Why haven't you tried psychedelic drugs yet user?

Why haven't you tried psychedelic drugs yet user?

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Im not a liberal faggot

Last night. Weak LSD. Changed only my perception of music. No bloody visuals.

Who says you have to be?

I always make sure to have nitrous and poppers lying around, they really add visuals, among other things. If you're out for visuals though nothing beats DMT.

Yea, i know, but, back when i live, even poor LSD is a miracle and gift... but ty for advice, will test it



LSD can't really be of poor quality.
It's a molecule, it can be impure or it can be some shitty RC labeled as LSD. Either way it's easy to order from darknet sites.

I live in Europe. Is it safe to order it?

Btw, what is RC?

research chemical, its just a broad term for drugs that are still being researched and usually are still legal because they're new or havent been studied very much

I also live in Europe. With proper precautions ordering from the internet should be safer, cheaper and better. At it least is in Sweden but laws and government practices can be different I suppose.

Research chemicals. Drugs under development. A cool thing in general but it's obviously uncool to label something as LSD when it isn't, something that has happened in the past.

Yea, it didin't seemed like LSD. I had many up and downs, from being high to feeling no effects, and so on. It didn't even last as it's supposed, maybe 4 to 5 h.


all in one year

Sry for spamming, but, when you order it trough darknet, you get it dellivered on your home address or?

i tried shrooms and really didnt like it

wasnt a bad trip or anything i just didnt like the way it make me feel


I wanted to try LSD, but I'm too much of a pussy to order it from the net

I did
LSD 4 times one trip ended with me seeing sounds, and about to make it 5 this Saturday, one was candy flipping.

Shrooms 3 times, 3rd time went few dark places.

DMT once holy fuck this thing is unprecedented

Sounds like 1p-lsd.

That doesn't sound not like LSD. LSD goes up and down, and low doses aren't very trippy.


Good boy!


I didn't enjoy psychedelic drugs too much the first few times I took it, but especially shrooms can make people feel a bit weird.
Psychedelic drugs are so multifunctional and they do so many different things that it takes some time to learn what's happening, and how to enjoy it.

Do it niggah. People who take psychedelic drugs tend to (subjectively) report higher quality of life. Correlation causation to some extent for sure, but my own personal experience supports it. I feel more mature now that before I started.

It's the bad experiences that helps you develop yourself as a person. The good experiences are just good times.

Don't know anyone who could hook me up. Anyone?

I have tried psychedelic drugs.


I did one 1p LSD it was no different from normal LSD

cause i dont like to feel like the world has anything to offer other than death.

LSD is a good time

candy flipping feels like pure joy

I cant find shrooms for the life of me

Have smoke weed. Had s bad trip on Girl Scout and OG sky walker. Went into anxiety attacks and paranoia. Still feel different than what I used to feel like. I perceive the world differently.


I don't take them because I do not believe my brain can handle it. I worry too much and I will most definitely fall into a dark place or bad trip. Still don't smoke weed and find it hard to even drink, basically anything that alters my self and perception of the world. I can't lose myself again.

You're born, you live, you die. The only thing we can change is how we live, it's all about a positive attitude and high doses of LSD.

Weed is overrated.

I agree for the most part. For medicinal purposes it's a pretty good alternative.
I would only smoke 2-3 times a month.
I agree that it's fairly overrated in terms of recreational drugs.
I would say it's ok for the occasional use.i smoke after my football season to help my pain and I smokes to chill.

Idk, maybe it's cause it was my first time doing LSD, and i only took one tab, but i didn't have any visuals, even colors seemed as they always are, altought i could see difference in my thinking patterns, making them more clear

I don't think so. It is underated, atleast. Everyone smoking it only because it's cool and 420blaze it. Weed is fine, specially for creative thinking, but nothing compare to others psychoactives

I agree with you. Weed has its uses but for partying... why smoke weed if you can be whacked on LSD or MDMA.

How strong was the tab?

I would party while high. It was more for vibing. I think it's not too intense if you smoke the right amount. It's just really good, but not too intense.

I have this Invader Zim blotter right now.

I don't know how to anwer that. We don't have any toolkit for testing it back here as they do in USA.

I used to eat 5g dried every other weekend, adding other phyces on top

eewwwwwww white on whites only nigga

How strong are they, and what's your preferred setting?

Whoever sold it to you should tell you the strength. Tabs between 120-250ug are all common and if you got one with 120ug of LSD it makes complete sense that you didn't trip, I don't really get into the mood until I have 200ug and combine it with poppers, nitrous and music.

