1000+ years of art music, centuries of traditional music, 100+ years of jazz and improvised music...

>1000+ years of art music, centuries of traditional music, 100+ years of jazz and improvised music, and over seven decades of erudite electronic music

Yet you spend most of your time listening to metal, hip hop,"experimental", and "indie"?

Please kill yourselves, all of you.

tell me again how older = better

Experimental? Experimental what? Try harder faggot

It's objectively better developed and more fleshed out? Stupid rockist

we hate.

you like?

you know, this whole cooking meat thing might not be worth it, eating it raw is objectively better developed and more fleshed out

>10,000+ years of slavery, intolerance, disease and savagery
>100+ years of world wars, and over seven centuries of advanced warfare

Yet you spend most of your time being nice, tolerant and understanding to other people and using technology?

Please kill yourselves, all of you

faulty analogy after faulty analogy


Stop liking things I don't like!

>100+ years of jazz and improvised music
Improvised music is as old as music.
The great composers were also the best improvisors of their time.

>he doesn't know Varg-sama

technology is also new, looks like we've got to get rid of it because someone on an anonymous tibetan stitching website told me so

You wanna get laid her beautiful?

Answer thus, Brady is..

>tens of thousands of years of mankind shitting in the woods and wiping their asses with leaves

Yet you idiots use toilets and toilet paper?

Please kill yourselves, all of you

I'm a part of what some people call the popular music enthusiasts and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the uptight and bourgeois culture that dominates Austrian conservatoires.

>11.5 billion+ years with no life
>3.5 billion with life

Yet you spend most of your time being alive?

Please kill yourselves, all lifeforms.

>listening to One Direction is the same as lighting a pig on fire
Come on now, if you're gonna be an anarchist be a fucking anarchist

man jessy is a ugly lesbian

Where does that pic come from?

Adorno would kick you out of his lecture

I just searched google for anarchist gas mask and combined it with the BORN TO DIE meme. I used to be a /leftypol/ poster, it was a hot meme there.

This is why everyone hates poseurs

Just go back to RYM bitch

So the opposite of "poseur" is "normie".

Good to know.