Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin!

Yes, yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin!


>can cast food
Why even bother from this point?
Just teach me how to cast different meals and leave me be.

You can't create food with magic, he merely teleports it from the kitchens (made by House Elves) to the Great Hall

>We have little creatures doing shit for us
>They're OK with it tho
Isn't that convenient?

Pure kino.

>It's a "Dumblredore sarin gasses the Slytherin barracks" episode

Im really enjoing this newish meme.

>Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff celebrating another house winning

what did they mean by this?

At least it wasn't the Slytherin Nazis


>wizards could literally solve world hunger instantly but dont because of the prejudiced way they view a group of people different from them
>they even openly use a slur to describe them

jk why i thouht u wwere liberal

Damn, I've only now noticed that the other 3 houses also cheer when Griffyndor wins. Amazing how much the odds were stacked against Slytherin, and they still won with what, a 150 points lead?

Honestly, if anything that's the best part of the books. About the only time Rowling decided to do something subtle and morally challenging.

If Slytherin were Nazis, why did the teachers give them more points than the other houses?


Why is Snape clapping like a retard when Slytherin is announed first place?

>said Dumbledore calmly.

>why did Snape give them more points than the other houses?

snape is head of slytherin you dolt.

So why didn't McGonagal just give Gryffindor infinity points?


But Slytherin is evil and Snape is secretly good

The fucking comments, can they be more cringey?

because jk made it up as she went.

How the fuck does the points system even work? People like Snape and McHaggagal throw them out at will and you're telling me after a WHOLE YEAR houses only end up with like 600 points?

Because she's not pathetic like Snape

Not even trolling, there are multiple scenes in the books where Snape favours Slytherin and gives them points for arbitrary things

Every other teacher was biased towards Griffyndor. If anything Snape just evened the odds somewhat.


not true


you can also deduct freely from other houses. So you probably have asshole teachers adding 100 points to their favored house and subtracting 100 from the shitter houses.

>Basilisk venom destorys horcruxes
>Harry got bit by the Basilisk

That shit shouldn't be tolerated. There should be a new headmaster that dissolves the houses and does away with the segregation


idk i rewatched the movies and snape has always loved harry and wanted to protect him but what most people think snape is is some dark motherfucker who only wants to ruin everyone's fun

he's basically just one of those preppy kids in school that only ever follow the rules and don't know how to interact in social situations.
he's grown in the way that his convictions are strong and he has a cause he believes in protecting lily and then in-turn her son after he fails to save her
but he's still the same kid that got bullied by james and the gang

but fawkes

Imagine if this dick head principal did this to your 'team' every single year. Just last minute awarded your rivals a shit load of points so they always won.

This is a beautiful edit btw, the studio should pay you millions to recut all 8 films into indie sun dance director's cut

Harry wasn't destroyed

totally true. hence the complete change in tone to fit with the movies.

and don't give me that "the books matured with the audience" nonsense either.

hufflepuff are known cucks, cedric diggory asked cho chang because he wanted to be cucked by harry potter but he completely forgot that cho didnt know about any of it so the plan failed. its why hes not in ravenclaw.

anyway ravenclaw are smart so they know the important dynamics of interhouse relations. they would have cheered for slytherin

They're cucks. All the Gryffindors fuck Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff bitches.

>idk i rewatched the movies and snape has always loved harry and wanted to protect him

Uhhhhh, no.

Snape despises Harry, he's the spit of James. The ONLY reason he protects Harry is moral obligation to Lily. That's it.

exactly. but he was a horcrux, and basilisk venom destroys horcruxes,

but didn't she have in mind the whole story since the beginning? I watched an interview a long long time ago and rowling said that

>everybody who didn't make them homework gets deducted 10 points from their house
>netto loss of 150 points every single class

It's cool dude, she made hermione black and made a bunch of the side characters transgender and shit so those cis white scum were good xir after all and it's okay to like the series again.

basilisk venom just kills anything it touches pretty much no matter what
unless of course you have pheonix tears

harry ALMOST died. the horcrux would've broken then.

the only reason harry didn't die when volde kadavra'd him in the last movie was because the spell rebounded cause he basically casted it on himself

Why would hogwarts have a house full of evil students?

This scene is so fucking bizarre

well he was actually dying at the time. He was just deus ex phoenix'd back to life.


HBP and DH Part 1 are both really weird movie and are so out of place in the series.

It gets even worse when you consider there's no other grading or test system in Hogwarts. The points are literally the only measure for student performance until those finals in the last few years, which end up being only career aptitude tests.

It's a miracle any of the kids even knew basic spells at the end. The only incentive for learning instead of fucking off and trying random shit with your wand is the school trophy at the end of the year.

Neville chopped nagini's head off, killing her completely. harry was dying, but he didn't die

they're not evil they just go for power above all else or are vainglorious

This. Snape was a passive aggressive beta orbiter and it's fucked up that harry suddenly loves him and names his kid after him at the end and paints his dad as the jock bully.

He 'defends' harry for altruistic 'oh woe is me I sacrificed everything for lily' BS reasons but treats him like shit because he's still emotionally a bitter child.

i'm sure she had a vague idea but it's obvious she changed it as she went.

they had the O.W.L.S which essentially determined the rest of your wizard career based on how well you scored.

remember when russian bear man come and cuck small weak redhead child boy by making of fucking little girl? was good.

Plus Lily and James death are basically Snapes fault.

No I don't think I remember that particular scene in harry potter.

Is... Is this the so called "memekino" I've been hearing so much about?

Fucking perfect 10/10

how new are you. Sup Forums meme-kino exists for a while now.


Sup Forums dubs HOWEVER when?

That Gryffindor bias that Dumbledore had going on was probably the main reason Slytherin was full of hateful bastards seething with spite

>Announcing first place and then awarding bonus points

What a scumbag

>and paints his dad as the jock bully.
That's because he was.

The whole point system is retarded since teachers can just give however many points they want to their pet house at any time.

im glad the german dub sounds 5000x time better than the english crap

After 10 years of baneposting we have finally reached the age of howeverposting

They are slaves. Literally. Bound by magic.

ABS is a disease.


Doesn't Ron's mom make giant meals out of dirt and dogshit? The idea is you can't just create food but you can alter things into food with yes yes, well done mcdonalds happy meal I made out of a dead rat, well done!


Merkelfag detected

Nope, she's a great cook

Yes and?
Its like youve never been to school before


Literally kill yourself

The 80s were a good time for Slytherin winning the House Cup.

And apparently the 1991-1992 year is the year that the Philosopher's Stone is set in


Yes yes well done Meera well done, HOWEVER



Positively Welsh.

I remember getting really bothered by this scene when I firat watched it, and when I rewatched it I laughed at it.

So I approve of this meme! 10/10 meme points.


Does he really say this? The movies are fucked up

Yes yes, well done Wales, well done Wales.


What? They had regular grades and exams every year. And standardized tests. The house cup was nothing but a game

They didn't, only in the later grades. There's no tests, teachers simply award points if students know answers in class.


What's the music?

You have a very weird understanding about what the points are.


Was that the Man of Spiders cameo?

They turn in essays and have final exams every year mate. Though exams do get themselves cancelled a lot

pretty sure it's the sad song from the leftovers

From the Leftovers

Max Richter - November

>All those likes
>Just 1 dislike
LMAOING at that one samefag who talks shit about dumbleposting in every single thread

Why do wizards follow the christian timeline