The British and French are DIRECTLY responsible for the violence that has occurred in the middle east since the fall of...

The British and French are DIRECTLY responsible for the violence that has occurred in the middle east since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, why aren't they paying reparations for the millions who have died as a result?

Nice meme

More importantly, when does the world apologize to Turkey?

Daily Reminder that Syria and Lebanon were the Jewel of the Middle-East before the Mudshits and the Cuckmericans destroy them.

i blame the brits, french aren't that smart
they did it just as the empire had entered a major reform period and the shariaists were getting assfucked by the westernized military elite as well

>i blame the brits, french aren't that smart



Lol muslims literally made syria relevant again

No it isn't, Wahhabism is. The Middle East would be perfectly fine if it weren't for Wahhabism (though unfortunately the Ottoman Empire is no longer around to suppress it). The West has a role, but Saudi Arabia and its shitty ideology is more important.

British and French Empires, Israel, Ottoman empire, Mongol Empire and Arab incompetence can all be to blame

>Literally ruled by Atheist alawites
>Sunicuks get mad cause they aren't at the top in Based NatSoc Syria
>Sunnicucks funded by America revolt
>Syria become shit

Look pretty similar to Lebanon except that Christians were at the top, and Shiacucks funded Iran revolted

When are Turks going to take their fair share of the blame?

>Atheist alawites

Um what? Are the Al-Assad family atheist?

i prefer the name "blatta anatolis" thank you very much

lol i was talking about the ummayad syria
>Atheist alawites
LOOOOOL .both shia and sunnis are stupid niggers and syria before the cicil war was shit and poor too just not as shitty as now

what did we do wrong? ottoman empire suppressed wahhabi backwards desert arabs for almost 400 years before the brits came and gave them independence
and as i had pointed out the empire was busy with major secularist westernist reforms all around before the wars started and fucked everything up

Generally suppressing their sovereignty for years. Lawrence of Arabia did a great job.

Calm down little Turkey
It is a wellknow fact that the Alawites are closet atheists and their religion is just about LARPing pretty much like the Jews.

sovereignty is not given, it is taken
you cannot not suppress a peoples sovereignty if they are worthy. if a local population is worthy enough to rule themselves then no state will be able to stop them from doing so
even as arabs took power from the ottoman empire they gave it to the westerners. arabs are a non-worthy breed of people that do not deserve sovereignty

also west's wahhabi pet; saudi arabia must be destroyed

But the thing: When you lose because you are shitty, its because you are shitty.

The other thing is: Segregated empire is fine pre modern

who cares lol. all we needed to have was a big fucking wall.

Order a thermonuclear strike on Tehran and we're done. About 90% of your troubles with Islamofascism will be solved. :^)