What did they mean by this film?

What did they mean by this film?


Is that even allowed under Sharia Law?

>Its a "We pretend sexual fetishes are legitimate lifestyles" episode

I guess once sodomy is normalized, its easy to accept anything

>the trend of men dressing up and behaving like dogs

How exclusive

thanks zootopia

Not wanting to be outdone, Canada legalized bestiality (Oral only. They don't want to go all in yet.)

>“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt,” he says, laughing. “I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”

Absolutely not. These bigots are just trying to antagonize peaceful Muslims to make them look bad when they rightfully attack racist Brits.

>"human pups"

that human beings lose touch when God is not at the centre of their lives.

The Eternal Anglo strikes again

Slippery slope they said.

Humanity disgusts me more and more through every year in passing.

This world needs another great war or a major pandemic that culls billions. Maybe that'll stop this generation of humans from being such pansy ass faggots and wake everyone up to reality

We also need to kick the Jews out and remove the globalist Jewish banking marxist zog machine of usury and national debt slavery

why tho



>They didn’t find it weird

You'd be the first to die during a major war or disease, you passive-aggressive piece of shit.

>they didn't find it weird
Confirmed mentally ill with no self awareness

That's a big foot.


>I think I'm a puppy dog! Woof! Woof!
>Nurse strap down the patient and sedate him for his own safety- it looks like I'm going to need to perform an immediate emergency trans orbital lobotomy.
>I think I'm a puppy dog! Woof! Woof!
>Yaaaaasss! GOOD FOR YOU! My god you're *so* brave!

Cant tell if b8 or summerposter

end of days when?

I watched this and it was so interesting when the UK human pup went to the European competition.

He was just dressdd as a dog and the euros were all sexual furrie dogs wanking eachother.
He was just like, wtf why are they doing this

Hitler was right

Yep, his Mein Kampf chapter about human pups was spot on.

Is Sup Forums full of underage or something?

How have you not heard about this thing? The BDSM community has been doing it for ages, it's nothing new

For anyone. Goddam, is he sucking on Shaq's toe?

Soon we will have naked people laying on our lawns identifying as grass.

Not for long.

Literally this how is anyone still shocked by pup play?

Totally not a mental illness though, guys.

Not everybody is familiar with decadent western customs.

>Conservatives: "All this 'pro-gay', 'pro-tranny' shit is going to lead to Furries having their on movement for 'equality', mark my words."
>Liberals: "OMG YOU UNIMAGINABLE BIGOT. That is a false equivalence and you are a bigot for making it. Also, Slippery Slope fallacy, lel. Your argument is invalid."

>Liberals: "Hey guys, you know what we really need to get over and normalize? Trans-speciesism. It really isn't that bad. They're just like you and me and deserve equality."

Daily reminder that Liberals consistently prove their own opposition 100% right, and then conveniently forget about it.


These are the people mudslimes should be shooting up, not homos.

Lobotomy isn't a real solution, though. It just turns people into docile vegetables.

No, the conservatives said it would lead to bestiality and people marrying goats. As weird as furries may be only the truly mentally unstable ones go in for doing stuff with animal-animals.

they will kill them also

>No, the conservatives said it would lead to bestiality and people marrying goats.

That's what furry shit is leading up to.

Once you can "identify" as a goat, why shouldn't you be able to marry one?

I bet YMS is thrilled

Truly they are the socialist utopia that the United States should be imitating and emulating.

>whomygod guise look at these clearly insane (but harmless so not legally insane) people! This clearly means the whole of society is dying!!

>remember to click the ads that interest you

>Sexual fetishes aren't legitimate lifestyles
Says who? You? If people are able to lead normal lives, hold down a job and maintain a relationship then why does it bother you that they act like a rubber dog or whatever on their own time?

>Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
>Love is the Law
>Law under Will

>If it doesn't affect you, that means it's healthy and not mental illness.

