Gul'dan did nothing wrong

Gul'dan did nothing wrong

Prove me wrong

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he cheated

He's a fucking cheater OP

He killed Draenor with the fel.
And more importantly, he cheated.

He cheated.

He saved Durotan's kid though. And was right about needing to sacrifice souls to let the rest of the orcs come to the new world.

So, he's got a bit of a gray side to him, compared to the game character.

CHEATER!@#E}#$@O$!)#e7895y ew98 ujgve[c

This, which was nice development as a character.

He cheated in Mak'Gora.

This is probably going to play in WC2 where Orgrim becomes Warchief and exiles him (and he goes to the Tomb of Sargeras) because the distrust in Orc society grows so large towards Guldan

>inb4 WoWfags with Garrosh
Yes, Thrall cheated too - and he gets fucked by it in Legion by the Elements

He did cheat.

>>inb4 WoWfags with Garrosh
>Yes, Thrall cheated too - and he gets fucked by it in Legion by the Elements
fuck all that horseshit
WoD doesnt exist it's fucking below general wow lore

this tbqh

>WoD doesnt exist it's fucking below general wow lore
I hate WoD too user - I was just stating that he has ramifications later for it.

If Blizzard even reaches WoD with movies I am almost 99% sure they will scrub that shit and pretend it never happened like they did with Medan


stupid frogposter

Gul'dan did everything wrong.
FUCK a Gul'dan

Fair enough. I'm surprised they are continuing the story line after WoD and not treating it as a "what-if" scenario. The whole thing was retarded. The movies will never reach WoD tho lets be honest.

They confirmed it as a what-if scenario. The ONLY Thing to come out of WoD was Guldan into the real-world-timeline to summon the Legion.

And then he dies almost instantly. They could've done it in many other ways.

WoD was just filler cause Blizzard fired a shit ton of people and had low devs (who were shit too)

>The movies will never reach WoD tho lets be honest.
I want to believe

It can't be just a simple what-if if some of the effects from it seep over into the real world. Jesus WoW is retarded now.

He killed all the fem Draenei instead of using them as sex slaves for his warriors.

Why the apostroph in his name?

>we will never see the cataclysm
>we will never see panda ass
>we will never see garrosh time travel

Guldan is still alive and brought the Legion to the world.

Seems deeper this way.

>>inb4 WoWfags with Garrosh

Goddamn that part was unsatisfying. I wanted to kill Garrosh, but nope, Green Jesus! Fuck that entire expansion.

>latest announcements for Legion mention Me'dan

>fem Draenei

If they look anything like male Draenei...

>Guldan is still alive and brought the Legion to the world.
Yea thats what I mentioned - he dies soon after in Legion was my point.

THIS is truly the greatest sin.

>He saved Durotan's kid though

When the kid turned out to be blue, does that mean he got cucked by a draenei and had to use fel to hide the evidence to protect durotan's reputation?

Then got his own skull off Illidan and is using it to power up

Kind of funny to think that the Orcs from LotR ended up being more memorable despite mostly being background characters

Kid was pale cuz he waz dead

>pretending TBC Draenei change was a bad thing

it is not.
it is 100% canon. it is a alternate universe. we used magic to get there.
im sure years down the line once people stop being bitter about WoD they will have alt Durotan and Gromm show up.

That's because you probably grew up with lotr and the orcs in that movie just spouted memes which are posted here endlessly.

>Saying "he's busy", won't appear in this or the next expansion

truly a monster, guldan must burn

>I wanted to kill Garrosh,
fucking alliance scum.

But they were doing so good pretending he never existed retconning him out would be a good thing

He probably is retconned and they just giggled about some person actually caring about Med'an

not enough qt elves tbqhwyf

"The fuel for my magic... is life!" says Gul'dan as he rips the life force of hundreds of enslaved dranei to fuel his spell, including at least one demonstrably pregnant woman in case there was any room for moral ambiguity. Not thirty minutes later later: "There is some price for using the Fellâ„¢," puzzles Durotan. "There must be!"

grom kek

It was you ignorant slut

It's funny because when he confronts Gul'dan he says that again and Gul'dan is like seriously? I explained this shit already

Nah senpai, I think I first saw it a few years ago in 2012? But hey I bet you've spent the last 10 years on WoW so it's kind of like you grew up with it.

huh, that looks pig disgusting, memorable my ass

>>sylvanas will never kick you in the balls repeatedly with her naked feet and once you are lying on the ground in pain step above your head sit down upon your mouth lips to lips and release her precious golden fluid inside you

normaly I agree but guldan used fel, what is like crystal meth or krokodil

Anyone have the Big Red edit?

