His "language" has genders

>his "language" has genders

>his language is sexist misogynist and transphobic

Swedish is majority in all of sweden
remove sami

egy két három

opalim te karom

Turkish is the most optimized human language Tbh friend

>tfw english has the useless "to be" verb

These so called 'languages' have gender but no cases kek - Korean.


Such languages exist- a joke!


that's cool as fuck

what language is that? Basque?

What's the difference between no gender and neuter/common?


Common stands for “masculine or feminine” without distinguishing between the two. “No gender” obviously means there’s only one gender.

Turkey confirmed nordic

At least in here, a word is of neuter gender when its' singular form is masculine and plural is feminine.

Slavic languages distinguish animacy as well. There are actually five genders: feminine animate, feminine inanimate, masculine anuimate, masculine inanimate and neuter.

Neuter is the third option, what we call "middle" gender in Slovene.

> tfw got to know that ebglish hasn't any genders

And a few words that are considered common gender (like “cripple” or “crybaby”), they can be masculine or feminine.

I don't think that's the case in Slovene.

Yeah, the map is presenting alternative facts there.

I lost my keys: я пoтepял ключи.
I lost my keys (you call several people your keys for some reason and you’ve lost them): я пoтepял ключeй.

Both are accusative masculine plural, but one is animate.


>his mother sucks dick for money

We have supposedly four male declensions, four female and four neuter (although we only learned about 2 male, 2 female and 1 neuter in school) and they aren't based on anything like that, just what their suffix is.

Six actually. Neuter words can be animate as well (чyдoвищe, лицo, cyщecтвo).

It's counterproductive to mix these two categories though. No sane grammarian would ever do that.


And thanks to you too.

we have inanimite/animate masculine (well, sort of)
it's hard to explain how that works when you don't declension in english

>Animate / Inanimate

those crazy ass basques

Intredasting. Is there another Slavic language that allows to use the nominative form instead of the accusative one for masculine animate nouns? (other than Bulgarian and Macedonian, of course)



Swedish does have masculine/feminine genders.

They're just a bit archaic and the usual suspects want them gone.

Ural-Altaic masterrace

> his language has the same word for "he" and "she"
Oh wow how progressive! Smash the cis patriarchy!

>same word for "he" and "she"
"he", "she" and "it"*

stop hating minorities

Is this Jesus?