What is Sup Forums vaping on?
General vape thread
What is Sup Forums vaping on?
Vape wild apple of my ice
3mg nic max vg ejuice from vape wild called wrecking ball. at first i didnt like it but now its my favorite. huge clouds and a nice banana flavor
Apple with a touch of cinnamon
Hellz yeah. I just picked this one up. I have always liked Strawberry's and cream and this has become my favorite. I havnt had vapors tongue form it yet ahaha
I jist ordered a 6 sample pack last night. I cant fucking wait to get it.
LOLOL, I have a local vape shop that has all thier products in stock so it is nice to try them all.
Grape. I'malready sick of it.
Lol, I got some Blue raspberry and lemonade from another brand a while back and litterely hated it after the first day, was like I love this I love this then boom, this is fucking gross ahaha
Sadly I don't have that luxury. Whats your favorite flavors?
I don't personally vape a lot. Kicking the cig habit and my friend lent me a setup. But will say that the juice does make it many more times appealing than a cowboy killer.
Heres a bump OP
Actually I only really liked two, the one i am using now whihc is stwarbeyy's and cream and another which I cant remember the name but it was like vanilla cream something. Shit was great. I will go check out the website and tell you the ones I didnt mind.
Def give (s+c)2 a try though, shit is out of this world. I also vape in 6 Lol. Makes a huge difference
currently vaping cool mint mixed with nectarine 6mg nicotine.
recently switched from a vape pen gifed to me by a friend to a box and i love it
Hell yeah dude, I was at 2 packs a day and I have been smoking for a shit lotta time ahaha. Like 12 years, one day a friend let me use his epen while we played minecraft(couldnt smoke in his house) and I was hooked. Now I have advanced to a rda and a badass mod...shit is killa dude.
>butter lung
Heard about that and now I can't touch the stuff.
FUcking crazy change. I think the thing that hooked me the most was the amount of vapor I could get. I try a cig now and then and its just like, wtf where is the vapor ahaha. And they taste like shit
That was a flavor additive they used when it wasnt popular, but since then, it was basically outlawed. No worrys
currently vaping a e liquid called purple haze not really sure about flavour feel a bit like candy
vaping on cool fire iv tc 100w on isub v tank
love dem clouds man
Captain and cream through H-priv 220w...set at 80
agreed, i got the eleaf ipower (still have no clue about other vape products) but its amazing and you can taste so much more.
have any good fruity reccomendations? I have a pineapple mint and watermelon but the watermmelon is pretty shit.
If you havent tried element fusions ejuice youre missing out, strawberry lemonade/key lime cookie is amazing also blueberry donut from mfn donut
Glas Pound Cake
I am doing vistavapors honeydew. Its tastey.
I have a bottle of dirtcheapejuice.com rootbeer that's pretty damn good.
I had something called skooby snack from a shop that closed. Anyone know wtf it is ir where to find it online
I would just spend 10 bucks on some disposable Blu ecig every once in a while. I don't need a huge reason not to do it anymore.
Fuck yeah I am using a reulexaux with a hellboy base and a valocity v2 top Lol. Weird combo but shit works super well. Also got a 6 wrap of 22 guage dual and running about 120 w at 1.8 ohm =)
I started out buying those, loved the classic tobacco havnt actually liked any other tabacco ones, and cant for the life of me find that flavor
I usually smoke muffin man on my vape
Vape wild is a pretty awesome company. The always through in a couple 10ml bottles of random flavors for free along with my order.
