Who is the worst hero in your eyes?

Who is the worst hero in your eyes?

Mine is Lich. He's nothing but a walking ult, and his ult works at best 10% of the time because it's so easily mitigated if you see it coming.

Chen, obviously. WTF does that nigger even do?

Outstanding gank and push potential as well as being the second-fastest natural jungler in the game. An aghs chen brings a lot more mid-to-late game utility than many other supports who tend to fall off. But I guess in your 2k games nobody plays him anyway so you wouldn't realize how good he is in the right hands.


lich is a lane dominator, he is not bad at all. This patch im gonna say there isnt really any trash heroes.

If i was gonna make a list id say something like

All of theese heroes are viable, but imo not their best patch


pl I agree, and i've never really seen a successful visage, but clock is always a good tank
>any other MOBA

Im sorry to tell you, but in dota there is no tank role.
Clock is an intiator but there is so many other good options. He is actually my most played hero tho

> Tank

Then explain to me why I always get a VG on DK

Play vidya that takes actual skill

For some reason I'm fucking abysmal with Blood Seeker. 28% win rate with him

I assume you get it to get more tanky, but its a waste of gold. you already have your passive. Im assuming you are below 2k mmr

You got me, I suck at dota. But I have been on-and-off playing since patch 1.0 in WC3.

Don't worry. everyone sucks at dota, some just to a lesser degree.
I dont play dk much, but try get an armlet into hotd, makes you more then tanky enough.

I go ring, boots, helm of iron will, finish VG, finish phase boots, and then either armlet or buriza.

Super sustain, never have to go home, and I can bait myself all day.

My philosophy is to amplify what the hero is already good at.



Thank god. My homosexual attraction to a fucking fish has been met.

ring as in soul ring? do you play him in the safe lane? Usally he is played mid, where i would get a bottle instead. phase boots i dont see how that "amplify what the hero is already good at". I'd go PT anydays. You know you can switch to agi to get more return of your bottle charges right? crit is a good 3rd or 4th item depends if you need bkb

ring of health = no need for tangos or pots

and im amplifying his increased movement speed when in dragon mode

usually offlane due to sustain

I guess anything can work at this mmr, but it's really not a good build, or a place to lane dk. what do you do if you meet a trilane thats keeping you out of xp range?

cry and ask for help

Like? I thought skill based games died 10 years ago

Then your supports will need to ditch the safelane, waste time getting up openeing up for the enemy offlaner. Not being able to tp for atleast 60sec for a counter gank mid, so single handedly you might have lost the game for your team

LOL fucking nigger detected

Whatever, maan. VG on everybody or feed.


spam axe, he is good with vanguard. you can even afk farm for 10min without flaming from your team


Viper = VG
Axe = VG
Clock = VG
Treant = VG
Centuar = VG
Timber = VG
Bristol = VG
Spec = VG
Ogre = VG

Viper is fine, axe is fine, centaur is fine, bristle is fine, timber is fine, spec is fine, am late game when u go for abyssal is fine.

cm, ogre, dk and dp is just retarded

clock is literally shit this patch

Why not CM? You don't need mana, you don't need damage, all you need is HP. Same with DP. It's all about being stronger than they expect you to be.

Dear god you never played against a Offlane lane support lich as a carry then have you? Get some blocking wards out and your safelane carry will have to farm under the enemy tower all game. If the lich has a early ganker as his lane partner your team is almost forced into an aggro trilane just to get the safelane carry some farm. But if you do that then the lane partner goes of elsewhere to gank and the lich just secures the range creep xp with sacrifice and sits under tower.

Lich is so much more than a walking ult man. He completely changes the way you have to lane against him. Forcing your carries XPM and GPM down to a crawl if you team cant work together. and your XPM to a crawl if they can.

Cm needs utility, not hp. Blink, euls, force staff, glimmer etc. Dp needs survivability indeed, but vanguard is not the way. an euls, bloodstone, octarine is much better, shivas is also good on her

Lol butthurt faggot can't play Chen

found the 15y.o newfriend

I don't like too many buttons.

>no tank in dota

what is BB

Go back to league
it is the better choice tho. id recomend pick something else

It's called LoL for a reason

Why Na dota is so shit?

There is EG, just sayin

FIGHT ME PuppeyFace

oh, you mean that team with 2 eu and 1 isis players?

I'd need a 10% deposit for that to happen

Na Open qualifiers just got cucked by EU teams, lulz

And a canadian yeah

>slows attack speed and gives armor
>only shitters wont get a good ult off

maybe you are bad

who was really born in Uzbekistan...
So officialy EG is 80% non american

lol this guy sucks


The micro hero that isn't really viable right now.

So I guess you proved your point

Are you serious? Ld bear can hold items making him practically 2 heroes in 1

PLAYing pl these days is just ultra shit

Really?! That never occurred to me!


>it isn't a patch without a CM buff and a Batrider nerf - FireToad.

Pic related

The worst hero is hands down visage. A shit-tier support with familiars that feed gold and exp.

Lich is very good now that he gets experience from his third spell, it allows you to counterpush and win your lane easily, coupled with his ice armor which is very powerful.

Good luck getting there, LD have a small window bout 20-30mins in game to finish, if you missed that you basicly lost

90% w/r with visage out of 50 games

Dont forget +1 armor to ds or 10 more range for lina attacks

Thes is true but if you make that window you snowball into an unstoppable force

post dotabuff or didnt happen

Fair enough. But is it a risk worth taking? I'd rather get a drow or even tony to whack building

Undying is the best hero in the game no contest