I tried both LSD and mushrooms and didn't experience anything. I'm pretty sure it was a dosing amount issue. I'll try both again if the occasion arises.

How strong was the tab, I did 2 x 100ug and the visuals were quite impressive. And are you sure it was what it said it was ?

I'm gonna try magic mushrooms in two weeks time. A friend is buying them from a good source. I'm not primarily taking them for recreation. I have a mental disorder. I tried everything the doc gave me and nothing works. I decided a year ago when I was about to kill myself to hold on a little longer just to try hallucinogens. Hopefully it will open up some new paths in my brain because as it is now it's stuck in a loop I can't get out of. Everything feels pointless. I've been depressed before but got over it but now I'm in a state of nothingness. I feel empty all the time. Anyone with a similar backstory who tried and got better?

They are not the types of dealers who would know infos like that. It's mostly like that here in Serbia. It' just like: Woooaa LSD. It can be bad, good or strong, nobody even thinks about the chemical background. Dude said it is good, and that i shouldn't use more than one tab, since i bought two.

I would say though that the visuals on LSD are, at least for me, not that strong. It's my favourite drug but for other reasons. There are other psychedelics with stronger visuals. As I said DMT, 2c-b from what I hear is also visually strong.

I have a friend who has been depressed all his life. When he was on LSD was probably the only time I've ever seen him happy. Afterwards he felt like he had a different perspective on his depression. To quote him, "It's obvious now, I'm sad because I'm stuck in the past".
He's still depressed, but at least he had some fun and it seems he got a new way of thinking about his disorder.

I was told 160ug. Not too certain though.

I would not buy from someone who couldn't tell me the strength of the tabs, they obviously have no idea what they're doing. Just do some reading and buy it with bitcoin from the darknet. That way you have some quality assurance.

On 300ug of LSD I saw sounds
So I'd say visuals are pretty strong.

Thanks you! I read about it in a research magazine that scientists are trying to find out if hallicinogens can aid depression and other mental disorders. I hope they are right! I'm glad to hear that your friend is feeling better! Do you think some psychadelics might be better than others? Not looking for facts, just your thoughts.

Yes, mushrooms changed my life forever. I could not accept the apathy of society & was ready to kill myself or live in the woods -- then i got ahold of some psilocybin, took it alone, and i learned what it means to simply be alive. The meaning of life can be felt, not explained. Your purpose here is not a purpose but merely an idea, and psychedelics will help you come to terms with your life in relation to others and your repressed creative soul

weed is psychoactive

Everyone's different! Maybe I exaggerated a bit!

I also hope they are right, but I doubt it. I don't think they can help you in the way that they change your brain chemistry. However they might change the way you see and perceive things, they might give you something to look forward to during the weekend, and it might help you connect with people and the world around you.

So basically what this guy said:

Cool. Where I live its winter soon. I always wanted to take it out in the woods or something but the scenery isn't very pretty this time of the year. Did you take it at home or outside? Do you think I should postpone taking it until spring and do it outside? Or maybe do now inside and if I have a good experience do it outside in spring. So many options and I want to get everything as optimised as possible.

Would you guys say it could ruin the experience to have to much anticipation?

I don't know about on long-term, and still, varies from person to person, but i've been dealing with the depression for the last 4-5 year. And even when i'm not depressed, when i can move out of my bed and actually force myself to do smth, i still can't grip myself of melancholic thoughts and feeling. As far of using drugs in that purpose, LSD and MDMA helped me alot. Although i'm still depressed, it's more than obvious that i'm looking at it from a different perspective. One thing is for sure, after that, i became more aware of those little enjoyments, everyday little things

Anticipating & expecting too much can mess with your entry into the trip but once it takes over, you have no choice but to surrender yourself and go with the unknowable flow, or fight it and trip in HELL -- i took mine inside so i could have music but outside is a beautiful experience,,, just make sure you're SAFE and free from the negative things that you will be reflecting on

>So many options and I want to get everything as optimised as possible.
Don't make it too dramatic. Yeah it's wonderful to take outside, but it's also wonderful to take inside while you're just relaxing in your room and listening to music.

You don't have to choose. Get a proper source and you can take it many times in many different places. I love LSD but something I learned is that people are way too dramatic about it. You can't know that of course, but people who have tripped hundreds of time can sound like retards when they're describing it.

