No Good Movies: The Franchise
Agreed. Bryan Singer's Big Gay Allegory: The Fabulous Series needs to end
X2 was *ok* that's it
Needs more Snyder test, less Singer est
Oh, gee I wonder if the next comment is gonna be
>That's not MCU
Apocalypse was way better than Cival War.
It left me feeling way more satisfied.
That's not DCEU and MCU
I like em. They're easy to follow, same template so you know what your gonna get, nothing too challenging, just turn off you're brain.
Shame too since X-men has some god tier story arcs.
They could have gotten the costumes right this time instead of making them look like over glorified paintball gear. Singer is gay, wouldn't he want those bright ass colors?
Sup Forums: The Character
(Who do you think's his favorite cunny?)
Such a kidder.
his sister
Civil War was better than Apocalypse.
It left me feeling way more satisfied
>idiots trying desperately to bootstrap their anti-snyder crusade to peoples love of x-men movies
Both X-Men fans AND Snyder fans think you're dumb. How cool is that.
It ends with costumes but they look awful. All he heard was people want them to be colorful and he forgot to make them look good.
Go back to your kid friendly Disney shit
I will never understand what people find in this shit.
I don't get the memes about x-men sucked, everyone fucking loved them when it came out, and was waiting for the next one, same shit for these prequels.
like 2 trilogies go by and everyone says WORST MOVIES EVER, yet they'll probably have a 3rd trilogy with MCU heros and spider-man...
Ok but dont then tell me you enjoyed X-Men because its the exact same shit.
These costumes all look goofy and awful irl. Kill yourself nerd.
No, some of the X-Men movies, particularly the old ones, were pretty good. MCU is the most terrible, generic, boring capeshit ever.
REALLY? One of the biggest cultural phenomenons to hit the world and you're still puzzled why movie franchise spanning like a TV series in the biggest cinematic universe is popular?
Blame Lord of the Rings.
With the right director/mis-en-scene (not Singer's CW tier bs) they'd look awesome.
Both are utter trash.
Never understand the appeal of X-2.
If by your standards there are no good movies to be found in the X-Men franchise, then there are probably few, if any, good superhero films at all. In which case, why single out X-Men?
No its literally the same, you're an absolute idiot if you enjoy any of this tripe.
Still looks fucking retarded you dip.
>not watching for quicksilver scenes and olivia munn in latex
Rephrase your post and try making sense this time, retard. I know the movies are popular, I just don't get what compels people to like them.
>muh yellow spendex
No they won't. Men in tights wearing underwear above their pants looks fucking goofy and retarded, which anime/comics fan may swallow but not more well adjusted people.
the entire concept is goofy and awful irl. Making them black doesn't make it more serious somehow.
>No they won't. Men in tights wearing underwear above their pants looks fucking goofy and retarded, which anime/comics fan may swallow but not more well adjusted people.
I too prefer the realism of Christopher Nolan and Bryan Singer
*tips fedora*
But you're wrong.
>Making them black doesn't make it more serious somehow.
Yes it does. At least it doesn't give their enemy the "HEY LOOK BRIGHT COLORS SHOOT RIGHT HERE" sign. And they are usually slightly more practical than the shit like capes and huge overcoats they give them in the comics, which would make fighting even harder.
That looks retarded, retard
Whether you think it's a good film or not aside, X2 is easily better than all MCU crap and all the Nolan Batmans. So either you are bad at judging films or your standards are too high for capeshit.
The more successful movie had literal yellow tights and no one complained it looked stupid or that they couldn't take it seriously. Its not a question of whether or not it can look good or should be attempted, its already the best looking x-men uniform in a non x-men movie.
>better than The Dark Knight
It is. Maybe not for comic fanboys, but at the very least X2 is a visually coherent film.
Dark Knight would be good if Batman wasn't shit tier in the movie.
the movie was carried heavily by Ledger
She was a minor character and she looked like shit, not to mention that it was on a little girl, not an old hairy man. Her character ruined Deadpool for me t b h. Little generation Y hipster bitch.
Dude, nothing tops the Dark Knight.... you might have won if you said Dark Knight Rises, or even Batman Begins... but no one is gonna
side with x2 better then Dark Knight bullshit.
This is acknowledged by everyone in the movie including Nolan and Bale...
I blame good editing.
Ok so you just have awful taste and an opinion only found on Sup Forums. Good to know. If you want anyone to take you seriously try resisting the urge to regurgitate memes every other sentence.
yes because X2 is totally faithful and not carried by Wolverine
they're shitty Jlaw vehicles costarring pretty young white boys who get fucked by Singer, complete with meme actors like the GoT midget
This is true.
The Nolan Batman movies are all pretty awful films. Not that they weren't entertaining the first time around and had cool interpretations of some characters, but as pieces of filmmaking, they're a notch above a Michael Bay film.
It is faithful. Its an adaptation of God Loves, Man Kills
>someone doesn't agree with you
>"y-y-you have awful Sup Forums n-not like muh r-reddit capeshit s-sub, muh m-memes
Kill yourself little faggot
Why do you care so much about faithful it is? The best Batman film is one that is one of the least faithful. A film's quality isn't determined by its fidelity to your kiddy picture books.
yes, putting t b h. after something for no reason is a shitty meme. If anything that's the kind of thing you would see on reddit.
>using memes for no reason is bad
Just imagine if they did this costume shit to Batman or Superman. People would flip.
>Kill yourself nerd
Where are you right now fag?
Not the Dark Knight.
Fucking your mum, nerd. And I don't think she gave you permission to come out of the cuckshed.
OP is a faggot: The Thread
>Fucking your mum, nerd.
So fresh and original.
Do you need to ask?
FC and X2 are great, DoFP, X1 and Apoc are good, the rest are bad.
They're all close in quality. The Dark Knight just has a break out performance.
No Good Posts: The Thread
What's Agents of Shield doing in there? Since when to they count?
Only if its a shit reddit meme.
>Since when to they count?
Since forever. Everything that has to do with the pile of shit called The Avengers is terrible.
There's never going to be a story where Quicksilver has to use his super speed to protect his sister from other mutants and her own wacky powers/their consequences.
why live?
You mean Superman's god awful cosplay red underwear costume? Its too late.
The show is part of the MCU, as is Daredevil.
Please. These guys have never contributed anything to the larger universe, and have to react to what happens in the films. A visit from Cobie Smulders, or Sam Jackson doesn't make them part of the MCU. They have no relevance. At least Daredevil and the other Netflix shows are content to make their own universe.
You realize it's the mask wolverine has that looks so fucking retarded and gay? How are you this delusional?
Yeah. I'd like them to do a mask in the spirit of the original. But putting the original mask onscreen, unaltered is ridiculous.
MCU movies feel empty inside like there's no soul in it.
X-men actually has depth and emotion.
I guarantee Xmen is simply targeted towards an older mature audience while MCU targets teens.
>Needs more Snyder test
>Daredevil but not including Punisher
Kill yourself