Strawberry Circus in 6mg mixed with Milky Shake out of a tfv4 with the clp2 coil sitting on a fuchai 213 box
I actually tried that at my vaoe shop, shit was good, but more into cream type flavors, havnt tied the donut one though, ill look into it
nice machine man
also which online shop you guys order from?
i ussualy buy my liquid from vapeclub
Ohhh I wanna fuchai, heard they are great mods. And that flavor sounds fucking awesome
i must try this flavour i ussualy get blueberry simple one but the taste isnt that amazing
I got a local vape shop that I like. I own a mechanic business, so I do alot of work for the owner and her family, so I get alot fo free shit ahaha
lucky bastard
my local shop only have like simple e liquid like strawberry . blueberry , nothing much mixed flavours or amazing flavours that why i buy my liquid online
Awwwe damn brah that must fucking suck. I started like 2 years ago buying shit offline, and I got fucked so mannnnnyyyyyy times. I hate sweetners too btw, they fuck my cotton and coils up fast, so I like to try out what I vape first, I can now taste how much sweetner is in it Lol
Teleos the Milk
Kilo Cereal Milk
Two amazing flavors. Also looper by ANML
Nice. Sounds good I needa check that out
Damn hope this post doesnt die was faving fun ahaha
here are my fav flavours so far so i like sweets a lot
>pink man
taste like candy
cinamon sweet taste
>red bull
red bulll basicaly but only vape it for once in a while
>purple haze
not sure about the taste but feel like candy
>black jack
liquorish flavour candy
>jelly beans with candy
>almond and caramel
>greek yogurt with blueberry
got like 2 30mg bottle of each lol
Favorite vape, with 6mg
-Nice sweet sugary vanilla with hint of coffee
-Lasts for days
Jeez, sadly I dont have that much money ahaha. I go fron bottle to bottle. But when I find one that I really like I stick with it.
damn bro i must buy this one
Yeah that sounds good as fuck
I'm vaping on the good old Red astaire. Can't get enough of it. I tried several others but none were as memorable.
The "Revel" by Cloud Company was pretty good though, sweet and warm tasting.
Now that I've almost finished my bottle i'm looking up what you guys are vaping on :)
By the way, I have a Tsunami 24 dripper, but I think I'm doing something wrong with it.
I've tried several types of coils (single and dual coils, kanthal, nickel, clapton...) but the vape isn't better than my Bellus RTA. By that I mean same flavour and just a little more vapor production.
Any ideas about what I'm doing wrong or is it the way its supposed to be ?
Thanks man. Yeah the Fuchai is nice, and I haven't even touched their temp control settings or any of the smok tfv4 temp control coils. Another flavor I really like is Cosmos Custard which is like a vanilla custard. I pretty much always but locally. The new FDA laws are kind of fucking with the vaping market right now and places are closing, but I prefer to sample in store over the guess and buy strategy of ordering online. I'm lucky enough to have some decent shops nearby that have sub ohm sample tanks so that helps.
Yeah brah I know what you mean. I hled my local store make events to keep thier business up was kind of cool
Try my build, I wrap 22 g six times, and it is dual coils. Great vapor and flavor, also the rda you use makes a difference too do some research and see some revies on it, and see how people feel about flavor.
You do that with Kanthal ? Alright I will try that.
And I'll look up some reviews to see what's people's opinion about it.
Thanks user
what is this vape thing?
Welcome brah and yeah I only use Kanthal, I dont like the you might's of all the other wires, to me Kanthal is the only safe one ahaha
A very amazing thing sir/madam!
please explain because my life outside of Sup Forums is nonexistant
i may suck dicks but at least i dont vape like you faggots
LOL! I smoked for like 10 or so years, then got a taste of this thing called vape, and now I cant look back, and makes me breathe again MUHAHAHAH!
Well, guess there is a chance of no health risks, I mean unless those dicks has aids or some other std LOL
samefagging by vape wild fag
LOL, honestly I am just fucking amazed my post has lasted so long with nooooo porn ahahaha
Glas pound cake is fuckin heaven so good 10/10 would recommend
I have never tried it, but def will though!!
Hmmmm sounds interesting Lol
Ok so last time I vaped was back in 2010.
The market has changed and I have no idea what autistic products to purchase, that won't make me too autistic.
Reuleaux RX2/3
Is what I want, now what should I put ontop of it?
Do you wind your own coils now? Make your own atomizers? Shit is fucking confusing. Help pls.
