you never know when you're going to run out of TP mid diarhea
Adrian Mitchell
I know it sounds like wank(it is) but noisy mathrock it was a really small gig though, like 4 or 5 people in the crowd and 2 were myself and drummers gfs
Hudson Green
>started playing guitar when I was a teenager >seemed like a cool way to express yourself musically >got really good >considered accomplished even by professionals I sometimes associate with >as I mature musically I realize writing guitar based music is rudimentary, simplistic and creatively limited compared to the infinite possibilities a laptop based DAW offers now >as I mature musically I slowly realize how uninteresting most guitar based music actually is >as I mature socially I come to realize most people have long since stopped caring about guitar based music too >mfw guitar might as well be an accordion or a harpsichord now >pic related: mfw I know in my heart I wasted my time on this instrument >mfw I wish I could have all that time I wasted back don't end up like me kids, save yourselves from my fate
Justin Hill
I won't judge you as long as you do what you like. Mathrock is still better than...drone metal or any kind of stuff like that.
Carson Bennett
yeah, that's not actually a gig user
Liam Perry
I bet when he died and his bowels released one of his cohorts said, "sounds like a gibson."
Lol, you faggs will hop onto any bandwagon
Anthony Cox
>4 people total >2 of which don't count >2 left over >a gig
user please.
Jayden Gomez
I started playing piano about 3 years ago, mostly to use with daws, its incredible. Ive sold my guitar gear and now im making music all the time. People actually want me in a band now. I play 2 shows a week since giving up guitar, and my music is so much better.
Nathan Bennett
This is only the second time I see this pasta. I didn't realize I come so little in the /gg/
Easton Peterson
How is Fender doing financially?
Christian Adams
Opinions on this guitar? Has anyone ever owned one of these before? What can you tell me about it? It's the dean exhibition ultra.
Noah Edwards
>1 year ago Gibson is back on top again.
Joshua Russell
FMIC encompasses fender, jackson, gretsch, charvel, and some other stuff, if it goes bad, they'll just close one of their subsidiaries first
Hudson Sanders
>cutaway >black >headstock shape >is that the fucking dean logo Vomit x 9001
Aiden Thompson
>Did you practice today?
Good one. /gg/ doesnr need any practice if they own a gibson. The guitar plays itself!
Lincoln Bailey
I never said I was playing a stadium you guys it was at a bar and we had a clear setlist of original songs, I'd say it was a gig just not like a really big one
Juan Peterson
I played on the exhibition 7 strings and it sounded cool. Their main quality is that they're no overpriced for what you get, in my opinion.
Juan Robinson
What's a good polyphonic octave pedal that isn't a pog?
They're a bit too pricey
Elijah Myers
Thought you were going to step up your troll games. Sage for youre a faggot with aids.
Leo Ward
sub n up I really love mine
Michael Robinson
Owen Hall
I heavily dislike jokes regarding non practicing your instrument. Reported.
Nolan White
>Dean westernguitar
Brody Fisher
is it possible to make a custom guitar using only the human body?
Joshua Rogers
This isnt pasta. People post the same shit for days on end. One fag reposted the exact same paragraph for almost a week asking about mustang amps. Different people are one at different times(what are timezones and work schedules?) and he's trying to have a discussion woth everyone about. If you dont have anything to contribute then stop posting, we already have enough shotposters.
Jack Bell
>Cutaways aren't cool/useful >Black isn't a good neutral color that fits most occasions >Bitching about the headstock shape >Brand whoring >Shit opinions
wow you really are one retarded nigger aren't you?
Ian Butler
Best guitar for playing djent and slam?
Connor Thomas
And i thought the guy saying that gibsons break if you leave them in the case was retarded, youve got him beat
Cooper Cook
get out of here /metal/ you already ruined your own generals
Ryder Jenkins
>too tired >busy >hurt my index cooking absolutely not
no tools = no guitar, simple as that
>>Black isn't a good neutral color that fits most occasions black on a guitar is edgelord as fuck dude
emg and the thickest strings you can find
Leo Young
Im not the one considering wasting money on an edgy meme acoustic. Just plug headphones into your amp and your parents wont be able to hear you
Camden Wood
>black on a guitar is edgelord as fuck dude what about matte black, its understated and doesnt seem too edgy
Owen Bennett
>slam Did you pussies finally get tired of laughing girls calling it moshcore?
is watching youtube tutorials a viable way of learning guitar? please don't make fun of me bois
Jace Harris
blow me
Dylan Gutierrez
How would one go about achieve the tone of the metasonix tx 2? Are there still ones available? Are there any clones? Any schematics to make my own?
Mason Sanders
00000000000000000000 pinch 0000000000
What matters is that you practice enough.
Gabriel Sanders
yeah its perfectly fine, use whatever resources are available to you. you might get some retards telling you no but as long as you're not only learning but enjoying yourself, I say go for it
Mason Murphy
Doing that for 1 week will get you to the same level as 80% of this thread
Kayden Richardson
Tone is in the fingers
Leo Adams
Why was no one there? Because it's Sunday?
Aiden Robinson
yeah, its also a small bar and they weren't showing the game
Colton Scott
Alexander Smith
Lol I totally forgot the superbowl was yesterday. That explains it. Mathrock can be good.
