German's jail

>German's jail
>So far Austria jail, Norway jail, Swiss jail, Sweden jail

Why do whites always behave utterly awkwardly generously?

Prison should be for rehabilitation, not just punishment.

I genuinely didn't understand this post.

yeah nah

Prison states shouldn't be able to have an opinion on this subject :^)

>Prison should be for rehabilitation, not just punishment.

So this western people theory is even applying to the multi cultural polity? to take lots of colored shit races as they can and wash them out to be clean person? like trying to make a mudslim as christian in someday?

well .. How....

>You're awkward for having the lowest recidivism rates in the world
You can't have both you either send people to prison for life for minor crimes or when they get out they'll be forced to commit crime

What are you even talking about?

>trying to insult anyone with this incomprehensible gibberish

That you people' trait.

That extremly weird, and awkward degree of generosity. Not even aboout jail story but even till the awkward policy that taking tons of rapists and beheading ritual men into your country.

Not even trying to insult anyone. but just it feels utterly weird.

French prisons are fucking disgusting though. Literally South American tier.

That policy has probably more to do with the colonizational history and western military ibeing nvolved in warfare around the globe during the cold war up until now.

I am not sure if we are more compassionate than other cultures, if this is the trait you are trying to ridicule, but considering you're literally a bunch of discount chinks, I'd guess we have you beat.

>Not even aboout jail story but even till the awkward policy that taking tons of rapists and beheading ritual men into your country.
You say that about the Japanese but have no problem emigrating there.

On topic, Norway has probably the mildest forms of punishment in the world and also the lowest recidivism rates, so it is most likely more a matter of being pragmatic in this specific case.

until recently 95% + of criminals were first time offenders, doesn't make any sense to utterly ruin their lives(unless the crime was raping or murdering a kid or an adult etc).

kek. whatever.

Sorry I'm just feeling a bit uncomfortable for some kind of people, which like to have the other people's safety in their own nation as some kind of guarantee, to show and brag with how genuine, and warm person they(leftards) are.

I wouldn't do that fucking disgusting thing. No matter how you call me chink or other name. I am so sure that I'm not that kind of disgusting fag.

Look at you. The entire glory and other cultural results which your ancestors have nurtured until now.
You're just giving away. With only purpose to be looking as some kind of genuine and good person. even when you actually know that is bad for you country.

only act of terror here was commited by an ethnic norwegian (rightard)

>having low recidivism rates are bad
dumb jap

ITT: Korean tries to bait white people but his English is too shit

i dont think he knows enough english words to have this conversation desu

Recidivism was not the main topic even.

I wasn't even about to blame someone. Just a bit curious :^)
Well if you don't even understand this, then it's okay. But I think It's more caused by your lack of intelligence rather than my lack of ingrish.

goodnoight ;)

Your English is perfectly adequate if you were trying to portray yourself as an edgy teen.

One thing I learned after coming to the US is that US is full of inhumane fuckheads (including the "innocent" citizens) who are uneducated that they just cannot understand what Europeans are saying.
I believe the Amerikanistan government step up and force the sharters to read some European philosophy books. I bet 99% of fuckheads in America didn't read anything written by French

British prison

Comfy and you won't get bummed like a yank

This desu. The more shitty you treat them the worse the outcomes. See America or an even more extreme example brazil

He needs to be exterminated. I can't think of anything else to say. His brain needs to be disconnected from his spine and his testicles burnt so his DNA continues not.

shut up gook go back to drinking your poo wine and eating dog

fucken gorreans think they can talk shit about others

Why don't Americans care about rehabilitation? So many people I talk to just want to lock em up and throw away the key and hope they're a good reformed citizen after having to fight for their life and join gangs to avoid being assaulted or killed.

Same poster, but I feel as though many of my countrymen believe it is and should be a savage world, that compassion or mercy are signs of weakness. They're practically russians. How else could we elect a fool who wants to torture captives despite all his advisors telling him not to (aside from the CIA, but they're psychotic criminals).

Our government are so fucking retarded that I don't know what to say. Problem is that this generous thing works only on civilized people. They usually become better people, they get education, therapy and shit. But now thanks to the new government they just like to import niggers and shit, these kind of people have no interest in being a better person. Specially when given things freely, so they exploit this shit and so on. I really wish we get a Trump here or a Hitler so we can burn every single shitter down. Don't come here you faggots.

This tbqh, but severe crimes like mass shooting should be put on death row.

belief that human nature can change is as retarded as islam, "evil" emerged in disillusionment, they can never go back

Because apart from rare exceptions whites are the only actual humans deserving human treatment, prisons are mainly used for rehabilitation for germans since the heaviest crimes used to be tax fraud and very rarily a murder but they go to special prisons.

>(((whites))) really belive this
And that's why you will be conquered by islam