There's nothing wrong with tripping twice niqqas

Thanks! :3

That is the point. None here knows to tell you nothing on strenght but: strong or not strong. Ty for darknet advice btw, will put more reseach on it.

go in expecting nothing

Yea, that is what i said.

No other reasonthan just not Having no interest in doing so

This is good advice

Gotta live that life son. You only get one.

>I perceive the world differently
Care to elaborate? I'm curious. Never tried anything psychedelic but want to

a little questions guys, tomorow i will met a dealer who sell me lsd. Problem: he have liquid lsd on bottle but i wanna to take my trip the next day. Why should i do to transport it? I see on internet guys who use a sugar or candy thx anons

what should i do *

Ok I'll told you me life poliakov everyday , weed once a week cigarette every 5 min and codeine and cocaine sometime


lightweight millennial faggot

I honestly have no suggestions that I can be sure of. I've never even considered it. A tab is just regular blotter paper that someone dripped some LSD on. Maybe you can just get some blotter paper for yourself and have him drip LSD on it?

bump time

my first trip report

>18:40 ingest 200ug lsd
>19:00 little euphoric everything smells so >strongly, shower is required
>19:20 Euphoria is now too much but >somehow I can still handle it, everything is >distorted, breathing, pulsating, typing is hard >already (typing that made me laugh so hard) >this is going to be one hell of a ride
>Just walking around the house is >overwhelming my sense of smell is 10 000 >times stronger the distortions are getting >intense.
>Ceiling is not purple in fact nothing is or at >least should be, looking at a fireplace is too >much, the smoke is reaching out for me can’t >handle that.
>Wandered around a little, holy shit only 20 >minutes have passed, feels like millennia the >cevs are insane oves are impressive overall, >but tiles in upstairs bathroom are alive note to >come back here to stare more, 200ug is A >LOT
>But we came here to explore, left and right >are now opposite typing m results in w, this is >why life reporting is not done. Abandoning >notes now.
>Changing music on a phone was the hardest >thing I ever did, using anything that consist of >fonts is impossible. Back to picture writing I >guess.
>It’s only 19:55? Seriously? Feels like I’ve >been around for millennia, look at the clock >and realize only 3 minutes passed. Well time >in the end is relative.
>~20:10 so glad I got pre made playlist on my >phone, trying to copy music to USB to play >on home cinema ended in 10 pages of the >same folder open and no songs on the USB.
>Lay down on bed and experience, while >listening to music
>Voice of Carla Azar singing Tomorrow never >knows makes my spine explode with pure >bliss, (laugh at random thought that my penis >will never feel big again).
>Spent roughly 40 minutes just laying down >enjoying the new visual interface and sensory >upgrades.

i would try lsd or dmt if i knew where to buy it from

>Spent roughly 40 minutes just laying down >enjoying the new visual interface and sensory upgrades.
>Try to type a bit, my hands have their own >mind, I’m just looking at them taking off the >keyboard and striking keys with beautiful >precision (very inefficient way to write, but so >nice to watch) but to my surprise 80% of what I write makes sense.

>Don’t know what time it is, pc clock is not >readable, neither is anything else on the screen. Time to go.
>Ok coffee machine insists it’s past 21:00, >hungry like a cave man, Double glazed Jack >Daniels ribs are so good I almost eat my own >fingers.
>Let’s watch a movie, operating remote is very very hard.
>Terminator Genisys it is (yep even office says it’s not a real word)…
>Ended up watching the nuke scene several times, talk about CGI porn.
>Well CGI movies on acid do look damn good. >It is adorable when someone as fun sized as >Emilia Clarke is yelling NOW SOLDIER.
>I do hate glasses, attempt to put on contacts, >after few tries I conclude that with all the >visual disturbances it is impossible to put them on. What a shame.
>Back to movie.
>As I seen the movie before, not even halfway >through I get bored and since no longer >overwhelmed by all the sensory enhancement >(got used to it) time to explore.

