How was it lads?
Eternal /got/ general
Azor is fake
Wait, people hated this episode?
It wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad. It was alright I thought.
If you're complaining about offscreen shit I'm just going to assume you're ADHD riddled children. Showing Blackfish and Waif's deaths aren't necessary, you get the picture of what happens, you don't need every death spelled out for you. Control your bloodlust.
If you're complaining about LSH or Cleganebowl I'm going to assume you're an assblasted meme-loving redditor.
If you're complaining about filler, I'm going to assume you didn't watch the episode. A lot of shit happened and progressed, especially in Braavos, Kings Landing, the Riverlands and Slaver's Bay.
If you're complaining about Arya's wounds I'm going to assume you just don't know how the medium of television works and how things need to be simplified to keep entertainment.
If you're complaining about Jaime's character I'm going to assume you didn't get the memo that the books and the show are different and characters can be vastly different as a result of that, and that's not always a bad thing. ShowJaime is an antivillain, and is messed up after Joffrey, Tywin and Myrcella's deaths. He's a different character but he works for the show. We're watching the ruthless heir of Tywin and it's good television.
Really, the only thing worth complaining about was that god-awful Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei scene, and even then, that's one horrible scene in an otherwise decent episode.
Reminder that episode 9 is always the "shocker" episode. Your heart is going to get broken the way episode 9 always delivers.
4th for young Lyanna Stark the most beautiful maiden in all of westeros.
noones going to get shocked about ramsays death
A girl did not clean up this face so well. A girl needs to apply herself. A girl needs to see me after class.
First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes.
Azor Kinvara
He (and CIA and the cuck Tully) will come and save Jon from the Boltons confirmed.
Maybe in the books, Preston. This is Game of Thrones.
>We're watching the ruthless heir of Tywin and it's good television.
We are not, though. "Imma Lannister" was his motivation to threaten Edmure in the books.
Here he just revealed to Edmure that he wants to go fuck Cersei as soon as possible, just like this.
If you don't understand how pathetic this is, you are worse than Lesdoggg.
1st for magic cock
i didn't even flinch at red wedding
t. lvl 80 oldfag edgemaster
How about 2 seasons of wasted Arya in Braavos scenes?
That said, the ending to last episode was predictable as fuck.
I literally said to my friend "Watch Arya kill the waif, then Jaqen will say 'a girl has no name' and Arya's gonna say 'I am Arya Stark' or some shit"
>people mad that Cleganebowl has been delayed or cancelled
Who gives a fuck, now we get based Beric and Thoros
>Dabid, Arya's time with the super secret assassins is finished, how do we close this storyline?
>How about a high octane sprint through the streets, with characters drawing a massive amount of attention to themselves (like all assassins do of course) finished with an off screen fight between a girl with a sword and a girl with a knife
Kill yourself
Such a shit episode, holy fucking shit
Compiled list of Episode 10 north leaks
>Have VFX source who works in major firm used by this series. This plot exists, different from the way you expect if you’ve read the books. Northern plot in episode 10. Northern Houses converge in Winterfell post battle. Express regret for not following Jon into battle. Big speech for fat Northern Lord where he struggles to kneel and calls Jon his King. Other Lords follow. Proclaimed King in the North and Jon Stark. In addition, (though less positive) told the shot from trailer where Littlefinger glances behind at something circling when someone comes into view, is Winterfell godswood. CGI stick used for the rear glance shot. Told CGI stick used for Ghost who encircles LF, and the face to face is with Jon. LF will make a big claim of knowledge he is in possession of to Jon. Wish to reiterate less positive this is accurate. VFX source did no work with this supposed scene. Second hand info.
Pic from idigitaltimes (they had the same leaks for Season 5 episode 10)
main article was redacted but here is the essence of it
>"Littlefinger gives Jon Snow something that is addressed to Benjen Stark, which he [Benjen Stark] never received, courtesy of a certain Aemon Targaryen"
>The letter is new knowledge for Littlefinger and was delivered recently by 'someone'
another user compiled a list of leaks (from plebbit) which included this line
>Bran sees the rest of TOJ and witnesses 'Promise me, Ned'
>cut to Jon Snow in his room, reading the letter
>episode ends with Jon putting the letter at the table, revealing a Targaryen sigil
LF and the Knights of the Vale save the day!!
thats already a give
Why is Arya's plotline so shit?
S T A N N I S --- C U C K A N N I S
>What is the worst thing anyone's said to you?
>"I slept with Doug."
>What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
>How often do you have sex?
>Between and including never and often.
until the Hound kills them in the next ep
i swear bronn is much greyer. fucked up dyejob
>saving this to paste in every /got/ thread
for what reason? please tell me you at least get D&D's hbogo password for your service.
>I'm going to assume you just don't know how the medium of television works and how things need to be simplified to keep entertainment.
>it's just a tv show guys it doesn't have to make sense
What is Pod trying to convey with this expression?
What is this expression trying to convey?
>hurr durr you're not allowed to complain about garbage television
fuck off to be honest, the series have been getting worse and worse ever since DnD ran out of source material
Thats always been his character in the show I mean. Like in the books Tyrion is way more edgy than he is in the show, I remember him constantly going on rants about how he wanted a dragon to burn his family alive and shit.
Found the redditor.
