Ellen DeGenerate teases transgender stingray in Finding Dory:
They Can't Keep Getting Away With It!
I'd actually be ok with this if it were a species of fish that changed gender - they exist right?
>Comedian Tells Joke
>transgender stingray
>cant face upto killing Steve Irwin
>hides it by 'transgender' issues
that octopus shares my expression to this thread
>Stingray becomes Stingronda
purty gud
Groupers, for one.
>tfw they could've really fucked the pooch with this movie and made the clownfish transsexual.
Clown fish are transgender. When the female dies the alpha male becomes female
Muslim are right.
>talking fish
>transgendered stingray
Why do they feel the need to do this?
0.3% or 700,000 americans are transgendered. They are using a perversion for their own manipulative agenda.
>Why do they feel the need to do this?
To try and raise the numbers to 0.9%
they are all transgendered just in a normal gendered persons body.
She was joking your sperg
>making fun of transgenders
Isn't her whole audience SJW's? She's going to cop so much shit for this, I thought she was a lesbian.
Because every twitter/social media dickhead wants to support them to show how progressive they are.
>>making fun of transgenders
>Isn't her whole audience SJW's? She's going to cop so much shit for this, I thought she was a lesbian.
Smells like another Whedon lynching in the making.
Because it gives the critics additional incentive to give a bland rehash glowing reviews.
as if having the Pixar brandname wouldn't be enough on its own
Go shoot up a night club about it
Walt Disney confirms Transgender Bugs Bunny, and hints at a scene where he kisses Elmer Fudd
And literally 0% of fish can talk
Fuck. Sup Forums was right again about Hollywood's hidden agendas
If they were hidden agendas you wouldnt see thousands of people talk about them every day
>Why do they feel the need to do this?
It was a joke bro.
That's the effects of the manipulation taking hold you stupid sheep :^)
> Disney
> Bugs Bunny
How do these pro-LGBT fucks seem to infiltrate every aspect of entertainment, academia, business, etc. etc.?
Like seriously, I've generally tried to go with the "just ignore them and they'll go away" policy, but this shit is starting to get scary when now they have enough power to push their agendas in fucking Disney cartoons aimed at children.
Im pretty sure male seahorses give birth. Could run with that
You know I thought this movie looked kind of lackluster but the tone of the clip where Dory reminds the new whale that she can't remember directions well seemed promising
mite b ok
>Transgender Bugs Bunny
Tnasgender means "chopping you genitals and changing them", Bugs was "crossdresser" as best
Entertainment and homosexuality have a long shared history. Dating back to ancient Greece.
bugs bunny was such a smug son of a bitch goddamn i hate him.
The Orlando Massacre was Obama's fault.
All these kids get their industry connections in college, which are brainwashing centers.
>700,000 americans are transgendered
holy shit that's fucking scary
who semen
That was a huge rehashed joke though. Just imagine the board meeting.
>We need to give Dory some neat scenes that harken back to the first film
>What if her old best friend... is a whale!?
>Omg LE upboat
>That's a great idea Karen!
>See! Women are better writers!
>Whale Sharks don't make sounds like that though
Those fish change sex not gender.
>Disney sequels rehashing plotlines from earlier installments and masking it through 'le quirky humor'
>implying this is somehow new
>Watches video
>Clearly joking
How autistic can Sup Forums get?
Basically every wrasse
Most grouper species, hell hamlets are simultaneous hermaphrodites
>Disney owns Bugs Bunny
Confirmed for being crossboard shill
just wait until the inevitable islamist hero or princess
I don't know of any stingrays that change their sex, but there are plenty of ocean fish that do it.
>implying anyone actually watches linked videos
But if you don't watch the video user how do they know what they're talking about?
Because the best to mask the truth is to make it into a conspiracy nut theory
We already had that and nobody seemed to care.
>its a bad Sup Forums thread episode
>Walt Disney pictures invites you to their latest musical extravaganza that's sure to be a blast: Aloha Snackbar!
>The critics are raving:
>"Simply Magical. This movie will certainly leave an impact." -- Todd McCarthy
>"It had the Disney label so it's automatically good." -- TheWrap
>"AweseomeTacular!" -- Jeremy Jahns
>"Normally we'd be saying it's problematic, but it had a strong female lead. Sure she blew herself up in the name of Jihad, but she took 500 men with her so it's all good!" -- HitFix
>"We loved it. It was fun and colorful and not depressing at all. We hate depressing and darkness. It's too sad, and we only like fun movies filled with jokes." -- ScreenJunkies
>"The film fails to properly vet the issues that arise for women and gays under Islamic rule." -- Armond White
>"Tell that to Ahmed's exploded corpse." - Chris Stuckmann
>"Fucking liberals." -- Kyle Smith
That's a dude
Well I certainly semen.
By Leftists being over-accepting pushover dickheads.
Can you be a double tranny?
As in, be a man inside the body of a woman inside the body of a man?
Can you go full babushka doll with it, I wonder?
God damn it's the Bruce Jenner situation all over again
>I think it is both darker and lighter
>It is still obviously a kid's film
>adults will be equally if not more drawn to this film
I hate people.
A stingray? Why? Don't seahorses switch already
I fucking hate this argument. "Oh, there is one thing that isn't normal in this movie, that means consistency doesn't apply!" Fuck off. They are talking fish. That's it. Besides that they are still normal fucking fish, so some realism still has to apply.
You can be a lesbian woman in a man's body, without having chop off your dick in some countries. If you are in a country where this is allowed you should go for it, there is literally no cons for it.
Might b Riley Reid lad
it was a joke, watch the clip.
>"Tell that to Ahmed's exploded corpse." - Chris Stuckmann
>cant face upto killing Steve Irwin
nature is gay as fuck
You better believe it.
>Biology doesn't exist
What did shitlibs mean by this?