I genuinely enjoy markiplier. i think his videos, even the non-gameplay ones, are entertaining...

I genuinely enjoy markiplier. i think his videos, even the non-gameplay ones, are entertaining. I also think he's super handsome and kind to both people and animals and i hope he has many good days.

I enjoy most of his stuff. But he can certainly be way too cringey for my liking. Still though, he cool.


He was almost god-tier back in 2013

i miss the old markiplier

When his friend killed himself and He kept his fucking pink hair for the Funeral and all I realized He was a dumb-ass. His old stuff was ok now its too cringy.

I like Mark too. I started watching him in early 2012 on his first channel. He was the first youtuber I got into.

Me too

Guys with dyed hair look faggots

Also, what bothers me is that he hangs out way too much with Jack. Jacksepticeye is really fucking cringey

Also, he shows way too much interest in shit-tier anime, which always bothered me.

his brother made the comic 2kinds he is blood kin to furry faggot scum and should die

kys lol

It wouldn't be so bad if the art wasn't so... DeviantArt-tier

I enjoy how he shows his life experience and perspective he looks us as human beings.

get that fucking shit outta here you fucking faggot. ill fuckin rip your fucking dick off and shove it down your throat for being such a god damn cunt. go fuck yourself, you fucking retard

Why does he always cry though? Fucking faggot of a man.

I am ejoying poodiepies more recent videos.

potatoes gon potate.
I don't even mind his old videos.

I find them entertaining.
fuck you


I know he had already started to go to shit long before it, but when he started dying his hair it was like the final nail in the coffin. Really can't stand any of his newer stuff.

Hello, Markiplier.

Dyed hair like a clown
Speaks to children all day long
Cries to trick them into empathizing with him

Peadophile detected.

i like the crying


OP, you are brave for expressing your thought on this huge sea rich with natrium-chloride, and for being a realist in this sea of pessimism.
I salute you.
You are not the only one with this opinion.

only narcissists dye their hair

only narcissists dye their hair. Fuck this homosexual

only narcissists dye their hair.

Op, you're not alone..

Markiplier's selling point is that hes just like PewDiePie but MORE retarded, if you can believe it.

The fact that he's a success is a reflection on the whole community.


Jacksepticeye is better. I genuinely mean it.

doesn't take much to entertain the mentally retarded

Jack is definitely catching up to mark in subs