Can you give me Spoilers of The Walking dead season 7 Please?

Can you give me Spoilers of The Walking dead season 7 Please?

Yes, we can!

He kills the little girl and the dog.

watch it

gook and ginger rest in piss

Zombies got killed. :(

everyone dies because game of thrones did it

Could you not Google it and get 253567733678 immediate results?

Glenn and Abraham die

Walter white dies

You ruined a nice thing we had going in this thread.

Negan beats the baby outta maggie, and forces Carl into oral

no the kid wuth one eye died

You mean "Coral" into oral.

Lmao what if

damn that made me laugh

Maggie's baby killed neegan and Glenn!

Glen died but rick used black magic to revive him


Robert Paulson dies.

lol didn't realize i was spot fuckin on. su predictabru

Glenn after playing ball with Negan


It's Daryl's fault.

Violets are blue,
Roses are red,
Glen and Abe died on the Walking Dead

everybody will continue to act like a bunch of emo chicks on their periods.

the show will continue to make no sense and be sub-par in comparison to the comic.

it will continue to suck at least one more season, until the actors managed to get other jobs

Negan literally beat the gook out of Glenn

the dragon destroyed the empire

*Zombie Dragon

dark vador is his father

The dog gets run over by angry UPS drivers

They find out it's too far to King's Landing and all commit suicide.

rip glenn

they'll probably spend the first half being cucked with hints/set up of who doesn't like negan and is willing to help take him down. the second half will probably end in the battle. which leads to season 8 (time jump Rick and Maggie are leaders of two towns) theb whisperers show up, who might make an appearance before 8.

there some catching up I have to. I don't read twd for a while so I gives me a good chunk of stuff to catch up on.

negan fucks everybody. negan fucks rick and then negan fucks darryl. this whole episode is so fucking gay, and not in the "it sucks" way, more in the "this is the preclude to a gay porno" way.

there's literally a scene where negan is puckering his lips at rick and saying "you're mine now"

negan die

Negan: "You answer to me, you provide for me, you belong to me. Right?"
Rick nods
Negan: "Speak when you're spoken to! You answer to me, you provide for me"
Rick: "I provide for y -you"
Negan: "You belong to me, Right?
Rick: ...Right.
Negan: Right. Now that, is the look I wanted to see!