Put this hat on and say a music opinion

Put this hat on and say a music opinion

Tool is the only real metal band.

Dream Theater

radiohead is good

DAE feel classy listening to jazz?

hip-hop, you mean nigger music? huehuehuehue

My favorite band is Les Rallizes Dénudés. Oh, you've never heard of them? They're ONLY the most influential band to come out of Japan and the lead singer was a communist who...

>it's a grower

Caravan Palace

I like music


Hip hop? No, thanks, I gave it a try a couple times but it just ain't my thing

>tfw kids these days don't listen to frank zappa

Freddy Mercury is truly the most epic frontman in music history. His vocal range and showmanship was second to none!

I love spamming Grimes on Sup Forums and pretending she's attractive

Music these days is so bad :( what happened to having great bands like Queen and Led Zeppelin in the charts instead of Nicki Minaj and Justin Biebshit! Sad!

I love the sound design on this track

DAW takes no skill


Giving such a shit genre a try would indeed be a fedora move

>wat n tarnation