What's the most obnoxious thing you could eat at a movie theater?
What's the most obnoxious thing you could eat at a movie theater?
only in burgerland
How the heck do you eat that thing, you pull one thing out and it all falls apart.
Your mother's cunt.
Me? I'd serve crab legs
the only answer is pop rocks
with a megaphone up to your fat mouth
What in the fuck. Is that a tiny bag of popcorn with a line of icing around it? What are you supposed to do eat the paper bag?
Do yuropoors not have flavored paper bags?
They don't even have flavor
Anything with a really shitty crinkly bag.
popcorn if you can't keep your mouth shut
a burger with a small computer in it that detects when you take a bite out of it and when you take a bite it reads aloud the plot section of the movie's wikipedia article in a microsoft sam voice
Now beat that.
popcorn is annoying as fuck. who the hell figured it was a good idea to serve it at theatres anyway
crab legs
I think it started at circuses because it's cheap as shit. When movies were first an oddity they were at circuses.
Those hard as fuck pork rinds or ice.
It was popularized during the Great Depression as a way of luring in customers you ignorant.
Why do people need to eat at a movie theater what you fat fucks can't go 2 hours without eating?
Crawfish boil or
crab legs
Looks tasty
bring your own bag of potato chips and chew very loudly with your mouth open, making sure to crinkle the bag around to make as much noise as possible
that image is beautiful
I can't imagine a more obnoxious thing than what you posted desu.
Working at a cinema, I've noticed people bring in tons of weird shit. Only really obnoxious thing is when people brought in curry.
Chips sold by the independent supermarket right next to my nearest and nicest cinema. The packaging is so loud, touching one is like setting off a bundle of firecrackers. There's always 5+ people with them in every popular session I go to. The packaging alone is like a ride to hell, but the chips snap like thin boards of oak and release a pungent, almost fungi-like hanging stench of whatever odd flavour they're eating.
If I could personally send every last one of those people to an unending horror dimension, I would.
i dont think its actually made for human consumption desu
Pls, I'm very lonely
>If I could personally send every last one of those people to an unending horror dimension, I would.
send them to Sup Forums then
You don't it eat, just admire it. It's art
>You don't it eat it
We'll see about that.
I'm not about to let yummy kielbasa go without eating it
You see, America has this thing called money, and with it we can do things like this. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp. I'll speak slowly if need be.
How much does that bad boy cost?
Liver and kippers.
>murritard logic
Fuck off and get shot already, cuck.
I livee in milwaukee for a few years, these bloody marys are everywhere. I remember i saw one that had literally a whole fried chicken as one of the "garnishes"
>being poor
>be an murriturd
>get shot
Only one? How the hell are you supposed to be satisfied with only one chicken?
Four fried chickens, and a coke
We invented flavor you swine
sun chips in those loud as fuck biodegratable bags
Yeah, but do you have a flavortown? Didn't think so
Anyone said pop rocks and coke yet? Little edgy 13 year old me did that once and got threatened. Backed down like a bitch
>he has never been to Flavor Country, aka Northern Italy and French Riviera
People that bring chips in those noisy fucking bags need to get shot
>buying snacks at the concession stand
fucking nerd
that looks delicious tbqf famalam
How did you even identify that?
>eurocucks don't know the freedom of eating the bag their popcorn comes in
Top fucking kek
You need to be 18+ to view this site. Please stop your bitch fight and grow the fuck up, youre making me cringe.
>he thinks Sup Forums is for serious discussion
Janny pls leave
a cell phone.
>enough food we can make art of it
>everywhere else
>sharia law forbids food and art
Found it
Holy shit. I never knew I needed something this badly before.
>black guy is holding it
Is this what the rare "succesful businessman" breed of nigger eats?
Surprised at the lack of watermelon
Where do to buy this pls
I shit you not my aunt brough deviled eggs into the theater once
White people are weird
My local cinema sells bags of chips.
Last time I went there I bought a biggy for me and my bro, we pissed off the whole room
>constant chips cracking sound
>constant noise from the aluminium bag
would do again
All cinemas sell bags of chips here. And bags of candy. Before the local cinema got renovated/actually started giving a fuck they actually sold bags of goddamned cold popcorn.
I've never understood why the fuck the cinema-guys don't just open the bags and dump the contents in the popcorn containers they've got an abundance of. Such a simple fix.
true dat.
You should be a cinema guy.
If I knew where to get one of those that would be my go to hangover cure.
If I ever buy a cinema that'll be my first innovation.
If you don't take Mickey D's to a big summer blockbuster you are not American
Us wisconsinites take that name with pride
I just had a revelation last night, I thought of the perfect snack for cinema-goers
smashed potatoes with gravy
Tasty, cheap, makes you full and doesn't spill/makes crunching noise like popcorn.
the truest answer in the land.
if you have to look at your food to take bites, you're missing the point. anything that requires a utensil is automatically disqualified.
>boil em
>smash em
>eat em then you poo
Who this be?
Bridget Regan in blood rage make up
Surströmming is canned rotten fish from sweden
The gas alone inside the can will you gag
>tbqf famalam
Stop doing this.
The correct term is fämäläm
Or fämälämäzoid
You can also use fämälämäpongpongpzoid
Its at this place called sobelmans in milwaukee
But it is sooooo funny lol
You are fucking hilarious mate
Dry shiksa pussy.
It's an ancient american test of manhood.
You deep fry the entire thing, pulverize it with a mallet and inhale it.
Survivors get a t-shirt that says "I'm with stupid" and has an arrow pointing in a direction of their choosing.
Ever had one? How much does it cost?
so american...
God I fucking hate going to the theaters in japan. All that slurping noise.