Now that the arcane dust has settled, was Warcraft worth watching?
Not even asking if it was good or not, just want to know if it was entertaining enough to warrant a cinema ticket.
Now that the arcane dust has settled, was Warcraft worth watching?
Not even asking if it was good or not, just want to know if it was entertaining enough to warrant a cinema ticket.
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Yes it was.
It's pure kino
Watch it yesterday.
It was good kino. Seeing Kargath and Grom was enjoyable.
Kripp says yes.
I hated it for one simple reason - it fucks with the lore too much.
if it bothers you then dont watch it, otherwise... most people like it, Sup Forums likes it so go for it.
I liked it. Then again I like dicks.
Sure. It's shit but worth watching since you don't care about quality.
It barely fucks with the lore at all. You don't know what you're talking about, stop parroting memes.
I thought it was entertaining as all fuck. Durotan Vs. Gul'dan alone was worth the price of admission.
The Garona/Lothar romance was fucking stupid though.
It fucks with the lore on a massive scale. they rewrote most of the major characters and they turned Khadgar into an insufferable Mary sue.
Some of the actors were shit. Khadgar's face was just bothering me. The action is kinda shit too.
Not at all
>>The Garona/Lothar romance was fucking stupid though.
especially since canonically Medivh impregnated her.
I enjoyed it, flaws and all. the theater I was at seemed to enjoy it too, not a bad watch if you catch a matinee
orcs are niggers
>that footman dancing in the foreground
>another footman joins and starts dancing
fucking really?
He is owned by Blizzard™ Entertainment though.
Not really. It basically LotR directed by AoTC era George Lucas.
Is making 24 million in a weekend good for this movie? I know they made most of their money in China though, but did it really only make 24 million in the US? I'm not sure if that is a successful opening weekend though.
It was okay.
I'm kinda disappointed Garona didn't stab Llane because Gul'dan was mind fucking her.
Knowing that that was the original reason why Garona killed him made me angry because that made so much more sense than what actually happened.
That being said, it's also really fucking stupid to compare its OW to Marvel flicks or Star Wars.
The disparity in USA when it comes to opening weekends are huge. New franchises never tend to have very big opening weekends in the US, but 24 million is still pretty bad for a new franchise
Well, they were acting like this would be the biggest thing in history and kick off an entirely new hollywood trend.
So the fact its a complete mess and isn't even connecting all that well with it's target demographic (china) is pretty hilarious.
How much did it need to make to recoup it's cost like 500 mil? 24 is pretty poor, it's only up to about 286 mil in total.
shut down brain and enjoy it
i liked it
It set a new opening weekend record in china for like 156 million, beating fast and furious 7.
Oh okay, yeah I wasn't sure what was a big showing in the US, 24 seemed fairly low to me.
>Dat Female Orc on the far left in the background, strolling like she's taking an leisurely stroll on the fucking beach
>Well, they were acting like this would be the biggest thing in history and kick off an entirely new hollywood trend.
Haha what? Who did this?
>So the fact its a complete mess and isn't even connecting all that well with it's target demographic (china) is pretty hilarious.
Don't understand what you mean desu, it's very succesful in China
Yes, $500 million to make its budget back. Currently I think that's looking very much possible, but if they ever plan to do a sequel they need to figure out how to sell it better in USA
Nah it didn't break the OW record in China, although it broke the midnight presale record, the thursday opening record and (I think) the 4 day opening day record
It's an okay movie with good CGI effects that aren't over the top but bad pacing.
So sure I guess, maybe.
Yeah, since she had the tattoos on her and she said the only reason she's alive is because of Gul'Dan and he gave her mother's tusk, I was expecting him to pull some voodoo shit when they were rescuing the prisoners and getting them through the portal. It would have been a nice way to make the human's situation a giant clusterfuck. Soldiers want to go after Garona but they're surrounded and the portal's also closing.
I'm also light weight salty about Orgrim's betrayal and him not performing a coup on Gul'dan.
I like his teeth.
best film this year so far..
the only record it broke was midnight (8.4m). It didn't break any other record. It only made 7m monday. Shits just about done in china.
After watching his review, it seems to he went to the movie expecting to see something that ties itself directly to the games as he has experienced them instead of watching it as a separate entity.
He and his girlfriend probably would have enjoyed the movie even more if they weren't at all familiar with the Warcraft lore. Who the characters are and their motivations are very explicit as it pertains to the events of the film, but if you come in expecting to see WHO IS ANDUIN LOTHAR: AN EXPOSITION you'll be disappointed.
