What are some tropes/clichés that you remember from the past?
>that period during the early 2000s where every show and movie did a parody or Neo's bullet dodge from the Matrix
What are some tropes/clichés that you remember from the past?
Parody of*
I remember in the early 2000s literally every "cool" kid in movies wore a football or basketball jersey because of the gangsta rap culture of the time
having a chimpanzee as sidekick, I'm still waiting for the return of monkeykino
> A woman performs a cool, traditionally masculine athletic or fighting feat
> Reaction shot of audience-cue male character looking flabberghasted
Oh wait no we're still doing that, but it's 24/7 now
The Warcraft movie trailer literally does this
>late 90's/early 2000's
>character descends from the ceiling on wires like mission impossible 1
remeber the trope where an unidentified us president was a middle aged white guy with silver hair, and the idea of a black or female president was so silly that it didnt even make it into even comedy movies.
YFW you will literally never see an actual animal actor on screen ever again.
Well, maybe dogs
>the idea of a black or female president was so silly that it didnt even make it into even comedy movies.
But that was the entire premis for an early 00s Chris Rock movie.
And it was played straight in Deep Impact
Having to keep someone on the line long enough to 'establish' a 'trace'.
Scarlett Johansson's career is literally just that.
That still happens
Getting to the mail in order to intercept something before the intended recipient (think Road Trip)
30 Rock did it with a voicemail, but that felt like the first time in a while
Really? Fucking hell. You'd think itemised billing would kill its credibility.
This is actually a really good one.
One of those online magazines did a long thinkpiece about how quicksand was in virtually every movie/show set in an "exotic" locale from about the 40s through the 60s. Everything from Gilligan's Island to Lawrence of Arabia. Then it just kind of disappeared.
But it turns out there's a sizeable community online of people writing eroticism quicksand fiction. The author does some research and finds out that virtually all the people reading/writing it are men in their 50s/60s, who would have been watching Gilligan's Island as kids.
So basically quicksand was to the 60s as Zootopia is to 2016.
The idea of a black or female president is already comedy in and of itself.
It's hilarious to see the USA continue to circle the drain culturally, economically and socially with your appeasement of the marxist left and their progressive rhetoric. Absolutely hilarious. Even the communists in China have exponential growth trends in their current economic climate while if patterns persist the way they are now in the west and accomodating for inflation, soon you're going to be paying $30 for a movie ticket. Have fan, Amerifat while niggers chimp out in your once great nation
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
>This is literally what americlaps fought and died for in WW2 and WW1
What a quality contribution to this discussion of film
I went on tv to escape the pol feels.
Thanks for posting this, I really learned a lot
>main character does his thing
>cut to black extra being impressed and possibly saying DAMN