show the fight scene
fuck i'm stupid
Maybe actually make her a faceless assassin who can fight and who doesn't fall for "shweet girl" noob stuff? After two season's of that crap she's still fighting with that needle, she hasn't learned one single thing aside from "I can swing in the dark now" when in fact she was supposed to become a serious character who can influence a lot with the mastery of skills taught in that temple.
You idiots Arya's plan from the begining was to drag the waif in the place she kept needle so she could just kill her in the dark
Ofc she didnt plan to get stabbed but she wanted from the beginning to trap the waif in this dark spot
So she travelled across the Narrow Sea and joined a cult of master assassins only to infiltrate them and murder one of their apprentices?
poo in the loo for once rasheed.
Posted this in the other thread
I liked Sup Forums's idea that in the last episode Arya was actually Jaqqen and it was a test for the waif.
All of this shit with arya now has just been a fucking waste of time
Good god this whole arc was a complete mess, even for GoT standards
Chainmail + bloodbags, trick the waifu into thinking she's hurt, lead her to a dark alley and kill her with needle.
No need for any Tyler Durden, M Knight bullshit. But she nearly got killed acting like a retard and beat the waifu because she was also retarded. We haven't seen any evidence that she's learnt anything in Braavos. She needed to earn that kill and she didn't.
What's her fucking problem?
were all the plots filmed in one day, though separately?
But there was payoff with the faces, even if it was minor. The waifu used that ability to get close to Arya for the stabbing, and in the end she was added to the hall of faces as payment to the Many Faced God. No real twists though.
The real payoff wasn't with the faces, but Arya's blindness storyarc resurfacing to get her out of this situation.
this is such generic reddit trash, its what normies guess is going to happen after their first viewing
I would have preferred generic trash than a shit-tier storyline
Why is she so naughty, bros?
>ohhh noo ive made a fool of myself and my autism has been revealed
>quick!! downvote and yell
its ok kiddo this is an anonymous board no need to embarrass yourself further.
Im genuinely surprised how many autists follow this show and are just completely lost week after week.
i didnt get it why didnt they show the scene?
Because it would have been a black screen with random noises?
Not you, but continuing on:
>After becoming Arya Stark again; sets out to cross off Cersei.
>To do so she must make it past Syrio Forel.
If you believe that to be bad, realize this:
>winter is coming since s1 e1
Not you, cont.
>Syrio bests her
>Leaves her bleeding to death
>The Hound shows up
>Helps and nurses her back to health
just stop
She travels to Sothoryos and gets BLACKED
Thew series has gotten popular enough that the writers and directors are afraid to take any risk. That's why everything feels so generic.
>The Hound and Arya then double team Syrio
>But he's now backed up by the Mountain.
Because the waif killed Arya and took her face
That's the reason why Jaqen smiled when she said "I'm Arya Stark", her next assignment is to go to Westeros to kill the last remaining Stark, disguised as Arya
>Shit grows to a Trial by 7
>Hound, Arya, Jon, Dany, Bran, Tyrion and Jaime on one side
>Syrio, Mountain, Night King, Cersei, Ramsay, Euron and that fine-ass tittay sandsnake on the other
I like this interpretation. It's back to deaths with morality tales. If you're gonna join a league of assassins then do your fucking job.
Plus it gives them a future out where maybe she's really Arya disguised as the waif disguised as Arya.
This episode was pure shit.
> hey why the fuck did you mess my house up you were supposed to fix it
> do it better yourself u cunt lol
maybe I missed something, but is there any reason as to why the assassin girl wouldn't be able to fight in the dark? At least better than Arya since she's 10 times as good at fighting?
It was good. Arya is finally back.
I think we can safely say that the past 8 years have been the era of a "Failed Startup Jews."
Whether it's hacks bastardizing other people's work for a television show (only to stumble and peter out once they run out of source material,) shysters promising the world with their Kickstarters and failing to deliver, or the many thousands of Jew tech startups that form every single day only to fall flat after venture capital runs out, this last decade has been a lesson that it takes more than a fresh Jew face with a knack for bullshit to actually build something.
You might not think D&D are "Failed Startup Jews," but let's be real: after Thrones, they've got nothing. Anything they do after it will never be as good and will bomb hard, revealing them for the hacks they are. The fact that they've been hilariously ruddlerless after running out of GRRM work shows this.
Told you this plot was pointless but
>muh Arya
>there was a payoff, you just didn't see it because she turned off the lights and you didn't really care because she was blind for 3 episodes
I understand a payoff to be something rewarding, not just "look how A connects to B, doesn't it make sense?"