>I didn't get bothered by this as much as Jaime's
>>I'll catapult your baby across the wall because I wanna fuck my sister in the vagina
What's wrong with that? He wanted to take the castle quickly and with minimum blood shed. Threatening the guy into surrendering it accomplished just that. It's not like he literally did it. Plus, he was trying to be civil at first but the dude was being a cunt and not responding to it.
Eh, she got stronger and perhaps still has the ability to swap faces, without the baggage of having to be a faceless man slave.
Why would he do that, famalam?
What is this expression trying to convey?
That feeling when you're about to smash the patriarchy.
that she can´t act
you got something against the babushkas user?
>That dramatic entrance of Dany
Why did he even do that?
what reason???
Theres one_scene _jew_tittied_whore_webmfag
Theres ftdm.jpgfag
Theres literally 10 trips/spammers in every single general
Is the standard by now. Sup Forums is becoming the new Sup Forums
Reminder that if you reply to a tripfag you should kill yourself
>tfw we get a whole episode devoted to Jon obviously defeating Ramsey
I mean they just brought him back from the dead, theyre not gonna kill him. Since we already know the outcome, can we skip the battle like we did for Stannis v Ramsey?
Don't know, to me it seemed he hast something for Brienne, doubted the way he turned out (during season 3) while trying to keep it real regarding he vow to Cat. And then 5 minutes later he forgets about this.
They're speed holes, they make him walk faster
when they are going stop teasing us with frakenclegane? i want to see him in real action not bashing some peasant skulls
Did not enjoy this episode as a whole but I did enjoy the Hound scenes a lot, he has quickly become one of my favorite characters. I also like the Blackfish although it seems like they have changed him substantially from the books? I've only read the first and part of the second and it was a while ago
She chose violence
>tfw Sansa probably asks Jon to chop CIA's head off
Feels fucking bad man
So what rumors was Qyburn talking about?
That blow is about at the heart. Would kill a mortal man.
In case you haven't noticed, this isn't exactly an "action" show
same for arya outrunning the waifu
she walked in like she was looking for her keys.
>Qyburn's face
Top Smug
The Hound is alive
They need to show that Tormund dies though.
That was how Arya survived the stabbing?
She just... did?
I was expecting at least a SHITTY explanation for it. Like the stupid "fart bladder filled with blood" theory that didn't make sense. Or... fuck, SOMETHING.
I just... why? Why did they even have her get stabbed in the first place?
Why did they even have her come to Braavos? They could have saved themselves some money and had her tag along any other storyline. You want her to learn to be a better fighter? Awesome, have her stay with the Hound, or Brienne for that matter.
The entire Braavos story was entirely pointless now.
What is this expression trying to convey?
It's D&D's new hair-brained method of character development.
Is his armour made of aluminium foil or what?
Oh look it's Qyburn doing nothing but looking smug as he stands next to a smug Cersei as she stands behind le scary zombie soldier
how refreshing
The episode 7 was the best episode since season 4.
Even fucking Reddit hated this episode.
Kill yourself.
The fact that Blackfish literally exited saying "I haven't had a swordfight in years" was fucking disappointing.
I agree it wasn't filler; finally Arya's fucking Braavos story is done. I'll forgive the weird wound that only hurts her when the narrative needs her to in light of that .There was some (I'm looking at you, Meereen council scene) but some was good.
Even though Jaime is drastically different I did like his scene with Radmure. Radmure fucking told it like it is.
The opening scene with Lady Crane playing Cersei was also fucking great.
I'd like to see Ramsay get his shit pushed in though. I'm really fucking sick of the plot armor.
Guarantee the giant dies though. CGI's expensive you know.
How long are they gonna delay Stannis comeback? Do we really have to wait until next season?
Go back to plebbit and upvote your rightful autist, Stannisfags.
>he is my lord my lord i must obey him!
mountain is still mortal but hype kept him alive
so... who will get Lucille'd in the next episode?
Can some kind user post the leaked info about ep 9 &10
Cersei burning King's Landing to the ground is the only thing that could possibly redeem this season for me.
Donning her plot armor as fast as she can.
I personally think it's super unfair of Sansa to not give Brienne her teleporter.
I mean she was with Jon anyways, so why let her waste so much time to get to Riverrun? Jamie teleported his whole army so that was nice.
Preston "Stannis' Secret Army" Jacobs please go
das why jon loses )
34 minutes of Linda. She's gonna go fucking nuts
>I make joke
What did he mean by this?
So we all agree this was the worst episode of the season, right?
Arya says
"A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell"
Faceless man smiled even deeper.
Guys...Arya doesn't even know she didn't just walk away, she's an assassin. She's a sleeper cell. She's going to get to Westeros and receive a name and only then realize what she did cannot be undone.
Honestly this was the part of the episode that made me happiest. Fucking love these guys.
Can someone be extra kind and shop Arya and the Waif's face onto this?
I'm too retarded to do it myself.
Yeah that's pretty retarded. Hardened steel doesn't do that. Maybe they are retarded and actually gave him gold armor.
Ah yes, autistic redditors claiming him as their own really counts. Was this before or after they committed character assassination against the One True King? Were they really faithful to the Mannis until the very end?
That's what D&D call character development.
>Arya survives multiple stabbings.
>In a season where Roose, Doran, Areo and Osha die after being stabbed once.
I miss the nuanced political scheming of seasons 1 and 2
They've fucking ruined this show. I feel like I'm watching The Flash tier of TV