I assume it is so people say it properly

and not like gulldan (rhymes with golden)

>looks pig disgusting
Kind of the point

Saw the latest expansion trailer, have they covered her up a bit now? Did SJWs cry that she was showing too much skin?

>bunch of dudes with masks and makeup.

the CGI orcs from the hobbit looks far way better

>le falseflag post

Yes, she was showing too much rotting flesh

It indicates a glottal stop

Literally because Metzen didn't want to explain why a hot girl is in skimpy clothing to his kid

I don't know what that means but I'm going to assume yes they did. I'm sure after they changed her out of the burqa she had her abs on show.


As leader of the Horde her first order of business is to flee and leave the Alliance to fend off the demons alone. This is why Varian dies the Horde are cowards

Who gives a shit.

do they want gay children? because that's how you get gay children

it's a damn shame

I haven't played WoW in a long time so I guess this is a sore point for Sup Forumstards or something.

>Herp a derp, the moment any skin is shown on a female character it's regression and SJW's boogeymen if they decide to cover parts of her skin

The bait that keeps on giving, yet never bitten

>by killing innocent humans and Draenei
Gul'Dan is a twat and Orcs should have died with Dreanor.

If it at least matched the colour scheme shes got going it would be better but they just sapped some leather on any problematic areas

movie draenai look fugly

Did they give an explanation to why? I can't imagine women kicked off about it but the very suggestion seems to be setting off someone's autism.

No, the kid was stillborn.

Gul'dan a gud orc he dindu nuffin, on his way to a new world bout to turn his life around, need more gold for dem pogroms

>matched the colour scheme
Tasteless transmogbabbby, please


I still see some skin, this is outrageous!


I hope we live to see a decent movie about Thrall.

This appears to be a very sore subject for you.

He an heroed Durotar.



>This shoddy edit

>Grommash just hanging in the background for the whole movie

nice addition but I really expected him to at least say something, hopefully he isnt going to end up a noname

>it's a weebcuck spic can't communicate in any way besides outdated memes from 2010 episode
Wwwwwwww no wonder your board is dead

and then he became prince of Egypt

>He saved Durotan's kid though

I liked that scene, it just goes on to show that Dutoran was an ungrateful backstabbing bastard.

Grom didn't have a part to play in the first war.
If they make a sequel he will have a bigger part

>Think anyone cares about your shitty """trolling""" that you learned from youtube and leddit

Have a complimentary first and last (you) from me

>Posts Pepe
>Just watched LotR a few years ago

Thanks for telling everyone you're 12 years old

idk what your talking about.

Sure they were fucking starved and filthy because they were slaves to be duel but the look awesome

>If they make a sequel
Daily reminder. He's a cheater too.


WoW died with the lich king

Mak'gora rules are determined by the fighters. Durotan opted for a no weapons brawl so when Gul'dan used his magic it was cheating.

Thrall would have made Shaman powers legal in the duel(which is what he did the first time they fought) and Garrosh would want to beat Thrall at his strongest.

They had fought a mak'gora before and Thralll used his magic then Garrosh knew what he was getting into.

Butt hurt Alliance fag detected.


I love the fact that he looks like a scrawny warlock but when he takes off his cloak he's actually ripped as fuck.

>Gul'dan making magic handshakes that makes orcs green
>No demon blood drinking

This movie is shit

The way Orcs get treated in WoW lore fucks me up
>Agree to drink a fucking demon's blood because they want more power, and trust obviously evil warlock guy
>fuck up their own planet, go to another one so they can fuck it up as well
>Humans defend themselves and get their capital city burnt for their troubles
>orcs have a new homeland but decide to go to war again anyway, enlist help of straight up evil races like Ogres and Trolls
>Lose to the Alliance, who given the setting are shockingly nice and dont massacre them and just put them in internment camps
>Orcs suddenly get redemmened, none of them ever seem to feel any real guilt for their actions but Humans are evil racists for instantly forgiving them because 'its not their fault they got tricked into being evil'
>gave us a generation of shitty Horde player's who act like special snowflakes and 'muh noble savage' mary sue writing

He was among the orcs who didn't let Gul'Dan kill Lothar in the finale.

Orcs get green both ways.

They'll probably leave Demon Blood to explain red orcs in the movie verse.