Good, cancelling visas which were already accepted was retarded. However, IIRC, the ban on new visa applications is still active (which is also good).

>be president
>get cucked by a judge

literally can't make this up

Was there a court ruling when Obama, Carter, Roosevelt, etc. did the same thing?

Finally a smart guy in the country.


If Trump had excluded Iran from the ban, it wouldn't have been nearly as big a deal.

He made the order without any legal counsel so he basically set himself up for this cuckening

Trump got that list of countries from a Homeland Security order that was signed by Obama. Maybe you should ask the former Mulatto-in-Chief before you blast the current Grapefruit-in-Chief.

And Irak since... you know: the Iraqi has been actively fighting ISIS positions for months.

i suppose you'd blame his tiny orange hands on obongo too, chan?

While I am celebrating as every blow to Trump's ego is a good thing, the word cucked is overused. The US was created with checks and balances to limit the president's power. Trump was trying to test the limits of his power here.

Obama didn't do the same thing though. His ban was different because it was only in response to a specific threat, didn't effect people who already had visas and green cards, and wasn't a blanket ban.

No, that's just a genetic defect.

>america literally elects subhumans as their leaders

isnt this a good thing the government is supposed to have checks and balances the president isnt a king

>the president isnt a king

his supporters don't think so

Normally I would be unhappy because Trump is right about those sandniggers, but it's good when governments get nothing done.

Decentralization is the answer

lmao will be reversed next week as dhs already announced plans to challenge it at the earliest possible time

six month ban now

Fanboys are stupid.

>USA accepted 16k refugees over 8(eight) years with a dem president
>banning ME countries over this

That's like the numbers of immigrants that come here through the Lybia route in a single month.

ffs overreacting for the smallest shit just causes the opposite effect, now they'll virtue signal and get 5 times those numbers. At least they'll close off the Lybian coast or so they say. It's election time everywhere after all.

>That's like the numbers of immigrants that come here through the Lybia route in a single month.
And look how much damage they caused.

>Trump will have pushed young people so far to the left that the next president will get elected on promises to drastically increase immigration and to suck China's cock

Trumpniggers on suicide watch

Tell me 1(one) reason why the ban is a bad thing

It's ISIS recruiting propaganda.

t. John McCain

>but it's good when governments get nothing done.

It doesn't include Saudi Arabia or Pakistan because Trump is a neocon puppet just like his predecessors

>You will see the USA downfall from both sides of the spectrum
feels good

It was needlessly fucking with people who already here and we still aren't accepting any new immigrants anyway.

So if it include those two it would be ok?


He is a neocob tho.
Why would anyone expect him to be any different?

So he just overuled for the people who already had green cards?

It's reactionary, unconstitutional, and ultimately pointless. He's going to have to find another way to restrict travel from the ME.

The ME nations NOT covered by Trump's ban included the one whose citizens have actually perpetrated terrorist attacks against the US, as opposed to the banned ones. Hint; it was 9/11 and they were saudis.


He got elected on the promise of #NoMoreWars

It's ok, in 2 weeks he's only threatened war against China, Mexico and Iran :^)

So, whats so bad about it, nothing will change anyway

>It's reactionary, unconstitutional, and ultimately pointless.

A true diplomat.

Is there a name for this meme? Because I'm am absolutely loving this meme.

>in 2 weeks he's only threatened war against China, Mexico and Iran :^)
Come back when he acts of threats.

And Chicago.

idk but have another

don't think it has a name

That ban on visa applications is just for the restricted countries, right?

I hope people will realize now what a dumb fuck they actually elected

Literally nothing good comes from Muslim immmigration, still dont know why people are so mad about it

>He made the order without any legal counsel


aren't the younger generations becoming some of the most conservative people in decades because of all the autistic screeching from the left? I used to consider myself liberal and progressive but I'm apparently a nazi for believing in borders.

>still dont know why people are so mad about it
Because they are Muslims living in Europa (a Lebanese girl from Tyre).

Trump is the perfect storm of shit, someone so malignantly awful but stupid at the same time that it's hard to think of any way he'd have a positive effect on the country. He's any anti-American's wet dream.

>tfw four years of SJW tears and Trumpnigger damage control as his retarded policies sink their lives into the toilet even more

feels good

Not really, but even if they were, pic related.

I doubt it. The people who like him are the kind of people that don't concern themselves with facts. It's all about emotion, the thought of kicking the mexicans out is all they really desire. It will never actually happen but trump allows them to envelop themselves in a shroud of doublethink and cognitive dissonance. Reality is not reality to the kind of people that like trump and others like him, perception is their reality. Now the same is true of everyone but the average Sup Forumstard doesn't care. It isn't about policy, it's about one liners and things that make them FEEL safe and secure,


>ban nations that literally dindu nuffin to you
>don't ban the ones that have commited terror attacks against you

really says something when the fucking kenyan was the smarter president

That picture isn't related to his topic at all.

Yes it is. The youth is more left leaning because of that.

"Muh feels" is killing both ends of the spectrum. I expect my children's generations to be the most emotionally precious, safe-space seeking and irrational human beings to ever walk the planet.

