Movies plebs will never understand

pic related.

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I'm fucking shaking right now thinking about how based Verhoeven is.



Shoegirls was freaking dumb sorry

You just don't get it.


Showgirls is a masterpiece on the highest level.

>prime Angelina



Easily one of if not the most underrated and misunderstood films of all time.

>Mein entire filmography

>basically my message is fuck yourslef


What? No. Everybody loves that movie. You're totally missing the point of this thread.


>Everybody loves that movie. You're totally missing the point of this thread.
I wish, besides the mixed critical reception I hear people shit on it all the time on this board and others



All I see when I look at that poster is a scary af earthworm jim style woman worm creature


Made me laugh.

I watched this a few nights ago along with Super Mario Bros: The Movie. Thoroughly enjoyable if kinda obnoxious, and I really loved the casual racist humor.

Fuck I miss the nineties

Fucking this. Jesus christ, it's freaking me out

Must be weird not having guys cum on ya

Yes! The last great racist comedy.

