How many of you come on Sup Forums daily? What threads do you prefer or look for when you do?
How many of you come on Sup Forums daily? What threads do you prefer or look for when you do?
Checking in.
I stay away from trapshit, lolicon, whiteboi call outs, waifuclaiming, blah, blah, blah. I look for something different, like your question, faggot.
Everyday/ only board
Honestly I don't even know why
Porn mostly but I also check to see if there's anything significant going on in the world. It's weird to have this place as a news source.
>How many of you come on Sup Forums daily?
Almost. I get anxious if I don't get my dose of faggotry every now and then.
>What threads do you prefer or look for when you do?
.Webm porn
Any random ass shit that's interesting.
I stopped coming here daily a long time ago because of the same cancerous threads everyday this board has just become a porn dump but I like trying to find threads with interesting topics
I came here to figure out the truth behind the clowns lol
Im only here for ylyl threads
See? That's something you would have to check on here. That's how I heard there would be 300 marines stationed in Norway months before it git mainstream news networks
I like cuck porn and saving other people's naked girlfriends
I like cringe posts
I only go to /gif/ Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Here almost daily. I like the creepshots, the confession threads, and the rekt threads (minus animal abuse).
But I absolutely loathe the trap threads, dick rate threads, and seeing ugly male assholes spread wide. By all means, be gay. But I don't have enough bleach to unsee that shit.
I come for loli, asians, and anything interesting
You dont like pizza? Vegetarian scumbag
There aren't pizza on Sup Forums
I join nearly every post because the anons are always fighting with each other no matter what the subject.
Are there around..
Anything that isn't the same stupid godamn porn/ dubs/politics threads.
Are you me
I come on daily my favorite threads are straight fur threads, ylyl threads, cringe threads, and feminine penis threads
>Rekt threads
>Name my band threads
>OP actually delivers threads
> (OP)
Daily teens with pizza?
I'll subscribe to your newsletter
Been here a while and still don't know what ITT means :^)
"Ingest these testicals" you fucking summer fag