Really smooth, great taste and theres a hint of lemon in there but not overpowering
Got one too, and yes gotta wind dem coils Lol. I like my 6 dual wraps of 22g kenthal. Shit is the best mang. Also, I am using a hellboy deck with a velocity v2 top. The regular hellboy is great, but I sropped it at work and broke the drip tip so I managed to work it with a velocity I had Lol
nothing, just killing myself with cigs
So I just need a Hellboy RDA?
Would this work instead of the hellboy?
Nah I like my rda's
So you just drip?
im surprised that no one is hating on vaping, i guess times have changed.
Ocean Front by E-liquid(not the other website). had over 20 bottles of this shit, and it never gets old
I guess it's because a whole lot of us vape to quit cigarettes.
Blueberry HotCakes by Ruthless, pretty good juice.
Reuleuax RX200S, iJoy Tornado Nano running dual fused claptons
>paying for retail bottle prices
>not DIY'ing
stay plebcuck
Tfv8 is the upgrade of the tfv4. I love my tfv4 and have heard nothing but good things about the Tfv8. I like sub ohm tanks with pre-built coils in a variety of different build types and build materials. For me is just so much more convenient to be able to always have new coils on hand. The new FDA law has made it so all new mods will require extremely expensive patent applications. So the Tfv8 was one of the last ones to be released. That makes it a solid purchase since who knows how long it will be before we see new mods start to hit the market.
Yeah I gota an rx200, and a Uwell Rafaele X. It's got a removable center post and a huge build deck. I like it.
Apparently I'm a minority when it comes to the Uwell SS coils. I get good flavor for about 10 hits, then it tastes dry and burnt
Best flavor I've ever had.
Stocked up on 120ml of 6mg
Anarchist v3 with goon 24mm RDA. Or Reuleaux RX200S with Heracles Pro.
Are you running it in temp control or power? Bc it has nickel legs which makes it a bit work properly with TC. It will work in TC with a DNA200, and a few other exceptions but pretty much everything else should run it in power mode.
Edit. The nickel legs make TC work incorrectly and you get a burnt taste. Autocorrect fucked up my original reply.
I've tried both, run them on TC mode at around 50w 470 degrees and 60w in power mode
Wut. I build my own, but from what I heard the UWell coils should run in power mode. This RDA I love though.
avenue la pigalle
What's up Sup Forums I work at a vape shop and vaping on a random ass sample we recently got in, no idea what it is, but it's not bad
Also I do vape-box, so I got:
Bazooka Sour Straws
Mighty Vapors Hulk Tears
Kilo Black series
and my favorite (reminds of when hookah used have tobacco) Bomb Bombz Northern Lights
Also got One Hit Wonder Policeman, and Dead Modz Rainbow Kandi.
I get †ired of heavy flavors, so i goto fruiter ones, but god damn the Northern Lights one love.
yeah, I've moved on from my Crown tank, I only use my tornado nano and Griffin, Tsunami is my go to RDA
I love you got e juice. Every flavor I have tried of theirs I have liked. So far my favorite flavor they have out is called Caramel Custard. Me and my friend call it the nectar of the gods. Their Vanilla Latte is a close second. I also tend to like cereal vapes as well and they have some good ones of those as well.
As to what I am using, I use a Reloux200 RX, with a herikles plus with the kanthol coils generally run at 70 - 80 watts.
anyone uses C-juice?
been looking for some kinds but they are impossible to get in israel and i don't know any online sites i can trust with shipping to my country.
vaping some hemp 9 yellow brick road, its alright. anyone have better suggestions for CBD ejuice?
on what country you live? preety hard getting those juices in mine
Dude, is it worth it?
Nicobine makes some tasty ass cbd juice. it doesn't have that earthy taste to it at all
Lol explain it my good sir, also op is back bitches!!! Was getting a download for vanilla wow going and shit.
if you have slight pain or can't eat, its worth it. Its just like smoking weed without the high. you just get the benefits
Right now it's green apple, melon and mint 4:2:2 and I like it.
LMFAO!! Well I drink a shit ton, and am a bit overwhight so dont think I need this ahaha(drinking takes the pain from my job away)