This country is overrated

This country is overrated

Don't make a mistake

I wish I were not born french

mort aux des bougnoules.

Bonne idée mon pote

Ile-de-France is kebabed beyond belief. Even if Le Pen wins I doubt anything will happen. It would be great if it did though

>cinéma (with "é")
>cabaret (without "é")
>French kiss
>Loire valley castles
>Paris, Paris
>Mireille Mathieu
>La Nausée
>Marie Curie
>more cheese
>Mont Saint-Michel
>de Sade
>Histoire de l'œil
>La République
>gave freedom to the USA
>Chanel N° 5
>Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière
>et Laureline
>Eurocopter H225M a.k.a. Caracal
>La Comédie Humaine
>Gaspar Noé
etc, etc...

ta gueule gros con

Shut up, we try to deceived people in order to have the chance of not seing them here.

Why so angry?

We already have enough strangers here, stop braging about how wonderfull our country is!

Nique ta mère

How about NON?

well it's a shithole and i don't want to live here of course but i wouldn't rather have been born anywhere else, otherwise i wouldn't be as great

I made this less self-hating thread about French culture:

pic très apparentée

Same for me

I'm converting to Judaism to be a part of the Jewish Master Race, at least the Jews aren't cucks nor cultureless americanized subhumans


>This country is overrated
I don't think it is. I've never met anyone who considers France a decent country.





There's a term called Francophile, along with the term Anglophile. Both countries have these terms for a reason, while everyone else is rather quite irrelevant in comparison.

Your GDP per capita is around half of ours.
And a third of your population is muslim.
The Eiffel tower is nice, I guess. But that doesn't really redeem the rest of your shitty country.

Do you use medieval architecture to judge the quality of a country?
Norway is safer, cleaner, has a significantly lower murder rate, less unemployment, higher wages, lower infant mortality, more nature to explore and play around in.
Sure, France does have nicer castles than us. But that does not make it a nice country.

You know what else is a word... "coprophile".

I was im your country two weeks ago. Its not overrated. UK is overratwd, that place is a shithole, your country is beautiful. Even your small cities are great. Be proud.

Is ALL of paris really that bad? Even when my mom visited 4 years ago she said there were africans trying to sell her shit everywhere

No, Paris is great. Everyone should go there one day. I'd move there if I could land a decent job there. France is great.

Most Japanese love France and admire it.

fuck france

You can learn Greek.
I can help you.

Is Macron really gonna be a contender for the election? He's a full-on "my wife's sons" cuckold


Does that describe a fondness of Norway lmao.

No, it means a fondness for feces. And I was just mentioning it to illustrate that something having a ~philia associated with it does not necessarily mean that it has to be good.
Like France, which is not a particularly nice country.

>the joke
>your head

t. Mohamed

I think you are the one who missed my joke, because by equating francophilia to coprophilia, I was comparing France with shit.
But it doesn't really matter. Sometimes humor is lost in text-form on the internet. I don't blame you. I blame myself for not adding an appropriate image.

Doo youu haz autism?

>caring about the economy of the country instead of autistically walking around in public places and counting the algerians


I don't think so. But I've never been to the doctor to ask because I'm afraid it would be too awkward.
Although I probably should, because I have this nasty fungal infection on my foot.

>And a third of your population is muslim.


You're confusing France with Norway where among the newborns 65k are Somali and 15k Europeans

It was estimated that you'll be mostly non white in 2035

As for your GDP thank your oil


They're also a lot of rats

If you want to go to France come to Lourdes !

t omar allahi-abdhuri

My impression was that France, Spain, and Italy were the only euro cunts with non-shite cultures.

Am I wrong?

stfu, richfag, i would kick your arse if i knew how to fight

Aw, I love France. The language/architecture is beautiful and I love the food. Most people were quite nice to me too.