Genres are necessary distinctions

>genres are necessary distinctions

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They're helpful so you don't call Skrillex chamber music or Napalm Death Greek folk music in conversation

you wouldn't do that if there weren't genres

genres are useful and convenient
i don't understand why some people hate them so much

But genres helpful keep them separate so you don't confuse rappers with art or metal bands with talent

it's restricting and shit, boxing people into categories of music listeners for no good reason. how many people do you know who say "I don't listen to X" or "X is terrible" about a specific genre, limiting their own potential enjoyment through no real fault of their own

because they can't tell if something like chance is gospel or rap or neither

Sounds like a (You) problem. I range from radio pop to grunge to noise and like them all. Why is this a big deal to you?

I don't like any metal. It's the ethos, sound, style, attitude, nothing about interest me one iota. Listing bands won't change that, it much easier to say metal and ignore all metal.

>"radio pop, grunge, noise, the list could go on...

so I guess you're entirely open to the idea of a contemporary bro-country masterpiece

it irks me how people will invariably ask what genre music I rec them is and proceed to promptly state that it "isn't their kinda vibe" or some shit without so much as considering giving it a chance. this problem could by easily fixed by having only one genre: sound

Not everyone likes all sounds like not everyone likes all foods, booze, titty size....


>this problem could by easily fixed by having only one genre: sound
could you imagine lmao

But genres helpful keep them separate so you don't confuse rappers with musicians

that doesn't stop kanye west

Do you like artists like Aphex Twin, Autechre, Plaid, Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, Flashbulb...
>just say IDM
Oh no I'm not allowed despite it being the same sentence only much, shorter, easier, to the point and you know what is mean

you're just not open to it supposedly due to the stigma surrounding the genre within your social circle again something that could be fixed easily by having one or no genres
I don't see the issue with that

> due to the stigma surrounding the genre within your social circle

I don't have friends, now what

>don't see the issue with that

ok good luck comparing anything to anything being that it's all sound, yes intelligent and not confusing and vague as fuck conversations lie before you, I applaud your amount of brain cells

I do. I can see some random dude in a bar finally get the nerve to walk up to a girl. He asks what her favorite genre is and she says blabla, then the guy says "uh actually there's one genre: sound!!"

I'll help you, he's garbage

you wish you had friends and you think one step towards that is avoiding metal music because you've seen it stigmatized elsewhere on tv and such but there are really nice people who listen to metal who would be your friend too probably

just think about that

Just say "sound"
>okay, do you like sound?
>any in particular?
Yes, Aphex Twin, Autechre, Plaid, Boards of Canada, Squarepusher, Flashbulb...
>you mean ID-, oh fuck

garbage genre is pretty good man fuck you

>being afraid to say you like metal

It's not the genre's problem. It's your personal problem with having no confidence.

on the contrary I think very concise and specific conversations would lie before me, having gotten rid of ridiculous umbrella terms
it would obviously have to be roundly agreed upon so that encounters like you describe needn't occur

Classifications, specifics and distinctions exist in every field possible. There's no precedent to think that they should be removed from music and there's no precedent to think that it would even be a good idea. Also, music itself is a distinction/category.

you're fucking dumb lmao

under the even bigger non-sensical umbrella of "sound", the hypocrisy

Recommend me some music, OP. My favorite music is music.

Justin Bieber, Scooter and Mendelssohn

That's a genre. You can only say "sound".

Try a lawnmower.

I don't like that music, my favorite music is MUSIC!

>could by easily fixed by having only one genre: sound

>man, I really like this specific sound more than other sounds
>If only there were a way to find more sounds just like this one

Recommend me some composed sound bro

well I'd say I'm principally opposed to needless classification within subjective fields, most of all art, be it aural or other
so how far should we let it go in the other direction, do you think?
alright, here you go:


It's not fucking needless, this has been exemplified multiple times in this thread

why are you seeking to take the shortest leaps possible?

If classifications are "needless" why did you use the classification of "aural"?

No matter how strong your principles are, you won't be able to even abide by them in this case. You're just blathering about normative behavior that has no application to the real world.

it's not needless, without terms to describe things you're at a loss for describing composed sounds with no terms for the conversation, you're basically imagining us living in a world where we can't have a conversation about music let alone art at all, how would you go about describing things? just assign adjectives to whatever your subjective mind decides and expect people to understand? fucking idiot

>alright, here you go
I don't like this music. I much prefer music.

would u rather have a block of green text that arrives to the same conclusion you dense motherfucker

Might as well just remove distinctions between movies and literature if you're so vehemently against musical genres.

Movies are just moving pictures, literature is just words.

>why are you seeking to take the shortest leaps possible?
What the fuck do you even mean? Why don't you just admit that you're a retard and genres are fine?

Movies also fall under "sound".

Shit, so does the sound of turning book pages.

Also art isn't a subjective field, we can objectively determine what constitutes a certain art form and we can also constitute what is characteristic of subcategories within said art. The only subjective part of that is someone's personal enjoyment on a certain piece.

of course most people are going to be blindsided by a removal of musical genres considering how ingrained they have become, I wouldn't expect them to know how to go about transitioning immediately
"aural" is not a classification in the sense that "rock" is a classification, but you know that already.