When I read the books years ago, this is how I imagined Arya's storyline to go:
>Arya is sent on an initiation mission to assassinate the leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners
>She learns that that leader is the reanimated corpse of her own mother.
>She can't do it, and is killed by the Faceless Men or Brotherhood.
>LSH finds Arya
>Gives her the kiss of life and faces her final death
>Reanimated Arya becomes the new leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners
>Story ends with her becoming a legend that mothers tell kids. An undead/immortal child who can warg into a Direwolf and hunts those who prey on the innocent in the woods.
>Alludes to a future with Gendry, thus fufilling Robert's wish that a son of his joins houses with a Stark.
Then seasons 3 and 4 came which seperated Gendry from the Brotherhood and wrote out Lady Stoneheart.
Also, as we saw Arya couldn't fight for shit when she was blind, however she's fucked waif up in the dark in this episode. Seems inconsistent.
>I don't even understand what the point of the faceless men being able to swap faces
Yeah I mean waif is running around the entire city with a dagger chasing a little girl and literally no one gives a fuck, so one can wonder who exactly they have to disguise themselves from by switching faces.
>he takes his dragons show for teenagers very seriously
>Because the waif killed Arya and took her face
This might have been probable had it not been for waif's face being on the wall, clearly put there by arya.
Don't you remember the scene where Arya blocks the waif and the waif becomes upset?
Obviously it's only a small step from blocking a blow in a stickfight to cutting someone up in a sword vs knife duel.
This would've been so much better
I'm glad it's finally over.
Yes, I'm sure that's what Hack & Hack had in mind when they wrote it
the whole arya=jaqen thing is stupid, but it's still better writing than what the fuck just happened last night
arya didn't have a plan or anything, she just waltzed around braavos like a moron and got stabbed then got chased....
it takes a special bunch of retards to ruin a story about a girl getting involved with faceless assassins
How about she actually does become one of the faceless men and serve the many faced god? That way all of this screen time wouldn't have been pissing in the wind and she would have actually had some growth as a person realizing the pointlessness of her revenge fantasy?
Not bad, I approve.
ewwww i gagged
i think british women are even more ugly than black girls...
of course you would think that Jamal
Do you really expect them to try when the most highly rated episode is fifty minutes of generic shaky-cam action filler?
Everything about this episode was odd and boring. I was expecting twists or sudden deaths yet, nothing.
Oh shit, since they've had to pretend that the series has gone on for several years since the child actors have obviously aged, winter has been "coming" for eight fucking years.
>last time we saw arya fight the waif, she got her ass handed to her
>the waif is said to be further along on the training than arya
>the blindness was revealed to be part of her training
>somehow darkness is her ally more than the waif's because """"reasons""""
Did we miss the comedic scene between the waif and jaqen were
>Jaqen: "Blindness poison? I told you to kill the girl"
>Waif: "I thought you said you didn't want her to see again?"
>Jaqen: "I said I didn't want to see HER again"
>Waif: (farts)
>queue laugh track
Why would darkness help arya? And not the waif?
The waif was never shown as blinded, and thus doesn't have the blind training.
The face was the woman Arya was supposed to kill. Not the girl assassin. She was let go because she finished the job who's failure motivated them to try to kill her.
>wrote out Lady Stoneheart
wouldn't be at all surprised if she showed up in the final scene of this season.
I can't believe that there was actually -no- twist to Arya's stabbing.
She literally was that fucking stupid to walk around showing off whilst fucking face-changing assassins were after her.
>At least better than Arya since she's 10 times as good at fighting?
She doesn't have mary sue plot armor.
But if she was further along in the training isn't it implied that she'd already been through it?
No, Arya's thing was not a part of the training, it was a punishment.
Her dog that ran away in the first season, did that ever turn up again?
>The face was the woman Arya was supposed to kill. Not the girl assassin
Wait is this true? The face didnt really look like the waif but i couldn't tell, it didn't seem familar at all.
>those nasty nails
>those flat feet
no thx, sir
If Ramsay doesn't end up getting eaten by Nymeria, then it probably will end up just getting forgotten by the writers.
Footfags always have shit taste.
no, it's not true. jaqen and arya explicitly talk about how it's the waif in the 10 seconds they speak about it. Sup Forums is just retarded.
>Oh, and one thing... a man does not give a name to the faceless god that way. Girl simply cut the face off... a man can't do nothing with that piece of meat. It's useless. A girl should take the face down.
Previous fight was staff vs staff (similar weapons), smallsword vs knife on the other hand is a nightmare for the poor sap with the dagger.
why waifu just didn't walked out of the place and waited outside
like nigga, just step out of the trap kek, the little girl is barely walking and you have at least 10 feet of separation
It would be excellent if you used it as a disney movie plot in the 90s.