What's some music for

What's some music for
>tfw no gf
when instead of feeling maudlin and melancholy, I feel anger, rage, and the desire to do great violence against everything and everyone around me?

Other urls found in this thread:


Black flag, or music you really hate that enrages you

anime soundtracks, power metal, steampunk music, dark cabaret, video game soundtracks, youtube dubstep mixes, 50`s pop, swing, electro swing...

Death Grips

I already listen to Black Flag. My War is a favorite of mine. I also enjoy No Trend, Flipper, and a lot of punk in general, really.


If you're being serious, why would you even post this?

Practically everyone on this website has listened to most of their discography. Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out if you're going to post this bullshit.

Do you wonder why you're single with that attitude?

Do you think it's impossible to conceal attitudes and feelings you understand to be unattractive?

It must be or else all these angry people could make it. I feel like it is. You can just tell if someone's angry and bitter the second you talk to them even if they're cordial at the time.

Stay mad fag. You will never EVER have your own gf ;^)

Aphex Twin - Computer controlled acoustic instruments pt 2 because tfw no bf and listening to this rn

Wrong in practically every aspect.

There exist potentially numerous reasons for why the angry people that don't make it, don't make it. To assume that it is because they are angry is about as lazy and simple as possible.

Additionally, people that assume others are angry/bitter/whatever because of some facial expression, or lack thereof, are retarded. It's people like this, like you, that make me legitimately angry.

You go for easiest, most convenient conclusion and stick to it because it eliminates the psychological complexity that makes us human, just because it renders you guiltless and without empathy and you don't have to THINK beyond elementary black/white.

You are a fucking child.

Thank you. I'll check that out.

People like you just render a 5 second, drive-by judgement of anyone you're ill-disposed to and assume whatever ails and afflicts them is clear-cut and justified.

You are cruel and you are fucking sick.

Yes, I'm the OP and I'm posting again because this is how angry people like you make me.

Shut the fuck up cuck


>Getting this upset at an anonymous poster on an image board
And you wonder why people don't like you around them...

Why do you assume that my online behaviors are a fair representation of my IRL behaviors?

is Unty back ?

>You are a fucking child.
lmao says the little baby who throws a hissy fit because he can't get a girlfriend

listen to sdbm (suicidal depressive black metal), its perfect for angry manchildren such as yourself

>throws a hissy fit because he can't get a girlfriend
But I haven't done that.

lol do really you put that much importance into pussy to the point of feeling violent for not getting any?


damn well aren't you an angsty little cunt

listen to my chemical romance and cut yourself you little queer

pffft, you need to stop taking shit so seriously

also Sup Forums isn't your personal blog

maybe you're into dudes and just frustrated because you can't contextualize your feelings

Wow. You must be fun at parties.


1. At no point have I expressed angst ITT.

2. There are many things worse than angst, such as reactionary, thoughtless condemnation of it, like you're doing right now.

There's nothing wrong with telling people where they're wrong.

At no point have I used this thread as my personal blog.

There's nothing ITT that suggests I like dudes. It's OK to have nothing to offer to this thread, to this dialogue. What's not OK is having nothing to offer and pretending otherwise by giving diagnoses and suggestions based on nothing but leads of fucking faith.

I could easily interpret that irrelevant slight as a resignation that you've no legitimate response, but I won't.

I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself.

Tell me what's wrong with that post. Tell me where I'm wrong.

not op but thats such a gay thing to say


This isn't what I was looking for at all, but I appreciate the contribution nonetheless. I've never heard of this band/musician.

*leaps of fucking faith

>1. At no point have I expressed angst ITT.

your post numbers are 666 don't try to fool me you angsty satanic faggot

If you have nothing to say, it's more efficient to just say nothing at all.

The pathetic, entitled, modern American male


This post assumes a lot.

You are assuming that I believe I'm entitled and I don't. I understand I'm entitled to nothing, especially not another person's affection and love.

