
kasnonoćno izdanje

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sjebite mi sranje

au brt kakav ja san sad imao, bukvalno se tresem

>kuci se spremam za skolu
>ja i dva ortaka sedamo u bas
>setamo do skole
>u dvoristu tramp drzi govor
>ulazim pravac iza bine
>vidim da trampu visi nesto sa face
>izvalim da tramp nosi masku
>izvalim da mu je pravo lice iza maske cudovisno
>toliko se uplasim da u snu zazmurim
>dolazi ortak iza mene prepadne me
>ja mu ispricam za facu
>on mi kaze da je snimio fonom i okacio na youtube
>palim twitter i vec je trending
>okrenem se
>iza mene tramp koji pokusava da drzi svoju masku (koja je zapravo njegovo pravo lice)
>sere mi nesto na americkom
>ja krenem da bezim
>probudim se

I don't know if this is the right place to ask and i don't even know if this is true (also sorry for being a complete degenerate for writing in english)

Is it true that croats love black woman? i mean i love em too but you guys seem to take it to a whole new level

Not only croats, but whole ex-yu! It's everyones biggest dream here to have a black gf.
Like Jala Brat says
>my black angel be my good, be my evil, be good, be bad, be a lady



tekst pesme objasnio


Is there any historical reason for this? or is just because black woman would be considered rare in southeast Yurope (in Brazil most man and woman would want to fug an European)

No, because they are rare, and our knowledge is they make good and honest wives and they don't age like shit like our girls.

>and our knowledge is they make good and honest wives

White girls are 10x pretier but I would like to fuck some black girl like the one she is great.
Its more meme thing in here about love for black females.
In real life scenario no one would want to carry a black child or have a black wife on his weding or something serious like that, its almost forbiden!
But they are rare and something new to us in here and that it.
>and our knowledge is they make good and honest wives and they don't age like shit like our girls.
KEK, have you ever been to Paris, London, USA. or spoke with someone in there?
90% of them are fat landwhales with hood behaviour that eat trashy food.
Latinas are exotic and hot but pure black no way.
Severina, she is 44 and looks better than 99,99% of black females that age!
There is many of them with nice looks

severina je izoperirana narkomanska kurva, a tebi, vladoslave draškinoviću, ne gine još jedno gepekovanje usudiš li se proturječiti našoj bezuvjetnoj ljubavi prema afričkim boginjama

Kako je sve pocelo
to je duga prica
navukao sam se
preko trave i pica

>KEK, have you ever been to Paris, London, USA. or spoke with someone in there?
>90% of them are fat landwhales with hood behaviour that eat trashy food.
>Latinas are exotic and hot but pure black no way.
This, its natural to find black girls hot cause theyre so rare in your countries but 9/10 dont look like that and 9.9/10 have the worst attitude ever. There is a reason why black females have the lowest response rate by far on American dating sites. I would never date a black bitch.

jebem ti mater u picku ogavnu nema crtice jebo ti bog mater skoro nisam našao tred

je li jebanje u dupe jednako kao kad seres ali obrnuto?
pitam za prijatelja

probao. meni vise prija kad serem

> nešto je srpsko u državi Danskoj

Hey Croats, ANSWER THIS.

bolje da se nisam ni probudio

cini li se jos nekome da DJB blefira podrsku Jeremicu da bi izvukli AV na cistac?

smrt normanima

t.djb intelektualac

*autistično vrištanje*



10/10 black angel > 10/10 wh*te whore
anytime brahs

Ovaj konac sigurno /hrv/ napravio, da ga se ne moze naci u katalogu.



I never wanted breking up of yougoslavia. objectively speaking you are right, most of what you said, we had more independence back then and more geopolitical power since we had a reputation and all that. however people are fucking stupid and easy to manipulate so they think they're independent now when all they can is to serve EU and americans but they feel free since they can wave with their shitty flags and religions and claim that they're better than any other nation. people are fucking animals, when you get their psychology right you can do whatever you want with them, like little children.
i guess you know about humans, you guys still shit on the street

Are you actually falling for that shit-on-the-streets meme ??

Because you gave me a somewhat proper answer, I'll reply. Sure, A lot of people dont have bathrooms in their homes or access to bathrooms.

But these are the same people that get electricity 8 hours a day and dont even have proper education or even proper homes for that matter.

Understand, India was ruled by the British for 200+ years and they didnt took it upon themselves to develop the inner villages. They wanted a labor force to fight their wars and make them products to export. Thats it.

Now do people go shit on the streets ?? or the roads ? We dont have 'streets' here. We call them roads - like the British did.

Where do these people go and shit ? That is the question ? They'll go to the garbage dump of the village or some secluded place or I dont know, in the farm.

These people rely on farms for their livelihood. They live piss poor lives. Dont be amazed that the women would be selling themselves out every day to make do. They are wage laborers - unskilled labor force - if they work.

These villages are so fucking far away, there arent even proper metered roads to connect them to 'civilization'. They are something in between tribals and villagers.

But you'll ask - do all villages have this problem ?? Or do they all shit wherever they want ? NO, In villages, the people have septic tanks in their homes, and that doesnt reflect on the 'government' or UN data. These guys are destitutes and I dont know whats with them - even if you give these guys bathrooms to shit in - they'll refuse to use them - because they are shit for brains. They are equivalent of the gypsies you see in the Balks.

Now these guys are everywhere. In major cities as well as villages.The government doesnt want them, the people dont want them. No one wants them and they arent into earning money by fair means either. They steal and you can pay them to do fucking whatever.

Visit here sometime, see for yourself.

If you agree, why do you not work on getting back what you had ?? Why did you let the Serbians just get bombed ?? Why did you let them just take Kosovo away ?? Was it like - Ok #NotMyCountry anymore after you got your independence ??

People are the power of a nation. Why do you guys not try and find common ground ?? Come back together ?? Stand for yourself ??

Do you not see the current Serb administration trying to fuck the people over like yours did back then in the 1990s ?? Why dont you help them ??

Sorry for the few typos there.

brt smeđi jesi trigero
ajde nije sve tako crno pa narod ti sere po ulicama nije to kraj svijeta
