ITT=I debunk lies about latino countries

I hate,utterly despise all those Liars who Peddle the Lie that "mexicans suffer"
they DO suffer,but due to
>alcohol,drug Use, Masturbation,greed,hatred,pride

Mexico IS NOT a "poor", "bad" country. it is certainly, NOT a State which doesn't help its citizens.
mexico is perfectly fine if we overlook the rampant promiscuity and fornication
this gargandtuan lie was peddled by kikes who wanted to flood the US OF A with spics!!!
they're alll right on there. they're doing just fine! in their homeland

Nice meme

Number of cartel members holding actual office=0
number of hitmen, drug planes, or cartel property officially owned and hired by a goverment=0
Numer of cartels leaders NOT arrested when the chance was given=0
Number of Official and Legal documents of the State aiding narcos=0


While the sexual habits of the mexicans are indeed beastly, the cities,towns and such of Mexico, do have state presence,administration!,rule of law, existence o f Currency.
medicine,electricity, harvesting and agriculture are well known trought the lands.
The notion of Mexicans being ak45-totting naked bushmen is not true.while mexicans ARE a sorry sight,ther country is not bad enough to merit escaping it

>cocaine use
>chile higher than colombia

shit map

HIV is a Just Punishment.

Libertinage and Communism are not uncommon amoung chilean youth

>source United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime


communism is the rule among young argies, what's your point

yes, it's shit.

cocaine here is expensive and has very low quality.

>trusting the UN
my point is that.
yes, the heinous vice of self-harm

>self harm

You are right, I should trust you anons more.

you DARE deny the importance of Semen,the life seed?
of which a drop requires 40 drops of blood to form?

Tbqh it's just some proteins. It feels good to touch myself.

haha, loser

What's the latino equivalent of Chad Thundercock?

>cocaine here is expensive and has very low quality.
clearly good enough for your people

cocaine consumption is tied to wealth

that's retarded


i know where you come from and people there will be very upset to see you here