Not saying it isn't potentially mental illness. But how does shrieking at them - or rather, shrieking about their degeneracy on the internet - help? Mental illness is only a problem if it becomes an obstacle in everyday life. If they're able to fit it around holding down a 9-5 etc, no harm, no foul.

tl;dr Mental illness is only a problem when it causes a problem.

>pretend to be a dog
>normal lives

Snek a shit

That's better than allowing what we do now.

Yea goyim stop being so intolerant

This isnt new therefore its normal

stop talking about it

just accept it

>you will never be a pup for your waifu

They meant that slippery slope was never a fallacy.

would you let your daughter own a human pup or are you an oppresive shitlord?

white """"""""people""""""""

>Not wanting to be outdone, Canada legalized bestiality



Insanity is legally defined by potential to harm. To oneself or others. So because these clearly crazy people are harmless, they aren't legally insane.

Just as soon as you define what higher state people are degenerating from.


>But how does shrieking at them - or rather, shrieking about their degeneracy on the internet - help?

You're right. We should be encouraging them, like good little all-accepting Liberal drones.

You a shit.

Miia best girl.

>legally defined

Doesn't matter then.

The state of not being a dog-fucker.

it seems the actual issue here is how their insanity mirrors your own. Harmless, irrelevant, but important seeming to you/them.

they are always harmless until they bite a kid, we should at least neuter them. We dont need more strays


feel free to cite the parts that reference actual bestiality.

cant wait until wellfare goes bankrupt and all these faggots have to get a job and women need to get married

You missed the part where most of them have jobs and partners/ spouses. That makes them better adjusted than 90% of Sup Forums.


>Literally breed our women, we don't want them: The protest


Fish a good though.

>YOU'RE the one who is crazy, for not liking dog-fuckers enough!

Really? Best you can come up with, huh?

You caught how its a LGBT protest, right?

>mfw live in a slav shithole but alteast i don't have to see shit like this anywhere

Well I could've just said "strawman." Would you have preferred that?

You found the point I was making, yes. Congratulations.

>You missed the part where most of them have jobs

Citation needed.

Most furry cucks on the Internet are unemployable NEETs.

this is just pet-play, pet-play is literally roleplay, not some identity nonsense

... so exactly how does "breeding" work with homosexuals?

identity politics means everything is literally an identity

He's implying that the Muslim immigrants are the ones that will be doing the breeding with native women, numb-nuts.

lol this shit really is turning into the god damn sims. Fuck it im voting for
Ch(Tr)ump and seeing if we can kick start idiocracy.

>not some identity nonsense

We said the same thing about fucking men in the ass. And crossdressing.

Now look where we are.

>LGBT welcomes people
>this means they want to have sex with them?
>this means they want them to have sex with other people?
>the other people don't have a say in this?

Yea I really can't follow your/"his" logic here at all.

>Fuck it im voting for
Ch(Tr)ump and seeing if we can kick start idiocracy.

Wrong candidate. You want Bernie "Free Shit because I don't understand how money works" Sanders for that.

Are you saying that we've improved? Because lobotomies are barbaric.

The mental image of that made me burst out laughing

>They didn’t find it weird
Absolutely true! No lies here!

Eh Im gonna still say trump would lead the US down the path more so than Sanders. Why? Have you seen Trump on TV? I am not talking just about his run for presidency. I am talking about just him being on tv for the last 20 years. He is the closes to being like Hector Elanzo Mountain Dew AKA the president in the movie.

Its cute people actually think the presidency matters. The US government is a sock-puppet for corporate interest. The presidency is just the face of the sock puppet.

>man pretends to be dog for sexual gratification and personal amusement
>woman pretends to be cat for sexual gratification and personal amusement
>muh dick

Yet another consequence of our misandrist society, I guess.

Not an argument

Is this for real?
I think a road trip is in order.

yea but it'd be much better to have clickbait about lobotomies performed on people I don't like than people I don't like.

>men and women are different
No way

Please somebody write this.

Mein Kampf: The Lost Chapters

Get it while you can, because you can be sure that an amendment to the penal code is coming shortly to deal with the loophole.

Though what's the point of sucking off an animal? That just seems like a lot of work.