You are assuming that I don't work to improve myself and achieve what I want, which is again false.

You are assuming my anger and rage are a consequence of others and their disinterest/disdain towards my existence, and not something else entirely.

All of this you assumed blindly because it made my circumstance easier to understand and therefore easier to condemn, at least I suspect that's why.

wow you really are angsty lmao

no wonder you can't get a girlfriend

this is some top tier autism, kek

There's no angst in that post.

Why are you making fun of me for being potentially autistic instead of him and the several others in this thread that have spouted incorrect accounts of me and what I've expressed?


Because you aren't potentially autistic you are autistic, user.

I used several searches and couldn't find the answer.


Even if I am, why make fun of me for a circumstance I have no control over when you could instead mock and scold those that have spouted stupidity ITT?

I know this thread has deviated from its original intent but I'm still hoping others will recommend music for this feeling.

seriously though, are you unty? Your posting style is near identical, the way you phrase sentences, your use of repetition, your inability to deal with even the most begin shitposting, your rage and your intolerance towards the idea that you may have a role to play, however slight, in your own misery (which I'm not saying you do, so don't sperg at me for that). It's quite fascinating; if you're not unty and are being serious you have a remarkably similar personality to him


also check out Nails or something to keep this slightly music related

listen to albums you listened to or attached to exes. know that you conquered those bitches by symbolically reclaiming your catalog.

I am unty.

I'm not intolerant to the idea that I have a role to play in my misery. I accept that idea, hence why my hostile sentiments are not a consequence of others' disinterest/disdain in my existence, as stated in the post you replied to.

I'm familiar with them, though it's been a while since I've given them a listen. I'll look into them again.

Thank you.

I have no exes but even if I did, I don't see how this suggestion would help, so I doubt you've a clear understanding of what I'm expressing.

>I am unty.
Whether that's true or not, I genuinely think you should kill yourself. As a girl, I would never even come close to someone as delusional and entitled as you. You are seriously the epitome as "Le nice guy turns misogynist bc girls dont like me :(((("

Well, maybe if you weren't such an angsty and edgy manchild some girls could fall for that autistic charm.

Have fun dying a virgin, though.

op you've got to remember that a lot of people here are 14 years old who try to be le ebinest trole and by replying you only make them more annoying

Anyone have the unty vocaroo?

>I feel anger, rage, and the desire to do great violence against everything and everyone around me?
all because you can't get pussy, damn boy

that's called a self-fulfilling prophesy you know? nu-male

Well shoot props for being honest about being unty I guess. Check out Primitive Man- Scorn and Conan- Revengeance. You're not really a bad guy my man, but you clearly got some stuff you gotta work through, so good luck my man

I don't believe OP is unty but can someone post some of the screencaps of real unty being his usual butthurt self? it just cracks me up every time.

This makes me think about how lonely I am.


Everything I listen to

I assume this is intended to fulfill the second part of

hey man its alright if you are an angst filled gay man, but you are using this board to cry about personal issues. youre not gonna get a girl with that attitude m8

This should to the trick

I'm fairly certain this is bait.

Explicitly mentioning your gender on top of a heap of unsubstantiated bile makes me believe this can be nothing but bait.

Thank you.

I find most punk pretty boring but that was entertaining. Never heard of them or Cripple Bastards. I'll look into both.

I've already listened to Scorn and Revengeance, but it's been a while for the latter so I'll revisit it. Thanks.

I'm already familiar with The Smiths, but thank you.


best listened to at full volume while doing 100 on the freeway at night. theres so much violent primal energy in this song,

>I'm fairly certain this is bait.
I'm fairly certain you just can't handle the truth :^)

I bet deep down you know I'm right, and that all the other posters in this thread are right, but you're afraid of admitting it. Maybe you don't know what you'll do, maybe you'll actually kill yourself if you finally fully realize what a pathetic child you are. I like mentioning my sex because I think it really drives home the point more than if you heard it from a male. I think it causes you mental confusion when somebody of the gender which you dehumanize and objectify tells you the truth. If you want I can get my boyfriend to come and tell you too, he'd get a good laugh out of your unty-esque antics.