>fade to black before the actual fight because they can't portray a good 1vs1 fight between orcs and humans
Even the pandaland version was better
I'm glad this movie did so well overseas, I'd love to see them make more of these movies, but they need different actors.
Human actors yeah but the orc ones seemed like they nailed it.
I haven't seen any numbers for monday but Warcraft broke boht the 4 day record and 5 day record.
It grossed more in 5 days than TFA did during its entire run in China, and that's pretty impressive.
Age of Ultron had a similair opening to Warcraft and ended up grossing ~$250 million so I'm guessing we're looking at 250-300 million from China
That scene was pure fucking nostalgia for me.
Back in vanilla wow, world pvp was always this very real thing. I played human paladin and the server first High Warlord was this orc warrior and holy fuck every time we saw each other in the world, for me it was incredible. It was like someone put the rest of the world on hold to watch this fight. Nothing else mattered. No one was gonna interfere. It was just me and him. No holds barred. To the death.
I'd see him.
He'd see me.
We'd dismount.
We'd circle a little bit, each baiting the other to engage.
Then he'd charge, and it was on.
Of course, I'd always win because raiding gear > rank 14 gear
>dat grunt
>dat tower
Now that the dorito dust is settled was OP autistic?
i loved the time when paladin pvp was only 1,2 , 3 and for 4 to finish every single player, unless you were fighting another paladin
>Guldan cheats in his makgora with Durotan
>Orcs get angry
>Guldan unleashes fel magic and they instantly fall in line again
>Lothar wins his makgora against Blackhand
>All orcs get mad that Guldan wants to kill Lothar
>Instantly will rebel if he does
>Somehow they are no longer afraid of Guldan at all
>Not just challenging Lothar to a second makgora and draining his soul
>No one was gonna interfere
For me WoW pvp was always higher level ganking lower levels. And the game took no skill so it wasn't even worth it for me to hunt down people weaker than me. The only fun I had was when I'd kill melee gankers with my survival hunter.
I think it's case of that at a certain they're going to realize they out number him. Orgrim and those handful of orcs were willing to openly shit on him. If he keeps shitting on the orcs it's only a matter of time before someone like Grom gets a shit ton of them together and just murder him.
It had potential. There were definitely some good parts. Needed more character development and a better pacing/story flow. Some character decisions also did not make any sense and these were done for the sake of getting from A to B quickly enough. Maybe the 40 minutes of extra footage in the extended edition will make it a masterpiece. Who knows?
So did all the frostwolves get murdered and crucified? Were the blue aliens in the begging suppose to be draenei?
most of them aren't even through the portal
>So did all the frostwolves get murdered and crucified?
It's safe to assume that all of them except Orgrim were murdered unless there were more beyond the Dark Portal
>Were the blue aliens in the begging suppose to be draenei?
Those were definitely Draenei in the cages. They had the horns,blue skin and blue eyes and I'm willing to bet they had hooves too.
I cringed until I cried
6.5 out of 10 as a WoW player
2 out of 10 as a movie goer
>Yes, $500 million to make its budget back. Currently I think that's looking very much possible, but if they ever plan to do a sequel they need to figure out how to sell it better in USA
they just need to make a good movie (without so many tropes, good acting, well written story, and so on)
How does the fact that the entire movie is basically product placement for blizzard?
Like on wow forums post from new players is much higher than before, if this movie brings in new players blizz might be willing to inject money to cover whatever it fails to make back
and Kilrogg. I really hope they're foreshadowing future movies.
They had Blackhand pick up baby Thrall. There's going to be a sequel.
Whether Tides of Darkness or Lord of the Clans? Who knows. It's probably Lord of the Clans but I want Zul'jin and Orgrim fucking up the Alliance
If the draenei have spaceships and crystal technology + naaru shit how are they getting captured and sacrificed by the orcs?
meme writing
t. reddit
Which is what happens in lore. The horde eventually turns on Gul'dan when he makes it perfectly clear he doesn't give 2 shits about them.
blackmoore found him
blackhand is an orc warchief (the one lothar kills in the end of the movie)
My bad fucked up the names but yeah, guess we're getting gladiator turned green jesus next movie.
I thought was more or less mixed at that point. Orgrim killed Blackhand and the Shadow Council. Bunch of them were killing Orgrim a traitor and Orgrim still kept Gul'dan around so he can pump out Death Knights for the Horde.
There wasn't much ganking on my server. Most of the server was max level and most people didn't care enough to attack lowbies unless there was contesting for mobs or resource nodes. Like if I was farming the furbolg rep, opposite faction players would usually just leave and level in a different zone, sometimes after a single death.
