Sup Forums jokes

What's an Indian's favorite condiment?
Mustard (because it sounds like must turd)

Other urls found in this thread:

How do you fit 20 jews in a car?
2 in the front, 3 in back and the rest in the ashtray.

How do Ethiopians celebrate their child's first birthday?
They put flowers on their grave.

How do you insert a hundred black fellows in a Mini Cooper?
You put a steak in the middle

These jokes are terrible.

Let me help.

Why do you always have to ruin everything

Paraguay... more like ParaGAY

How does a jew calculate his escape from a camp?

Strength of wind times height of the chimney.

Why you shouldnt play chess with a Fyromian?
They'll take your king before you realize it

Why do jews smell so bad? They're too scared to take a shower
What does a gypsy do in a bathroom? He takes a shower
Where can you find the most jews? In the atmosphere

You know why jews have big noses?
Because the air its free


What is the difference between jews and a pizza?
The pizza doesnt scream when you put it inside the oven

Why do you run over a jew three times? The first is an accident, the second is in reverse, and the third time you say: "Fuck, a jew" and you run him over again

what's the worst thing about being a black jew?

you have to go to the back of the oven

How does Laurent Ruquier remove his condom ?

He farts :)

>What does a gypsy do in a bathroom? He takes a shower
i dont get it

>Laurent Ruquier
yeah we all know who that is

A Turk, a gypsy and an Albo are in a car.
Who's driving?

The policeman.

Takes the physical shower, as in steals the shower

how does an argentinian commit suicide?

he climbs his ego and then jumps

oh ok
i bet the joke is better in polish

Three nazis walk into a BAR
They all get shot.

Why did princess Diana crossed the road?
Because she didn't wear a seatbelt.


thats not funny thats how my mother died

A russian dog, a polish dog and a American Dog were walking around the streets of D.C, the American was showing them were to get meat from a grocer store, so he was saying: "You need to barl three times here to get some food"
The polish dog asks: "What is Barking?"
The russian dog asks: "What is food?"

>yfw dogs in polish bark "pscz pscz"

Whats the difference between a yogurt left out the fridge and the USA? In 200 years the yogurt will grow some culture
Top Kek

thats not funny thats how my mom begs my father to stop every night


Sa mèm lé bon

I'm sorry. I don't speak frog :(

why a black pregnant woman of triplets was arrested?
gang formation.

What do you call a manlet Canadian?
-A Leaflet


He takes THE shower would probably work better here.

Oh I get it, good one.

To bark is literally "szczekać"
So you're not so wrong here".

Why jews watch porn backwards?
They have orgasms when guy gets his money back.


>Faggot jew tries to be funny
>Everybody makes jokes about jews
>Tries to attack the weakest one
Oy vey seems like you got fucked

How was the copper wire invented?
An Armenian and a Jew found a coin

How much price of Israel?

6 millions Jews

What oven brand would a jew buy?
As long as it not nazional brand of course.

What is a jew past time favourite? Shekeling his butt

Why Israel build walls around itself? So a huge oven can be made.

german "humor"



Everyone seems to be replying to you so I'll do the same.

yeap... german humor at its finest.

>Sup Forums humor

>Some american is visiting scotland to find about his ancestor
>He arrives to a tombstone where is written "Here lies Duncan McLeod, a good friend and a family man"
>Well those scots sure as weird putting 3 people in the same grave
I found that in some after war compilation of Jokes. All of them were terrible.
Neither does he.

y argentina tiene la séptima población más grande de judíos per cápita en el mundo, se dan cuenta ustedes?

How does a Scotsman find sheep in tall grass?
Very satisfying.

What do you call an Ethiopian with a yeast infection?
A Quarter Pounder with Cheese

Which Chinese Dictator got his start in porn?
Mao Zedong

How do you get a jew to take a shower?
Ask if that's his $20 next to the zyklon canister.

What do you call an Indian Civil Engineer?
A Cabbie.

How did they know Princess Diana had dandruff?
They found her head and shoulders in the glove box.

>Guy on Sup Forums tells me he has a gf who he will marry soon
>Say I have a gf too
>It's not true