When did u grow out of atheism?

when did u grow out of atheism?

for me it was around 23

Was pretty atheistic all my life. Got passionate about it arround 13-14 for some reason.

Now realised I don't give a shit, and it doesnt matter anyway because I'll die one day. Never thought about it again.

Pascals wager is pretty stupid

Eternal anything sounds awful. I'm almost certain that even the most optimistic person would fine heaven so tedious after a thousand years that they will be begging to off themselves.

But... that's atheism. If you don't care. Then that means you aren't religious and hence, an atheist.

And you can't. You try and try and try but you can't kill yourself. You hate the tediousness so much that you want to die but you can't...and then you realize.

This isnt heaven at all.

You can be agnostic and just go about your life without being insufferable to everyone around you.

You can fly around the universe and see all the other planets and such.
Maybe even make your own amusement park and ride the steamroller all day for a couple of days.
So many things you can do, you will never get bored.

And that's assuming you're cognitively the same being in this eternal afterlife. Assuming you are, you're right it would be torture after a certain amount of time.

Or you could be atheist and just go about your life without being insufferable to everyone around you.

You know you can be an Agnostic Atheist right? They aren't mutually exclusive.

In an infinite amount of time you will certainly get bored even if you did have the ability to explore all reality. What happens when you've seen and done everything that you could conceive or wanted to do? I'm assuming you're young. The mind changes over time. You will realize that the human brain just like our bodies are not capable of eternal life.

Agnostic is such a useless term.
Agnostic just means not knowing and has nothing to do with faith.

You can be an agnostic atheist as in:
I don't know for sure but I don't believe so

Or agnostic theist as in:
I don't know for sure but I believe there might be something

Most atheists are agnostics.

Just one problem- which religion is correct? The ones promising eternal joy in return for unwavering faith are the same ones threatening eternal suffering for giving it to the wrong one.

You do realize atheism is based on faith, right?
I've never seen an atheist prove anything without faith or a strawman, I've never seen a mono/polytheist prove anything without faith or blind zealotry.
I'd rather just not give a shit.

What if you don't have a belief or leaning to one side or the other and truly beleive that it is unknowable. Agnostic would be an appropriate term.

The one promising for eternal joy

All religions were created by men in an attempt to explain the universe before the means to conduct the experiments to find the right answers. You don't "pick the right one." They're all failed attempts based on faith (guessing/making shit up). Now that we know the truth we can put these early fairytales behind us. It's a shame people have such a hard time letting go.


And what makes you think that an atheist who has lived his life ethically would suffer in a world where an all-good god exists?

OP, if your belief is there only because you fear violence from outer space, you don't actually want to believe.

Faith based on saving your own skin is pretty much the opposite of what your religion teaches.

What it teaches instead is compulsory love for a god who acts like a human being in a world where resources are rare, making him experience the emotions of poverty: greed, jealousy, and anger.

Oh, and yeah, the belief in a god is a hypothesis that has no evidence for it nor against it, just like the hypothesis that nobody but your own mind exists and that we are all part of your eternal psychotic trip. They are ideas of equal value.

Nice meme also samefagging the entire thread you nolife neckbeard while disregarding the post (2nd) that basically /threaded your retarded thread, of course I'm talking about this reply But hey, I know you're a troll, this is the basic fucking le trolle started pack from 10 years ago.

and you retarded retards reply to this shitty trolling attempt

Because the vast majority of humanity are still scared apes with over inflated egos and minimal mental discipline. Every race and culture on this planet has a small minority that are critical of their own culturally imposed beliefs. The true divide on this planet is not racial or cultural, It's intellectual and the stupid own this planet now and forever.

I'll grow out of Atheism when God comes out of his room.

wrong, here's how it really is.

OP is a neurotic religious fag.

The God that the west deludes themselves with is all-loving and encompassing, when that is objectively not true from the very source they use to argue that in order to brainwash more youth into their mental slavery. God is actually quite an evil and devious bastard, who is to say you will get a free pass simply for believing? Who is to say they are worshipping him in the right way? Which, by the way, they already aren't, as they continue to paint their God out to be something He is not. And that is something you can't argue.

I know we must not feed trolls but nonsense like this triggers the shit out of me.

>You can be agnostic
you've done it now. inb4 butthurt nerds... oh, wait... i'm already too late

Athiest is not having faith. Agnostic is not having knowledge. Technically speaking, everyone is an agnostic, as devout christians are supposed to have faith without proof. When people say that they're "agnostic", most of the time they're technically just an athiest. They just also happen to be apatheist: they think the existance or non existance of god(/s) has no bearing on them.

cool. Thanks for the clear up.

>Atheism based on faith
Atheism isn't comparable to theism. It doesn't make any statements other than "This person does not believe in god."

Believing there is no god is different, and suprisingly common and dishonest. That doesn't have a term, but is distinct from atheism. It would be like, contratheism or something

I don't believe that this thing exists =/= I believe that this thing does not exist

You can't convince someone to believe something they don't believe by telling them they will get a prize.


"Um.. you have a pet lion?"


"dood.. you don't own a lion"

When I was lobotomized.