And then, most people wanted to get gear or do bgs, so they spent the majority of the time in the main cities in queue or LFG in trade chat. Most world PvP just didn't happen around lowbies or they just learned which areas they would normally go to also have an interest for max level players and went somewhere else.
Silly to say pvp was no skill though. I mean, yeah, it's not exactly tryhard to kill a warrior in blues when I'm in full T2, but against a rank 14 popping pots near mobs or guards, you gotta know all the tricks.
Sure pvp was shallower back then, but it certainly wasn't no skill. TBC Arcane/Fire mages one shotting you 100 yards off the ground while you're on your flying mount, forcing you to corpse rez because your body doesn't fall and your ghost can't fly though. That was no skill.
1: Only so many times Gul'dan can push them.
2: Gul'dan was part of the first makgora, not the second one with Lothar
That did happen, but during the second war, gul'dan basically abandoned his post and took his army to hunt for the toMBA of sargeras, pretty much securing the loss for orgrims horde. He took what he had left to hunt down gul'dan and then they killed the crap out of him.
Why is ogrim a part of the frost wolf clan in the movie?
The Naaru who powered their ship was sick or dying or some shit, which is why they had to settle on Draenor instead of continuing to world hop like that had been doing for 1000 years before that. They were also very soft after being at peace for so long. Orcs and Draenei pretty much got along for a very long time until Kil'Jaeden starts fucking with them. The whole rampaging orc thing was this huge surprise to the draenei. They weren't ready, also Velen is a pacifist cunt.
So Velen is basically obama?
Probably to simplify his bond with Durotan and have an easier excuse as for why he isn't green. I guess it's explained in the novel.
I thought Gul'dan was killed by demons in the tomb. Am I remembering it wrong?
Easier to portray the relationships. Otherwise Durotan would be on equal footing and every instance of "the Frostwolves" would be replaced with "the Frostwolves and the Blackrocks"
Interesting to note that Blackrock Spire and Blackrock mountain where Ogrim sets up the Horde command center or whatever was already named Blackrock before Ogrim and the Blackrock clan ever came to Azeroth.
It's really not a huge change, just kinda weird. Unless you're like a huge Ogrim fan, anyway.
Not worth a ticket, just wait for it to dump on yify. It's one of those movies that's better appreciated on a laptop screen, on a window, while browsing Sup Forums and not paying attention to it.
I'm not American. Can you make a reference to contemporary Spanish government instead?
Why is that man on the foreground dancing? He's about to get killed.
Is he jazzercising? We need to enhance this image.
Yeah I'm pretty sure by the time the Dragonmaw orcs got there they just heard Gul'dan's screams and were glad that he died.
Yeah I understand the change for making Orgrim a Frostwolf since it's easier to explain his relationship to Durotan and why there's a frostwolf symbol on his hammer. But I was kinda disappointed Orgrim never did anything too badass. Like he didn't challenge Blackhand to mak'gora after the shit that Gul'dan pulled.
>good CGI
>Like he didn't challenge Blackhand to mak'gora after the shit that Gul'dan pulled.
Would've been nice and helped with setting up a sequel.
I do like that he assassinated him originally though.
and I did like the fact that Lothar did have a duel with an orc and walked away with the king. Seeing the orcs respecting the tradition and Gul'dan being mad.
Could've been done with someone other than Blackhand though, so Blackhand could still be killed by Orgrim.
I would've been fine with Lothar killing Blackhand if they tossed Orgrim a fucking bone. Like instead of that shit with Thrall at the end for the clip. Have Gul'dan feeling exhausted because he's running out of fuel for his fel magic and Orgrim just strolls into his hut and lays down that he's in charge and going to make his life hell.
>But I was kinda disappointed Orgrim never did anything too badass. Like he didn't challenge Blackhand to mak'gora after the shit that Gul'dan pulled.
Yeah, for sure. I would have loved to see some more Ogrim action, but I feel it was okay that we didn't. It's cleaner for someone not familiar with the lore to have the spotlight on fewer characters. I mean, no one who doesn't know the lore was disappointed about Ogrim's role in the plot, right? Plus, you know Ogrim's alive at the end and pretty fucking pissed at Gul'dan still, so if there's ever a sequel we'll see a lot more of him then.
For me, when it comes to retcons in adaptations like this, I'm willing to look past quite a bit. Retcons designed to make the narrative easier to tell or remove complications that people new to the story wouldn't understand are fine by me.
It's the difference between Arwen in the LotR trilogy and Tauriel in the Hobbit trilogy.
Shame, they are a decade late and playing a shadow of a game.
Quick who does Sup Forums cast for Zul'jin for the sequel?