Kayden Sanders
>cucked by tom brady
Jacob Sullivan
Liam Jackson
maybe a ring mod with a lot of distortion and a really fast LFP somewhere? Eric Barbour posts a lot of schematics online using odd tubes like a sheet beam tube that uses control voltages to deflect the signal between two anodes in the same tube, maybe search for those. I know a lot of people have copied his designs for shits and giggles, get in contact with some people who've made his pedals and beg for advice.
Nolan Reyes
>Mathrock can be good. Can you be that convincing with the other 99% of the population?
Normies have shit taste in everything. I'd rather play music to 5 people who love it than 10000 people pretending to like it to because it's popular.
Matthew James
to be fair, I wouldn't say I play pure mathrock, it's just got math-y elements and it's easier to call it mathrock than make up a bunch of even more pretentious post- and proto- names for it I agree fully, we normally don't even play any kind of shows, it's usually just in our shitty studio alone where most of our music gets played
Alexander Perry
normies don't really pretend to like music. They're just not involved enough to explore outside their comfort zone.
Carter Hughes
Nothing wrong with being an under achiever
Easton Johnson
>I'd rather play music to 5 people who love it than 10000 people pretending to like it to because it's popular. more like >I'd rather play music to 5 tryhard scene kids than 10000 people who like music because it's good.
Joseph Bell
>it's usually just in our shitty studio alone where most of our music gets played Welcome to the rest of your life, user.
Eli Lewis
Fucking this.
Cooper Stewart
>giving him (You)s
Jaxson Jenkins
I genuinely have no problem with this though. I enjoy making music with my best friend and I think I can speak for him and say he does as well. It's just fun and I feel like doing much more than that i.e touring and amassing any kind of a following would only dampen my enjoyment for it. and I won't even claim that we make music that is innovative or incredibly good, we think it sounds cool and I think that's good enough
You think 5 people is bad, try doing cabaret gigs in the North East of England in the winter
>1992 >in a shitty cabaret band >play shitty cabaret gigs >place called Trimden and Def Hill Social Club >six inches of snow >lug all the backline, PA and drumkit up three flights of frozen slippy metal stair fire escape >set up >play first set to 4 people >break >4 people play bingo then 2 leave >second set played to two people >we still got paid >fuck cabaret bands right in the fucking ear
Alexander Scott
hey now, I don't even post here frequently. I almost exclusively lurk. your passive aggressive remarks are baseless
Alexander Campbell
Zachary Cox
Jack Hernandez
look on craigslist or in newspaper advertisements
Aiden Thompson
have friends who aren't totally useless and know an instrument
Carter Brooks
I tried. Most of the time they aren't searching for a guitar player >friends >instruments literally everybody I meet cant play shit and the one guy who can is hours away
Parker Scott
>did I miss anyone? yeah, yourself
Isaiah Foster
>Most of the time they aren't searching for a guitar player what about the other times?
Isaiah Green
Better not bump the case though. You already established they will break by leaning them against an amp.
Robert Bailey
your problem is that you have a mentality that allows you to genuinely believe that. posting things like >friends is really fucking pathetic and I see it all too often in these threads when someone tells them what I told you. just hang out at your local music venues or guitar stores alternative, take up the initiative and post around town that you're looking to start a band. do whatever you think will be effective but for fucks sake stop making excuses you lazy shit
William Morales
Get yourself a Unique Selling Point. Like, play some funky analog synth too. Or have a laser light show built into your guitar. Or just wear a nice hat.
Juan Jones
they told me to learn some things then never got back to me after that
Jordan Bell
How to make a fender sound good >buy guitar >buy new pickup if guitar costs less than $1200 >get about 4 or more boutique pedals and an isolated power supply >buy top end vintage tube amplifier that needs all the caps replaced and needs new nos tubes
How to make a gibson sound good >buy guitar >plug into any amp
Gibson being more expensive is the biggest meme ever, you literally only need to buy the guitar.
Also, how to make an ibanez sound good >buy guitar >record guitar track >overdub track while playing a gibson >mute original track
Matthew White
>just hang out at a guitar store
How is standing in a guitar shop uncomfortably while the staff stare at me thinking I'm trying to rob them going to make me friends?
Logan Robinson
go to open mic nights, find a singer, that's half the battle
then advertise for a drummer, that's the other half
Dylan Miller
How to make a Fender sound good: >buy Ibanez
Adam Gomez
user, even a small audience is an audience. The best audience you have is /gg/. We all hate you anyway.
establish to the employees that you're trying to meet other players, you realize not everyone assumes the worst right? maybe buy some shit while you're there, idk just don't be a complete aspie and you might get somewhere
Easton Ross
If you're REALLY that desperate to make music, why not make it all by yourself?
Easton Green
to the guys asking about why i'm running a tube head into a tranny 2x12.
the amp section of the 2x12 is disconnected and i'm using the two speakers in the cab as a 2x12 cab. The amp is completely bypassed so it's just the valve head into the speakers.
I'm saving for a mesa/engl 2x12 with v30s
my 2001 SG standard is fucking wonderful