I would argue that genres serve as heuristics so that people can talk about music without necessarily having extensive knowledge of composition and musical terminology. Classification is useful but I agree that thinking about music solely in terms of genre is needlessly restrictive.

there's nothing intuitive about making everything artistic in existence as vague as humanly possible to fucking describe, categories exist in the real world to prevent you from drinking drain cleaner instead of lemonade

And skiing. The sound of the snow sweeping under the skis.

Or DIY, hammer on nails.

Or sex, everything really is "sound".

Brb, going to see the cute chick at the record store and ask her for some "sound".

Actually "aural" and "rock" are the same type of categories. If you wish to disprove me maybe you should made a distinction between these two categories? Or would that defeat your argument as you had to make a justified and necessary distinction? :^)

Record it when she slaps you.

Also "sound".

>He doesn't understand that certain music has similar sound to other music and that's why we put them into groups
>He doesn't understand that genres are used to categorize music in an easy way
>He doesn't understand that if all music was under one category it would be a nightmare to find music you like

I like how your idea of how genres don't work is just getting rid of genres altogether as if somehow by comparison centuries of categorization to sound and art is less explicit and descriptive than just nothing and our own intuitions

Put the dog food, steaks and cyanide capsules on the same supermarket shelf, it's all just food.

my point is that wanting to constantly cram your brain with similar things is a symptom of the problem, although I also partly blame our wider consumer culture
yes I agree with this
movies are audiovisual, I hope that clears up the confusion

>so does the sound of turning book pages
don't be stupid
this is untrue

>don't be stupid

Wait, are you making distinctions now between different sounds?

They should invent a word for these separate types of sound.....

similar =//= the same, dummy

don't see how consumer culture is related but divert away argumentatively, your intelligence is literally confounding

>this is untrue

Great argument! Also good job on ignoring posts that ruin your position. In addition to this, you've made several distinctions/classifications throughout this thread.

If you put this much energy in something productive you'd be doing well but you seem to be hung up on genres of all things.

Styles? Types? No, wait, Its coming to me...

>dog food
>cyanide capsules
bait detected, don't even know why I bothered posting.

>yes I agree with this
well there's the distinction that "just words" and "moving pictures" are classified separately but hey genres are completely un-useful huh?

Art is only objective when looked at historically. The best art subverts conventions and expectations of a genre and moves the genre in new directions.

Differentiating them is just pointless categorization.

How does not calling them metal or art music all of a sudden mean you can't tell the difference between a Beethoven piano sonata and a Death Grips song?

the distinction here would be between purposeless sound and purposeful sound
I have done no such thing and yes I concede that the distinction of different sounds is a necessary one

>Constantly cram your brain with similar things is a symptom of the problem
What exactly is the problem? You're upset because your middle school crush said she wasn't into rap when you told her about Death Grips, is that it?

It doesn't mean you can't tell the difference. It's putting a name to that difference. You fucking retard.

Purposeless and poposeful are seperate categorisations of sound, also known as genres.

>I concede
About time

>...for people with low IQs

but for what purpose? and is occasional convenience worth the drawbacks?

but I haven't denied that

Not going to disagree with you there, hindsight is 20/20. And such hindsight allows us to classify.

you deemed the distinctions unnecessary for the majority of this thread and failed to give any of us an explanation or a worthy replacement

>but for what purpose?
So people can find the music that they want to hear, you fucking dipshit. Why is that so hard to understand?

>occasional convenience
Yes, being able to browse millions of bands throughout thousands of genres accurately is "occasional convenience"

Name one objective drawback to being able to call something what it is that doesn't stem from your hipster-esque disdain for society.

alright I might have done initially, but it was brought to my attention that a distinction between purposeful and purposeless sound is necessary. one I deem sensible since it can be made objectively and sets no further expectations

kek best post itt
this thread is so dumb

Gee you might even call that distinction between sound... a genre

The second you take "sound" and split that into different categories they are different genres, that's what genre means.

You either have genres or not. Which do you want already?

Fire alarms make a purposeful sound. How do we distinguish between a fire alarm and music

at a certain point people should accept that a degree of effort needs to be applied for their own sake, the rampant apathy towards actually appreciating anything is disconcerting to say the least

Some people have more important things to put effort into


[zhahn-ruh; French zhahn-ruh]

noun, plural genres [zhahn-ruh z; French zhahn-ruh]

a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form, content, technique, or the like:
the genre of epic poetry; the genre of symphonic music.

should we?

>the rampant apathy towards actually appreciating anything is disconcerting
Yeah, you definitely tried to show your crush Death Grips. Way to dodge literally everything I said by the way.

>should we?
Yes, I don't enjoy listening to fire alarms in my leisure time. If recording a fire alarm going off and posting it on the internet is all it takes to make music, that's all anyone would ever do.

well their priorities are their business, but why should we enable mindlessness?
I didn't and you claiming so does nothing

>should we?
how is a fire alarm not being nominated for a grammy

>I didn't and you claiming so does nothing
You did, and lying on the internet does nothing. Go to sleep, it's past your bed time.

you're telling me people would just go on the internet... and tell lies? what???

well I wouldn't know about this

Genres just make it easier to sell to people who are familiar with that sound. Like an age demographic, or fucking chinese food.