Yeah you alright but i think i will lose in "power" of lsd but i dont have other choice i think thanks

>It’s close to 22:00
>Next hours spent on wandering around the >house got bad case of Joker style giggles in >bathroom, lying on a floor in random places to >enjoy oevs, go outside enter garden, >everything outside is immensely beautiful the >few stars between clouds, trees, distant street >lamps grass is breathing dew. Thoughts no >longer random, heavily rethinking things I did >and did not, how to carry on, mood swings >between optimistic and very pessimistic, back >and forth, fighting it is not doable, let go. 2 >hours and 30 minutes on acid feels like >several life times, walking back to a previous >room feels like childhood memory.
>01:00 it’s definitely wearing off.
>Start preparing for end of the day. Body feels >like I run a marathon, brain is calling it too.
>Hot bath, more food, bed.
>02:00 didn’t think it would be that easy did >you? Brain is not giving up on random >thoughts, some funny some sad, but now I’m falling asleep anytime soon.
>Fall asleep sometime later.
>Wake up next day 10:00 sweaty but rested. >No effects of LSD remain.

Acid made me want to die. I did way too much my first time.

I've never tried psychedelics before but have smoked a lot of weed tho. What would you recommend me to try and how much for my first psychedelic experience?

Shrooms are by far my favorite.


100-150 ug of acid

I don't see why you would lose anything. As long as everything gets absorbed by the paper, and your body fully dissolves the paper it should be fine.

Had alot of fun tripping but last time didn't go that well. I bought my shit from my usual vendor on the DNMs. I've tripped like 20 times before and never had a bad experience.
>Drop 4 tabs
>Most I had done before was 2
>30 mins in feel icy cold
>Right side of my body is screaming in pain
>Honestly thought this was what dying feels like
>Veins feel like they are made of fire
My friend came and picked me up and we went hiking like 2 hours in and I was just getting over ego death and getting my wits back. When I got home I had 10 tabs open on my computer that consisted of "am I going to die" and other lsd related searches and like 30 searches on my phone history.
I really don't think it was a bad trip because I enjoyed the rest of the day but my leg was hurting like a bitch for the next couple of days. Not sure if it was actual acid I got or 25I-NBOMe.

I agree with ->
Neither will make you trip balls, but they should give you a taste of what you can expect when you do higher amounts in the future.


tell me about LSA please, what is it really like?

did acid
but once i overdosed (puked all night long) on mdma i got fucking isane visuals for about 10 min
>go to portable toilet
>can't piss
>turn around look at the door
>door is forming a sphere
>close eyes
>watch door
>again forming a sphere
>watch it
>white dots apear forming a 3d hexagon
>can look at it from diffrent sides
>try to look at door again
>get out of my body see me from a diffrent angle
then the visuals stoped

i'm exactly like you!

too fucked up in the head to try any of that stuff.

afraid i would have a bad trip and die or somethin

ive done shrooms but they dont get me fucked up like they used too

i just like weed and alcohol, sometimes k2


Well, I have taken about 75 ug once, but I wouldn't really call it a psychedelic experience. There is literally nothing that I want more in life right now than to venture into Fairy Land be god for a while, but living with my parents makes it impossible. Also, I don't have anyone in my life that I'd be comfortable having as a sitter, except for maybe my weed provider. I'm thinking of maybe paying him to trip sit me at his apartment, but I'm to embaressed to ask. :p

I haven't because I don't trust drug dealers. No experience so I wouldn't know if I'm getting the right thing. Catch 22. May end up going to European countries it's legal in and trying their psychedelic fungi but that's expensive

So why the LSD liquid is so strong compared at a blotting?

same issue
wanted to do it today alone at home
mom is about to sleep comes up to me and tells me that i have to wake up early

Ayahuasca is legal in countries all over the world map. Might not need to leave your continent.

LSD is LSD. There should be no difference other than the amount you're taking, whether it's impure or not and how you take it. Both liquid and tabs are taken orally, though I suppose you have the tabs in your mouth for a while so that might make a difference. Otherwise... it's the same.

Usually it's because it is absorbed much quicker than blotter. Not stronger, just quicker. And when its ellis, theyre basically the same thing once you start tripping.

Random user also. I just entered

Hi, Sup Forums.
150ug blotter salesman here
Ask me shit if you want

Aren't you afraid of self-harm tho? I'm in a pretty shitty place in life, and I can't trust myself not to do anything fatal.

Simply because modern blotter are rather weak. While your liquid is higher concentration

lsa is a good start for the psuchedelic univers i start with, the hallucinations are cool but different from the LSD. The LSA have normal hallucination when you close your eyes but for have hallucinations with open eyes you need to focus your eyes on one things (for me the shadows from a strobo). And the LSA make you high like you have smoke 10g of weed. I have test it with a Blotting paper i have never try seeds or shit like this

Liquid can be dropped anywhere

Skin(top of hand)/nose/eye are most popular when it is liquid