>DAE not have gf lmao

Boyfriend here. OP is indeed autistic. I recommend Death Grips.

this l m a o

Thank you.

Just want you to know that I read all of this post and deemed it not worthy a response beyond this.

If you respond to me again in such a manner, I'll do the same thing, only with an even briefer response.

Holy shit this is incredible. Again, thank you.

Uhm, no

>Just want you to know that I read all of this post and deemed it not worthy a response beyond this.
Your behavior is so textbook troubled-child-psychology. I know I struck a nerve though



>Uhm, no

Oh don't be like that babe

Hey, I have to admit, if you're really unty you're getting better at not throwing autistic rage fits at people. Maybe one day you'll actually grow up.

My boyfriend said I should send this to you as an achievement award. By being less autistic you're one step closer to touching a girl. Lol

np my man


I'm listening to the full release now by the way.

Literal burrito body kek

And yet my boyfriend gives me more dick in one day than you'll ever give a girl, so some weird internet nerd's taste in body doesn't matter to me. How does it feel knowing you'll never be satisfied like I am? :^)

its one of my favorite albums, so many original ideas in every track.

pretty gay to want a dick 24/7

tell your bf we're sorry about his fatass fridge of a gf

well i for one appreciate being a dude whose sense of self-worth isn't about how often i take dick

>actually posting this fat slab of a body for others to see
>and it's obvious this is intended as a "flattering" angle


women don't understand the male sex-drive and how most men will literally fuck just about anything

this leads to many thinking they're hot shit when they're very far from it

lmao @ these low-test numale cucks.

my girlfriend is better than anything you autismal whiners could ever lay your hands on. feel free to cry about how your dick isn't big enough to penetrate a real woman while mine makes her moan from dawn til dusk

This isn't thicc, it's just fat. Sorry.

don't know if that's actually your gf

don't know if you sincerely meant what you just typed

don't know if you're trying to be funny

but i don't care, and i'm going to laugh anyway

kill yourself gayboi

we've still got two weeks until valentines day, cool it you autists

>the cuck tries to defend itself by claiming it "isn't attracted to" the thick goddesses that alpha males have the girth to satisfy and which produce the most healthy offspring, instead they vent their frustration and anger at being virgins then masturbate themselves to sleep while looking at pictures of other men's high-test mates

my girlfriend could probably break your scrawny little faggot neck with her thighs alone. hell, I'd let you fuck her just once just to see your tiny miniscule twig dick get snapped in half like a toothpick!

up your standards if possible, we're all trying to help you and you're lashing out at us.

why do i get the feeling that this conversation is making you erect

does the bottom circle represent her second chin

she used to be quite a bit thinner. of course as an alpha male, I forced her to fatten up and continually fed her larger and larger amounts of food. she obeys because thicc curvy goddess fall under the spell of my gargantuan girthy dick like flies to honey. you cucklords would never know what its like to command your girlfriend to eat 3 entire servings of pancakes as well as 4 glasses of milk (~2200 calories) each morning to make sure her body and skin is stretched to the limit to accomodate the extra fat she is piling on.

i'm out of here. it's either satire or not, but either way it's too much

Dude I literally gave up on women like 6 months ago. Even if a girl showed interest in me I wouldn't do anything. They scare me frankly and I don't want to waste my time or surrender my independence or dignity to please them. Sup Forums is better than anything a girlfriend can provide honestly. I want a girl with a body like a goddess and the personality of Sup Forums so I'm pretty much out of luck.

some men just aren't meant to get women

become a boxer or something
take out your frustration on the bag or with weights
get ripped
beat up some antifa losers
get confident
get pussy