It originally applied to anyone who was a citizen of those countries. So if you were from Iran but had a european citizenship, you'd still be banned. Even better, in Iran's case you inherit your citizenship from the paternal line, so aslong as your father's an iranian citizen so are you. This means that even if you've never set foot in Iran and was born in Europe, you're banned from entering the US. He effectively codified ancestral sin. This was before they clarified that it didn't apply to people whose passports were from countries other than the banned ones, though - he was heavily criticized by several european nations before that.

>ban nations the kenyan hawaiinigger dubbed high-security risk
>get called a nazi
lmaoing at my country rn

Muh oil money

It's so hilariously transparent and ridiculous at this point. Saudi arabia is the number one supporter of terrorism worldwide but the last one to ever be called out on it.

>Yes it is.
No it isn't.

>The youth is more left leaning because of that.
Birth rates and death rates dont correlate to conservative or liberal. So the image doesn't help your point at all.

How will those poor europeans ever make it

Nah, I think they'll be a generation of extremes. Either the safe-space seeking babies you mentioned, or people like us (some of us, anyway) who are effectively desensitised from anything that might otherwise cause offense.

sooner or later this circle will get smaller, there's a breaking point for everyone, it may take a while though

This graph is completely irrelevant. Are you literally stupid?

The vast majority of people think both extremes are insane. The problem is moderates are always the quietest ones. It reminds me a bit of the 20s and 30s. The commies and facists were both supported by a minority but both rose to power because everyone inbetween did nothing,

>"boy, that country's dangerous" is the same as banning every single man, woman and child

This is genuinely how Trumpniggers think

Non whites rarely vote Republican. An increasing non white population makes it harder for Republicans to get elected.

What a dork. How can you fuck up that hard?

>some kids wont be able to see mickey for 90 days the humanity
Stop posting taringa shit you faggot

TRump literally won thanks to Florida aka the Spic State

It is relevant. My point is that after Trump, the changing demographics mean America is going to shift further to the left.

>Non whites rarely vote Republican. An increasing non white population makes it harder for Republicans to get elected.
Wrong pic it would seem, eh?

Maybe if republicans weren't the party of multinationals and the koch brothers they wouldn't have such a hard time getting elected. Then again I suppose asking American politicians to care about actual Americans would be asking too much.

I think social media gives the extremes far more opportunity to spread their ideas and even diluting them a little to make it more appealing to moderates.

The fact that we're so reliant on a medium which gives everyone their public soapbox, while simultaneously filtering their audience to their liking does not bode well for the future.

So when Italians and Tunisians do it, it's a good thing but when we do it, we're suddenly neo-nazis?

That's because most non white people live in cities and Republicans only ever care about rural problems.

i don't understand the muslim ban desu, america's pretty much the most islamic nation at this point

>nonwhite majority
>circumcision is mandatory
>kinder eggs are banned

In their defense, they might not have intended for it to apply to people with dual citizenships and only to the specific passport they were carrying. But I don't know how the order was formulated; I've only observed the fallout.

More people wrote in meme answers like Mickey Mouse than the gap between Hillary and Trump in Florida. It also helped the Republicans that voter turnout was so low (Trump got less votes than Romney even). Trump did a small % better with non whites than Romney did, but he still lost every non white demographic by a large margin.

They're not banned. I saw them at an international food mart a few weeks ago.

>nonwhite majority
t; Mayor of London

If he didn't win Florida then he would have still won.
It was FL+Wisconsin,Michigan and Pennsylvania that made him deadly.

There's no point in comparing countries, you lard
If you literally ban muslim countries that have done nothing to you and do nothing to the country whose citizen have constantly attacked you then you're jus tbeing stupid

>religion controls the government
>forever cucked by Jews

makes u think

It's not as if the internet invented the human tendency to validate your already held beliefs, it's just made it much worse. School now more than ever needs to teach people how to think rather than what to think. Despite what right-wing high-school dropouts would make you believe I think university does a great job of this but it should be happening in high-school as well.

>I think university does a great job
Come on now

That's part of it, but still, it does go deeper than that. The Republican party has a huge problem with being seen as racist.

>the mayor of london being brown is worse than having a white pop of only 60%

If I could have it my way, I'd be banning Koreans and the Chinese who come to our universities and fill those slots and the leave.
There's nothing stupid about that.

>all universities are the same as the bad ones in the US
Nah that's not how it works. Some universities still value learning, critical thought and student alcoholism.

Democrats neglect almost every rural region and focus on the cities.

I never understood this university brainwashes you meme, most of my teacher are right-wingers that can appreciate dictators' (Pinochet, Mussolini, Hitler, etc) good points and teach them in class

I'm without a doubt a much more skeptical and analytical person because of university. A core principal of history is not taking things at face value, recognizing and overcoming personal bias, always requiring evidence for any statement and in general being more open minded and reasonable.

Not on those retarded fields they dont, dont even pretend it does

Thats because you people dont do some of those humanities courses, the dumb ones mind you

>I never understood this university brainwashes you meme
It stems from the spamming of selective news about american and sometimes british universities with student unions that do meme-y shit like try to ban free speech that's insulting. It doesn't apply to most universities in the world and sure as shit doesn't apply here, no matter what the average Sup Forums poster might think.

What did he mean by this?