>not bp
b a s e d
>3 threads
you fucking niggers
Not sure if it's because i'm part Thai but I really like Sorn, not even being ironic here
blame the bpshitter ya goof
more like whoa
Her name is bitchjeong. Because she's a bitch.
i like this thing you are doing
her name is sexjeong because god dAMN
>she travels everywhere fully clothed with 10 layers and has permanent safety shorts
If you say so. This is her on a conseravaive
How is it my fault idiot
you're the bitch here, faggot
pretty based dbh
im crying
>tfw I had a dream that Seohyun and I made love after our wedding and stuff
I downloaded the V app but never made an account cause you have to log in with a social network account and I'm afraid to do it because I'm a closeted kpop fan and don't want my friends to see that I have the app.
we don't call her that
enjoying some bbq and making the wife laugh..
word why do you think i married her
on a conservative day.*
Never hit auto when you aren't done typing. Another example.
>yura is slut
>sana is slut
>choa is slut
DA FUG IS WRONG WITH YOU? freaking asscrackers, go kys
they always blame blackpink desu senpaitachi
im going to bed
Keep whiteknighting bitches that make their members feel bad under the pretense of comedy.
we call her strongjeong here
obviously, kids are only allowed to use her PG-13 nicknames
> laboum sponsor leaked vid
leak it here for us then
otherwise what proof is there
also googles pretty sure youre just baiting
honestly if you like Choa you're probably an ugly fat loser
Seohyun and Choa are sluts
No arguing.
why do you type like that
are you kjk?
ahjumma looking slut
Reasoning is pointless, but I get to post pictures
Night night friend
y u typ dat way
Suck my cock, dude. Is that more like it?
they force her to wear revealing clothes, she actually hates it deep down
they're just trolling, everyone knows choa is the epitome of pureness
no but it's a start
it was merely banter
kpg is so angry right now
I love it
post your tributes and maybe
Seohyun wants to be Ariana Grande so bad lol
She drank too much semen and started to gain weight during the Japan tour.
>she actually loves it deep down
choa may look a bit old but she's definitely not a slut
posting gfriend always helps calm kpg down
Not comfy
not your hugbox faggot
this is the real Sexjeong
I like this girl
tfw i'm not a korean high schooler making cover videos with my friends.
i didn't say that! you know i didn't!
see, all you can do is lie and slander my precious pure choa
make kpg comfy again
sexjeong and our hye
word ban bp+twiceshitters immediately
she makes me rock hard
blame the fagpoppers, theyll probably leave once that thing ends
Predictable response
she's our dong
Hidden camera bitch.
sad fucks right here lol
i'm not even posting i'm just watching bts live
Impure women age quicker than pure ones, sadly.
At least I'm not doing what some of her fans are doing to her right now privately.
can we talk about how good that hair colour looks on Rapmon
many people do and i don't blame 'em
>he doesn't have a social media account for kpop shit separated from your real one
babby's first day online
You guys realize we barely pay attention to your posts, right?
that dude is a manlet if he's the same height as choa lol
mother of god look at those mammajammas
I only like 3.5 of them
You can just make a Naver account, I doubt your friends have it
there she is!!!
are those real
>caring what other people think
people like worst shit than i do, so i don't worry to be judged
i'm extremely white and love her too
post seizure inducing mvs, i'll start:
he probably tried to get his hands around her but choa being the pure soul she is, quickly declined it
i wouldn't mind being irene's human toilet
>I doubt you have friends
ftfy if were being honest
I wonder what they like about her...
Thanks for the pic. This is what she is typically wearing out. Just look at the older guy getting a gander.
Japan is full of them.
I bet she pressed up against him willingly. Maybe he even got her number!
wjsn - catch me
you said you were full thai yesterday don't lie
umji is a cute little princess
me in the near future
Lmao but he clearly stated that he has friends silly
remove undershirt
that dude has some really nice thighs
>are a korean girl's physical feature real
what did you mean by this?