Obviously Spain is better than this shit called ´´united states´´

obviously Spain is better than this shit called ´´united states´´...
Spain rape to USA

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any country is better than the US, maybe not the UK though

Joder tío, vaya puta mierda de bait, encima solo va a servir para que relacionen a los españoles con mongolos así, vamos a acabar con el mismo aprecio que los ̶n̶e̶g̶r̶o̶s̶ argentinos.

Spain is obviously better than USA
Viene de tu hermano Portugal

If Spain were your home instead of The United States you would...

be 3.6 times more likely to be unemployed
make 42.99% less money


be 79.8% less likely to be in prison
spend 68.44% less money on health care
use 57.08% less electricity
consume 50.93% less oil
have 7.45% more free time
be 84.21% less likely to be murdered
experience 28.89% less of a class divide
be 46.03% less likely to die in infancy
be 33.33% less likely to have HIV/AIDS
live 1.91 years longer
have 26.38% fewer babies

So I'd say OP, other than being broke-ass poor is generally correct.

Claro que si, sobre todo ahora que vuelve a gobernar Rajoy.

Rajoy wins!!

More badass than USA thats why sPain has been letting Russian warships refuel at Ceuta.....

Calla, calla, 4 años más de PP... y cien años de soledad. De esta no levantamos cabeza, me cago en diosito

half muslim shit tier europe, how was the umayyad conquest

your stats would be better for the US if you only had white americans.


Y cataluña?

relaxin cup of cafe con leche

Los de cataluña que se las avíen solos

Yo mandaba a todo ciudadano catalán a Ibiza que sería la primera isla-campo de concentración. Obviamente, fuera electricidad, agua y mariconadas,Es más, tras eliminar a un 90% de la población haría un reallity, supervivencia en la isla... Como supervivientes, pero dejaría soldados por la isla, con orden de disparar a todo catalán que vean (se les distinguirá porque no tendrán ropa alguna) y será retransmitido por la 1


im gona tell obama to launch the missiles at spain...brb


tha fuck u say fam

i think its span-tard for allahu akbar

spain is a bullshit country. gerfag out.
>like the tomatos though

whats the source on that actually?

I said I would send every catalonian citizen to Ibiza - it would become the first Concentration-Island. They would have no electricity, water... And probably, once about 90% of those bastards have been killed, they should make a new Reallity, Surviving on the island or something like that. There would be soldiers on there who would shoot every catalonian fag they see (and btw those faggots would be naked). It'd be broadcasted on our national tv channel.

Its from a kinda old show, the name was "Sé lo que hicisteis" that girl is Patricia Conde.

I think I see why catalonians hate castillians


We dont. it's actually pretty much a meme

Like Germans hat Bavarians or Austrians but they are still part of us (even if they like to pretend it is not true)?

post this on Sup Forums

Yep, something pretty similar, it's because of the independece thing! And fuck, after learning some german I do kinda hate bavarians, why can't they speak clearly! I fucked one a test because the Listening part was a bavarian faggot on the telephone...So shitty sound and weird ass accent

>In this thread we pretend it's 1898

Desde que gobierna el PP los vagos habéis dejado de tirados por la ventana. Dad las gracias.

>tirados por la ventana
Sí, da las gracias tú, que ya veo que la LOMCE y las reformas en Educación están haciendo estragos...Joder, qué nivel

>Spain rape to USA
que coño intentabas decir ahí maricón
lárgate a a hacer y que te hagan pajillas los del hilo latino, o vete a a comer mierda,

>implying neutrality is bad
look at WW1
and WW2
and the swiss

if not for the destruction after the civil war we would have gotten out of WW2 unscathed

comfy cup of cafe con leche

>kinda old
I miss it so damn much

come to the tomatina if you haven't already, it's fun as fuck

Don't listen to him. You were of better help than the Italians