Aside from producing hot women

Aside from producing hot women

What value do slavs bring to the earth?

Other urls found in this thread:Łukasiewicz


Aside from producing hot dogs
What value do amers bring to the earth?

Nuclear energy?

helicopters, tv

radio too i think
oil engine powered-ships
nuclear-powered ships

i think

won the biggest war in human history, saving the world single-handedly
pretty much

stopped pretty much every european conqorer


Nuclear and rocket science, math, literature, music, and based katyusha.

oh, europe, right

it only exists because peaseful buffer of slavs prety much created greenhouse conditions for them. while they ivaded anthing, including slavs, slavs kicked their invading asses prety much witout starting westward invasions themselves

while simultaneously kicking muslim asses moving westward

the only times euros were invaded by muslims succesfully was when they went around slavs or west begged slavs to please let them in

that's why slavs control the biggest chunk of the world, containing fresh water and valuable finite minerals

thanks to slavs, that stuff will be under rational control while desert people kill each other for drops of water in mid-21st century

best youtube videos - dashcams, drunk fights

oh, youtube - google's segey brin is slav i think. not sure. but anywa, slav-educated. brings us to IT, slavs aren't bad at IT

also, nukes

if not for commie nukes, US would have been the only country with them

that wouldn't have turned out well for the world, surely

radio no

>female facial hair

you sure? i think popov built the first working transmitter-receiver pair

marconi was a better salesman, but that's not the invention

Aren't there a lot of famous slav scientist and chessmasters?

Fuck off

Teller Ede invented the nuclear bomb with a Polish guy named Stanislaw Ulam.

Szilárd Leó conceived the nuclear chain reaction in 1933. He also patented the idea of a nuclear reactor with Enrico Fermi.

poles are not very nice people but i still count them as slavs

ITT i mostly talk about practical devices

though of course there are many slav theoreticians as well

Polish people are Wends, but even if they were Slavs, they hate you Russians so much they'd rather count themselves as literally anything else. Polish people are our best friends and in their name I urge you to stop claiming their achievement as your own.

>with a Polish guy named Stanislaw Ulam

Teller was Jew not Hungarian

meh, you're pretty much slav too
but i'm not greedy, take the minor part of the theory for nuclear stuff

won't be much to give away

that's what we're also good for, not being too petty about minor stuff

Stop defending Russia, let's face it we've done nothing useful! The things we've "produced" only caused troubles: vodka, LSD, AK-47, our cars, nukes and more.
And we didn't won WW2, the winter did :^)

They were Hungarian. You're just salty, because in 100 years you still haven't managed to produce anything of value in that backwater country of yours.

>meh, you're pretty much slav too
Delete this immediately. We're nothing like you. We're cultured and developed. Our role models have always been Austria and Western nations, not Eastern Slavs.

> wannabee west
yeah that's the biggest reason you west slavs suck so much
i mean, you're hungarian ffs

no offense

What's wrong with being Western Euro? Their culture is clearly superior to the rest of the world. Arts, music, mentality. They are rich and prosperous. I see nothing wrong in trying to follow in their footsteps.
Well, okay, their recent obsession with embracing muslims and immigrants, we don't agree with, but that just shows that we're able to view them critically and form our own opinions unbiased, thus make the best decisions, even if they didn't.

nothing bad with being
sucks being a "poor relative" wannabe that knows he'll never actually BE west

good to see you start thinking for yourself, you should do it more often. maybe that's how you stop being a wannabe, one day

>oil engine powered-ships
More like entire oil industry.Łukasiewicz

Im not salty, im just stating facts, Teller was Jew, not Hungarian

So what do you advise we do? I'm genuinely curious.


You guys should listen him seriously, very wise man.

what did you mean by this

stop copyng blindly and don't generalize west when idializing. you can only generalize west when you're speaking badly about it, that's how it works. no really

and don't be anybody's bitch

choose a single model. best single models for tiny countries without acheivements are switzerland and finland, and both models fit slav (okay eastern euro) mentality. dump nato and bring in conscription, control immigration if you want, or don't, but it must be your decision, not brussels, even if you don't dump the eu.

We can make fun of them.

See, if slavs didn't exist, we had to make fun of a different group of people.

What a dumb bitch that lowercase kid .

You know, while there is truth to this advice
>stop copyng blindly
>don't generalize west when idializing
I can't help but feel like we'd be handing our country on a silver platter over to you if we followed everything in it to the letter.
>dump nato
>bring in conscription

That said, personally I oppose both NATO and conscription. NATO is just thinly veiled American imperialism, created to further their interests under the guise of "protecting" Europeans and conscription makes little sense when nobody wants to attack us. A professional army made up of volunteers is much more effective anyway.

You know all the right words
>sucks being a "poor relative" wannabe that knows he'll never actually BE west
But the Western/Eastern Europe division was created by Ruskies. You made the Iron Curtain, you turned everyone in the area into your commie satellite states, you forced us to refuse taking Marshall funds, thanks to which we're shitholes nowadays compared to the West.
There was no such division before Yalta.

>we've "produced"
you should add more quotation marks

Wasn't Tesla a slav?