
(((GF))) edition

Other urls found in this thread:

translate.google.com/#sk/ru/Magyarország közép-európai ország a Kárpát-medencében, amelyet északról Szlovákia, északkeletről Ukrajna, keletről és délkeletről Románia, délről Szerbia és Horvátország, délnyugatról Szlovénia, nyugatról pedig Ausztria határol. Fővárosa és egyben legnépesebb városa Budapest. Az ország többek között az Európai Unió, a NATO, az OECD és az ENSZ tagja is, része a schengeni övezetnek, valamint egyik alapítója az úgynevezett Visegrádi Együttműködés szervezetnek. Hivatalos nyelve a magyar.

first for Argentina is white

>no "+ friends"
wow, rude


where are the /friends/ you svatopulk supremacist?

>capital V
mój czarnuch

Whose gf
wer ar pix
wer ar instagram
wer ar facebook
wer ar videos

>no /friends/
ya fucked up nigga

make a new thread gaylords

Saying good nigt/day is too gay for me the +friends would turn me into fag

dangerous slovak
he might bite

>friends would turn me into fag
no need for that, kek

>would turn me into fag
you can't kill what's already dead

no, I am too lazy
also I like to complain


>tfw you will never go on a journey with your dwarven party to steal the archgem from the fearsome dragon
>tfw you realise you will never even go on any journey and you will be a wageslave for the rest of your life

And how is your evening lads?

>tfw captcha are mountains and rivers

we're all irredeemable shithole and no sane individual would even think about considering being in the vicinity of our shared borders

Better in V4 than in, for example, Africa. Everything is just a case of perspective. Better to be a poor Pole than middle-class Vietnamese.

they're poor and happy
we're poor and depressed

i'm happy desu

Yeah i'm sure that just over the fence the grass is greener and everybody is cheering all day long

>we're poor and depressed
Not only I am happy but also I have lots of money :^

then you're stupid stop replying to my posts

>people still give this autistic moron (You)'s

I'm happy too

how big is her peter?

they're poor and dead

make friends
get drunk
you can have wonky adventures that way

well I'd say that the l4d2 multiplayer session was a success, nicely played

there's gonna be a LoL "party" or tournament or something over here this month I think, it had a poster in my uni

you mean /v4/ session? You actually did it guys?

Today tfwnogf is strong

yeah, all 3 of us, it was pretty smooth just the game bugged at one point making infinite zombie spawns but we made it

She's cute.
I heard girls from libraries are crazy in bed, like with religious ones.
The keyword is "heard" though
>tfw I'd play with you lads but it might be too autistic

I hate my own nation. What do?

should I read Bursurk or should I play Dankest Dungin
Wanna switch?




why aren't skirts more popular here, every girl just wears yoga pants

I want to take sneak peeks at staircases

why autistic?

I know right.


create intermarium so you live in a new one

I know V4 is relatively normie, but socializing with people from 4chin doesn't generally seem like a good idea

>why aren't skirts more popular here, every girl just wears yoga pants
>I want to take sneak peeks at staircases
I concur
jeans ruined everything Tbh

>Not trusting your Vysegrad friends

there isn't much talking involved, mostly just thanking other players when they revive you

keep the rage pent up while bitching about how everything here sucks
>t. majority of this nation

>i am very talkative and friendly person
>i would probably scare everyone away if i joined or cause a massive amount of awkward situations

My usual L4D2 game is all about dicking around and shotgunning your pals when they least expect it while spamming youtube.com/watch?v=NZy9oPUwj84 so again, I'm not sure if it's a good idea lads

just ask litvan to add you on steam, i am sure it would be fun to play with y'all

really, everything is okay. like said there isnt even time to write anything, just thanks or something like that when you get healed or revived, or something important or fun. we are all homies

well except for that lol but I guess fooling around once in a while doesnt hurt anyone

we aready finished one campaign

well i would actually have to buy L2D2 to play with you fellas

How do I know you are not just some lying teuton with proxy, huh?

hey, u play l2d2?


good night m8s
sleep tight

I was prepared to buy a couple of copies for you guys until that shitty debt hit my face

If someone doesnt still have it at the end of this month I will take care of it

comfy night, kitter

i too am willing to chip in

Oh common guys, this game cost less then 3 euro, just don't buy it from steam. How can I find you on steam? Maybe I will join one day.


I never buy games from Steam but atm it's still a bit expensive for me to buy other copies

>normie cartoons

Why is renting a small apartment so expensive?

basics of business. if something is wanted, you increase the price

>Slovak text to speech is the most authentic and similar to Hungarian, surpassing even Finnish text to speech

Wow, we really cucked your language

translate.google.com/#sk/ru/Magyarország közép-európai ország a Kárpát-medencében, amelyet északról Szlovákia, északkeletről Ukrajna, keletről és délkeletről Románia, délről Szerbia és Horvátország, délnyugatról Szlovénia, nyugatról pedig Ausztria határol. Fővárosa és egyben legnépesebb városa Budapest. Az ország többek között az Európai Unió, a NATO, az OECD és az ENSZ tagja is, része a schengeni övezetnek, valamint egyik alapítója az úgynevezett Visegrádi Együttműködés szervezetnek. Hivatalos nyelve a magyar.

Why are polacks so much less white than Russians?


So basically, Jews.


lmaoing @ you're life


There is almost no influence in Slovak from Hungarian, only some words like gamba(mouth) that are very rarely used

It can't be helped.

Fucking knew it.

don't you know how to shorten links?
oh wait, you're magyar

my armpits smell 2 hours after i take a shower WTF is this? i dont want to use deodorant before going to bed

because large cities are designed solely to slowly corrode your soul until you are a husk of a human being

if it's really bad you can always visit your doctor

I live in a small town and renting any tiny room is a living hell

I don't live in a large city (~95k people, that's just a slightly bigger fishing village), the prices don't seem to reflect this though.

I used to have exactly same plush

polacks are shitskins


about 100k people is pretty much the perfect size for somewhere to live imo. I don't get why that would be so expensive unless there are foreigners driving up housing prices or something.


LITERALLY yes shut the fuck up Krtek you're from the only white v4 country what do you know?

Picrel polack lmao

he looks weird but he's white, unfortunately

>le polish qt ;)

polacks are the epitome of fail even their genetics are shit

Motherfucking polacks and their shit fashion sense and hick faces Hitler was right

This is what you should do when you see a bunch of polacks

>I don't get why that would be so expensive unless there are foreigners driving up housing prices or something.
No gypsies, quiet, relatively close to the capital, low unemployment. That's apparently enough to have the 3rd highest average real estate prices in the country.

I became greatest martial artist in the world to beat the everloving fuck out of polacks RIP Andy Hug you were a real human bean.

ale mordy wstretne polskie

>polish ''animation''

>polish ''architecture''

>polish ''food''

>polish ''vidya''

>polish ''cinematography''

what does it even mean
I bet you're a filthy weeb

>polish ''people''